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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Conspiracy Of The Lawless II.

This is the eve of the most important election of our lifetimes. Quite possibly the most important in our country’s two hundred and thirty six year history, keeping mindful that we were fighting for our freedom then, and that this election is no less than a war to maintain those freedoms preserved for us in fields of conflict all over the globe.

Barack Hussein Obama is an evil man. Look beneath the false smile and ingratiating words and there’s rot and corruption seething away just under the surface. This is an extreme left-wing radical, inculcated from birth with ultra radical memes. Why be surprised by a snake when it behaves like a snake?

There are some disturbing facts out there that seem to be getting ignored in all the Lame Stream Media’s hype, hoopla and misdirection. In the first part of this article, published last week, I mentioned Janet (the Mustache) Napolitano. Her ‘Homeland Security’ has set new standards for intrusive deviance and malfeasance in office… while ‘securing’ absolutely nothing. Three hundred and fifty-one or more Homeland Security ‘officers’ dismissed for theft. Thuggish behavior, more in line with Adolf Hitler’s ‘Brown Shirts’ than an American agency, are the rule rather than the exception.

The contempt with which the American citizen is held is obvious to even the most casual observer. This is a definite reflection of the attitude of the leadership of the regime in Washington from the very highest level, starting with MaoBama himself. ‘Homeland Security’ is beginning to spread its poisons into mainstream America in ways that are far more reminiscent of the feared German Geheime Staatspolizei (or Gestapo) or, more recently, the East German Stasi… Random stops of law-abiding American citizens at train stations, bus stops and reportedly along our nation’s highways.

Recently, ‘Homeland Security’ showed up at a Mitt Romney rally. Screening for terrorists or a not-too-subtle intimidation tactic? Yet any person of obvious middle-eastern extraction will have them cowed and wagging their little stumps of tails like puppies, to ingratiate themselves while extolling the virtues of multiculturalism.

Has anyone, anyone at all, in our vaunted (in their own minds) Republican leadership bothered to question why civilian agencies require seven hundred and fifty million rounds of hollow point .40 caliber ammunition? To put that figure in perspective, US Forces expended some five billion rounds of small arms ammo in the entire war in Vietnam. That was in mostly ‘heavy’ combat in a period of eight and a half years. So what are US civilian agencies, who have as a rule little or no small arms training, going to do with 750 million rounds of hollow point ammo, if not kill Americans? Are they going to repel boarders at our national borders?

Add this uncomfortable fact. Barack Hussein Obama has steadily been garnering powers to himself which are not granted to the president by the Constitution of the United States. Is this because he fears the real will of the American people? We’ve seen the increasing reports of massive intent to commit voter fraud, from sources all over the country. What if that’s not enough? Will MaoBama declare a national emergency on some pretext and martial law to follow?

One of our affiliates is ‘Back To Basics’, an excellent conservative blog site. One of the regular writers there that I enjoy is Alan Caruba. His articles are well-researched and hard-hitting. I’m always proud and gratified to see my articles up there with writers of his caliber. He stated in an article he wrote recently (Sept 19, 2012) that America was being prepped for martial law by the least law-abiding president in our nation’s history. The implications are plain… martial law! The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law… all gone in a heartbeat, by the tyrant we all saw coming.

Alan states at the end of his article that Americans should march on Washington, should the unthinkable occur, and demand the removal of the lawless one and his entire cabal. Alan, you’re dead on and I couldn’t agree more heartily.
‘Live free or die’ comes to mind.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Conspiracy Of The Lawless.

Barack Hussein Obama considers himself above the law, as he has shown on myriad occasions during his reign of durance vile. His DeMarxist Congressional leaders certainly have not scruple one between them. We can go right on down the list of his government from top to bottom.

Hillary Clinton is culpable in what is obviously and rapidly becoming the greatest foreign policy implosion in modern history. The Justice Department, under the uber-lawless Eric Holder, has set new and ominous standards for the utter disregard of the rule of law and the US Constitution. Take your pick. From Kathleen Sebelius, who aided and abetted Planned Parenthood’s illegalities in the State of Kansas… to the activities of Janet (the mustache) Napolitano, who has fostered an entire hierarchy in her department of “like-minded” individuals who have made harassment of a sexual nature an unpleasant reality for those who have to serve under them. More on Ms. Janet later.

MaoBama’s phantasmagorical flight of fancy in which he, and he alone, would be the arbiter between a greatly weakened and diminished America and the seventh century savages that make up the world of Islam, has collapsed like a deflated balloon. Make no mistake about it… this administration, which has left our embassies and our foreign service personnel virtually defenseless in the most unstable region on the planet, is culpable as hell.

The fact that they clung to the narrative as long as they did… that a 14-minute trailer to a supposed film no one has seen and which, incidentally, was shot months ago, inflamed the whole middle east, would indicate naiveté and a disconnect with reality which is difficult for any thinking person to fathom.

