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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Victory Was Only The First Battle.

While it might be tempting to stand back a little and bask in the warmth of the real victory we experienced four weeks ago, it’s just another day as far as the enemies of America are concerned.

Has anybody paid any attention to the latest crop of RINOs to emerge? How many Republicans are going to peel off and vote against the prohibition of earmarks? The sooner we know the better.

Mark Levin said that we shouldn’t waste any time primarying these as they come up for election. I agree. Let’s purge the party of those who, given the slightest chance, break invariably to the left. They’ll only let us down in tight spots. Another thing that Mark said yesterday, which rings loud and true, is that this is no time to allow the DeMarxists to change the language surrounding our issues.

This is no time for timidity on the part of our leaders. We expected warriors, not milquetoast accommodationists. We, the people of the United States, put you there. We gave you the hammer… now use it.

John Boehner and Eric Cantor have just put themselves in my spotlight. They’re actually agreeing to talk to Obama about taxing the rich. What the…?! Sorry, guys, but that just won’t hack it. There will be no compromise on tax increases, or you may as well turn in your restroom keys now. You don’t make deals with a serpent, and Obama is a snake, pure and simple.

We told you from the beginning that the price of patriot support was aggressive conservatism based on our strong values. We didn’t send you there to split hairs or principles with the DeMarxists. We sent you there for one reason and one reason only… to defeat them. To defeat them utterly, and remove the taint of Marx, Lenin and Engels from the American body politic.

The other price which we exact is scrutiny. This may be a good object lesson for the incoming class. Don’t for a second think we’re not watching you. We are, and we will be.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2010

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