It didn’t start with this president, or even the one before him, though George Bush did make a serious mistake by characterizing Islam as “a religion of peace”. That entirely false premise has hampered this country’s ability to clearly identify and define a proven and sworn mortal enemy of America, and the entire western world for that matter.
In some strange Pavlovian fashion, no doubt fostered by the ‘governing elites’ of both parties, and promulgated by the ever submissive and slavish lame stream media, whenever the words Muslim, Islam, Islamist or CAIR show up, everybody just clams up and gives it all a great big pass.
Anything Islamist, good. Anything American or patriotic, bad. The denial of the simple facts, that a short course in recent history reveal a systematic series of obfuscation, diversions and outright lies about attacks against us, going back a good 20 or 30 years. 31 years to be precise… with the internationally perceived weak pacifist and apologist Jimmy Carter.
In the murky, factional, pseudo-political, tribal-based, religious, squabbling world of the Middle East he was not only not to be feared, he was to be despised for his weakness. So despised, as a matter of fact, that they (the Islamo-fascists) felt confident enough to invade our embassy, sovereign American soil. An out-and-out declaration of war.
When faced with the strength and determination of a Ronald Reagan, they immediately rolled over. They knew, just as every true coward and bully does in his heart of hearts, that this was a man
not to be trifled with.
Islam is not, and never has been, a religion of peace. It is, in fact, a death cult. Its writings promote death, torture, conquest, persecution, rapine and oppression. It is the only ‘so-called’ religion on Earth that canonizes conquest and the slaughter of innocents.
Our Dr Doom has a magnanimous view of Islam, probably as a result of his early exposure to all things Muslim. Later, as we know, his anti-American hatred would be honed at the crucible of avowed communist ex-officio Frank Marshall Davis.
That’s what has bothered me most about Dr Doom. After the first few times I heard the guy speak I thought, ‘This guy doesn’t like America. I can hear it in his voice’. It was true. For all his high-flown rhetoric he doesn’t
sound like an American. He sounds like someone observing America, but not a part of it… a stranger in our midst.
America and the entire western world had better wrap their minds around the fact that we are up to our necks in an inter-generational, world-wide war that may last for a century… with people who do not compromise, who only respect power, and absolute power at that, who will stop at nothing to achieve their stated goal of worldwide conquest.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2010