Whether on the international scene, or the increasingly desperate thrashings of MaoBama and his DeMarxists here at home, there are disturbing indications that Mao may have already set the stage for an end run around our election laws and the electoral process. Needless to say, the Constitution would not present much of a barrier to Mr Mao should he decide to stage a coup. ‘Not in this country’, you say. Don’t be too sure. El Flaco Communista has shown all the propensities of a third world tyrant… Developing…..

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Very Thin Red Line.

Barack MaoBama is standing on Israel’s last nerve. Having abrased his way through all the goodwill the Israelis can muster, he’s really barking up the wrong tree. The Israelis, unlike our Mr Obama, are not deluded by anything this worst president in American history, or his lackeys, have to say. Stark realism is always at the root of the Israeli soul. It’s been deeply ingrained in them by centuries of pogroms suffered during the long diaspora, culminating in the ovens of Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzec… or any of the names which are associated with the holocaust.

MaoBama has read the Israelis wrong from day one. Have you noticed any of the pics of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the Anointed One? Netanyahu doesn’t take his eyes off of Obama for a split second. His gimlet-like stare is like somebody watching a venomous snake in the grass around camp. This is the face of a man who has seen the real Obama and is not impressed. Benjamin Netanyahu knows exactly who and what Barack Hussein is.

He also knows what we of the American Tea Party Patriots have known all along. MaoBama is a pathological sociopath, a man with a fractured past and not one shred of conscience. The Israeli prime minister realizes that his country is alone in facing an increasingly bellicose and dangerous Iran, and her surrogates throughout the region.

That Israel has seen this time coming, and has been preparing for it for years, makes the reality no less poignant. The rosiest scenario would be if Israel were to strike and the rest of the western nations would be pulled in by virtue of self-interest, if for no other reason.

Iran is going to have to be defeated… period. Iran’s radical theocratic leadership will not be swayed from their course of war, conquest and death. I’m not sure what it is about the occidental mind that can not grasp the simple concept that, to Islam and Moslems, we are the antithesis of everything the ‘Death Cult’ espouses with such barbaric savagery. You won’t get them to play nice… Ask MaoBama.

Yes, it’s a Thin Red Line. “Never again” and “Never forget” are deeply ingrained in the soul of every Israeli. Remember the determination on Benjamin Netanyahu’s face, as he confronted the Anointed One’s lackey State Department clown? Israel will attack Iran, and soon.
The only thing I can think of to say is ‘Godspeed’.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fruits Of Obama Foreign Policy.

Absolutely incredible! Our first Moslem President has made the ineptitude of the Carter years look like sheer genius. How is it that someone, who is supposedly so tuned-in to all things Moslem, can misread the entire Middle East for so long?. Unless by purposeful intent, which I suspect is more truth than fiction, denigrating and denying our allies and giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

Watching the knuckleheads of the Lame Stream Press contorting themselves, to somehow spin what’s occurring across the Arab world, would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. The events in Cairo and Libya, by any definition, are an act of war against the United States of America. By any definition, that is except the feckless inept tools of the MaoBama government, headed by the mindless cackling coming from the State Department’s foggiest, none other than the Hildebeast herself, Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose grandiose visions of herself as president in 2016 just went up in flames, along with our embassy in Libya. Sovereign American territory violated by carefully planned and orchestrated acts of war by Islamists.

The sideshow perpetrated by the Lame Stream Media bears upon the so-called film by Nakoula B. Nakoula, a Coptic Christian residing in Southern California, purported to be the ‘source’ of the ‘rage’ engulfing much of the Middle East. There are reports that Nakoula, already on Federal probation for bank fraud and other ‘financial’ irregularities, including using relatives names to open fraudulent accounts, may have been attempting to use the film to raise capital from investors and then abscond with the funds. Side show indeed. The LSM, desperate to run cover for MaoBama’s catastrophic foreign policy ineptitude, is still trying to convince somebody… anybody… that this is the source of the Moslems’ anger at the US and all things western.

No matter how you slice it, the blood of our Ambassador and the other Americans who died at the hands of these Islamist animals is on the hands of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. There was a time in the not-too-distant past when any such behavior by any foreign government would have triggered an immediate response by our government, usually backed up by military force.

MaoBama’s ineptitude is glaringly visible to the entire world. It really says something when, here at home, Mexican Police are arresting real al Qaeda operatives who are attempting to penetrate our borders disguised as Mexican illegals. Not that penetrating our southern border is all that tough. Hundreds of thousands of illegals of all descriptions have flooded across our borders since MaoBama took office… not that the Republicans under George Bush were much better.

It’s a very dangerous game that MaoBama and his incompetents are playing, in an increasingly dangerous world. We have placed our best and closest ally, Israel, in the unenviable position of having to attack Iran by themselves, as a direct result of MaoBama’s cowardly incompetence. But, attack they will, and sooner rather than later. I fully expect Obama to then grandstand and make a great show of ‘support’ for Israel, in order to bolster his non-existent foreign policy credibility.

