It’s refreshing to see the layers of the Democrat-Marxist debacle peel away, revealing layer after layer of rot, revealing more and more of who they really are. They’ve been exposed as never before.
Supremely arrogant in their insurmountable majorities, they forged ahead time after time ignoring the stated will of the American citizen. These DeMarxists suborned the Constitutional process repeatedly, in their breakneck rush to embroil the nation so deeply in their Marxi-Socialist pipe dreams. With the immaculation (thanks, Rush) of Barack Hussein Obama, the scene was set.
With the inevitable (and engineered) crash of the housing and mortgage loan industries, the DeMarxists made their move. People are much more amenable to being stampeded into doing something really stupid if they are frightened and uncertain. What we saw occur between 2008-2009 was nothing less than a trainwreck… millions of Americans losing their jobs, homes and savings due to the worst recession since the great depression.
The tidal wave that swept Barack Obama to the presidency receded, leaving the flotsam and jetsam of Marxist dogma infesting the halls of government and the Democrat Congress, whom I choose to identify with the descriptive ‘DeMarxist’.
Once the American people got over the initial shock of having our government tell us that unless we gave them the keys to the kingdom the sky would fall, Americans started asking questions and following the money. All over the nation, Americans came together and said “No! This isn’t right and it shall not stand”.
Yesterday, we had a federal judge rule the prime tenant of Obamacare ‘unconstitutional’. What’s more, we’ve challenged Congress’s use of the Interstate Commerce Act, under which auspices they have repeatedly circumvented the Constitution using the commerce clause, garnering more power to themselves in the process.
I’m pretty sure that once the unconstitutionality of so much of what the Obama cabal has done is scrutinized it can be overturned, unregulated or unfunded. We need to play Constitutional hardball. Hear that, Boehner?
The Republican party has the greatest opportunity of our lifetimes to put this country back on a Constitutional path.
Don’t blow it!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2010
Don't Be a Dried Up Worm
Some of my earliest memories are fishing with my grandfather. I could not
swim, so he strapped me into an ancient, ill-fitting lifejacket that reeked
of ol...
1 year ago
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