We have a bare 52 days until the 2012 presidential elections. It’s all up to us now. The Tea Party Patriots have to rise up as never before. It will be us, and our allied patriot groups, and all citizens who love their country and seek to maintain freedom for their children, that will have to pull us over the line to victory. Freedom or penury.
It’s your choice.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Life On The Old Plantation – Mindless Lockstep At The DNC.

The lemmings go marching two by two… it’s the same oddball mishmash of fringe extreme left-wing wing nuts. This time with a really ominous refrain.

The gaggle of misfits, malcontents and freeloaders came together three times to deny the very existence of God. From a biblical standpoint, probably not a smart thing to do. From a political standpoint, it may just have cost the DeMarxists whatever fringe elements of the fundamentalist south they still held under their hypnotic gaze. Nominal Catholics, those identifying as Catholic but not actively practicing, who as ‘independents’ went big for MaoBama in the 2008 election, may desert the sinking ship as well… rightly interpreting the obvious disdain for the Creator as an attack on Mother Church.

I broke a rule I’ve had for myself from just about the time Dee (my editor) convinced me to begin this column. I’d purposely avoid the usual news coverage of proceedings that I’d considered writing about. I didn’t want outside postulations to color my opinions of events. Having admitted to watching the RNC convention while in the hospital, I did watch portions of the DNC luvfest.

Further, I listened to the seemingly endless parade of losers, apologists and hysterical, moon-eyed, brain-dead, MaoBama symbionts as they spewed lie after outrageous lie, many manufactured of whole cloth to their adoring and slavish base… primarily, the Lame Stream Press et al, who, in their collective ecstasy with speaker after speaker, built to a truly orgasmic crescendo with the long and somewhat self-serving, disjointed ranting of the great Bubba and serial abuser of women, William Jefferson Clinton.

What he really did was to illustrate Obama’s ineptitude while stroking his own meager accomplishments, which were mostly forced upon him by Newt Gingrich and a Republican Congress who weren’t under the Clinton spell. An impeached, failed president pleading for four more years of exactly what we’ve been suffering since this present inept fool was immaculated.

Another question begs some attention as well. It seems every Moslem organization in America with direct ties to terrorist groups was embraced by the DNC who, I’m afraid, are just self-absorbed and naive enough not to see the threat implicit in the stated goals of these subversives. There is going to come a time when the Moslems in America, who are so eager to hide behind our flag and continue to spew their poison, are going to have to fish or cut bait.

What I took away from the Democratic National Convention was a sense of ‘there’s nothing new here’. It’s the same old song with a very sad price tag still attached. Eighty eight million able-bodied people out of the work force. No matter how the DeMarxists and their surrogates in the Lame Stream Press spin this most recent jobs report, it still stinks. That’s what MaoBama and the DeMarxists are stuck with. No matter how they spin it, it’s their economy and that’s what, in the final analysis, is going to be MoaBama’s downfall. From my lips to God’s ears.

Now, Romney and Ryan have to pound away on the economy… the economy… It’s the economy, stupid.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

While I Was Gone…

In writing, especially in the era of the new media, you’re only as good as your last publication… in our case, that was a couple of weeks ago. Dee, my fearless editor, and I both have full time careers. Dee in particular has an awful lot on her plate… I honestly don’t understand how she does it all.

We’ve experienced a sort of enforced hiatus due to a long overdue hiatal hernia reduction that I should have taken care of years ago. The operation, as such, went extremely well, except that I contracted pneumonia as a result of the anesthesia… so I spent a couple of extra days at the VA hospital up at Palo Alto. Great hospital, superb care… but undoubtedly the worst place there is to get any rest. So, I’ve spent the last few days luxuriating in rest and unbroken sleep.

Nothing bores me worse than other people’s health issues, and rightly so… it has no place here. But I felt that we owed an explanation to our regular readers. My stay at the hospital did give me a chance to watch the Republican National Convention in detail… much more so than I ever could have, otherwise.

Most of our national television coverage is so leftward leaning and so badly in lockstep with MaoBama and his DeMarxists that they themselves scarcely know fact from fiction. The Convention, by and large, was a spectacular success in introducing the country to a very strong Republican ticket. It’s a strong conservative ticket with something the DeMarxists don’t have, thanks to all you Patriots out there… we’ve got a deep conservative bench. Thanks to all of the American Patriots (read: Tea Party) out there, we have a real shot at turning this country around.

It’s also pointed out fatal weaknesses in the Republican establishment’s mind-set. It’s obvious to me, and to most dedicated conservatives, that Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan over the (more ‘acceptable’) choices of the RINO crowd, such as Rob Portman or Crispy Cream Chris Christie, went against the dumbed-down vanilla beltway crowd.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan complement each other in so many different areas that it’s easy to see why the country is excited. This is a winning ticket. Look around the country and you’ll see Tea Party endorsed candidate after candidate winning in both local and state elections and primaries. Don’t think it hasn’t been noticed by the DeMarxists, either. As they get more and more desperate they increasingly become a clear and present danger to your freedom, to our freedom, and the promise of a free and independent life for our children and grandchildren.

This is it. It’s the whole nine yards right here and right now. We have our marching orders. Now let’s go out and do it!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012