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Monday, November 5, 2012

MaoBama’s Hatred Of All Things American Comes Home To Roost.

I don’t want to sound trite… or maybe I do. It didn’t take me very long to realize that my ‘truth detector’ was going off the charts when it came to Barack Hussein Obama, starting as far back as Obama’s speech in front of the DeMarxist convention in 2004, when he was still a state senator in Illinois.

He was immediately lauded as the ‘future’ of the Marxists in America. I had him pegged as an empty suit back then. Watching his ‘seamless’ rise to political prominence was suspicious to begin with. The uncontested ‘nature’ of his State Senate and US Senate runs, and the methods employed to obtain those victories, helped me to decide that Barack Hussein Obama was someone who deserved contempt, certainly not adulation.

I think that patriots in general are more aware of government and politics. We were beginning to gel as the loosely organized, but highly motivated groups, that eventually swallowed the 2010 elections whole. So it didn’t take long for the Tea Party Patriots, whose numbers even back then, 2008-2009, were beginning to swell. It’s as if we were of one mind, though greatly separated by geography and distance. We began to look for evidence of who this man was, who had just been elected President of the United States. We didn’t have long to wait.

We had no one to blame but ourselves, for many reasons that I have gone over ad nauseam in this column going back to the beginning. I saw Obama as an ideologue of the first stripe. He sounded like a Marxist, though the LSM already had their shallow intellects casting out cover stories when something didn’t look good for their chosen one.

Obama immediately set to work to accomplish two main goals. First, destroy the economy so that American citizens would have no choice but to come to government with open hands. Secondly, destroying our standing as a respected (and feared) world superpower, so that we would have ‘parity’ with nations whose peoples have never seen a flush toilet or had an understanding of basic personal hygiene. He ran from enemy capital to enemy capital, supplicating and groveling in front of people who wanted nothing more than the death or enslavement of our people.

He undermined our allies, humiliating them time after time. Overweening arrogance is his stock in trade… his only stock in trade. His trafficking with terrorist front organisations goes on to this day. His White House has been penetrated by Islamic radicals, or those with direct ties to them. His Homeland Security, in a direct reflection of the President’s own attitude, has taken on a frustrating and illegal campaign of harassment and humiliation of American citizens. His new ‘brownshirts’, under the leadership of Janet (basso profundo) Napolitano… these brave and loyal Americans have garnered some 450 million rounds of 40 caliber softnosed ammunition. I can guarantee you one thing. It ain’t for hunting quail.

Let’s talk about his criminal treatment of our armed forces in Afghanistan, and other theaters as well. Undermanned, forced into absolutely crippling rules of engagement in another war we are fighting to lose. Our borders are a war zone for those of our people who work them while trying their level best, despite a government who would send them armed only with bean bags against a foe armed with Russian AK-47s supplied by Eric Holder’s ‘criminal’ Justice Dept. His aim has been the destruction of the greatest military the world has ever seen. He and his ilk have nothing but contempt for the military.

In the darkest days of the recession, around 2008-2009, especially back in the days when MaoBama was getting absolutely everything on his handlers’ (whoops, did I say that? Guess I did) agenda, I kept writing that all of the things MaoBama and his DeMarxists were doing are not only being noted by the American people, it would be remembered. I further wrote that America’s notorious short memory would be in absentia… that Americans would remember, and that we were on the march to regain our country and our honor. And we marched… in our millions we marched.

Less than a day remains… that one day more to make a difference. We stand on the brink of a huge victory. Don’t stop now.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Catch The Wave.

You can see it on the horizon. It’s swelling, rising, as we speak… its speed deceptive, disguised by its magnitude, threatening to sweep everything in its path.

Remember when the DeMarxists wrote us off after the last election? American patriots, under the nom de guerre of the Tea Party, had just finished handing the left (and a few RINOs) a sixty-year shellacking, and one of historical proportions at that. The insane predictability of the left never fails to amaze me. DeMarxist mouthpieces started bleating all around the country… “That was it, they (the Tea Party) shot their bolt, it’s over, it was a freak occurrence and it won’t happen again”. Then they wrote us off. As far as the LSM was concerned, we never happened. I guess they thought we’d simply dissolved and returned to our plebian enclaves.

‘Tea Party’ became a term they’d use to demonize anyone who disagreed with the regime’s horse doo doo. Funny thing happened on the way to the election. We matured as a movement. We did anything but disappear. We didn’t have to import bus-loads of union thugs into the communities. We are the communities. We went from organizing huge anti-Marxist rallies to grass roots organizing in the towns and cities across America.

We sang the song of freedom, and America listened. We brought forth solid constitutional conservative candidates in local and state races and, wonder of wonders, we began to make inroads into heretofore solidly liberal bastions. Not so wondrous really. Harken back to the elections of 2010 again. That self same groundswell that swept so many enemies of freedom from office is out there again… and it’s much larger now.

Dick Morris, in his column this week, predicts a Romney/Ryan landslide. I’ve been hesitant to make such a prediction given Barry Hussein’s predilection for illegal and criminal subversion of the laws of our land. The signs have been out there for all to see, but I’ve had the impression that we had to pinch ourselves to be convinced that what we were seeing and sensing was true. Much of this goes back to the obfuscation and constant political smokescreens being sent out to cover for the LSM’s Messiah.

Meanwhile, sensing doom ahead, the Anointed One is sending out his legions of ‘red diaper doper baby’ shyster lawyers (thank you Michael Savage) to find any way they possibly can to bollox vote counting, especially in key districts in swing states. They will be met with Patriots, lawyers and poll watchers.

We have the power, the numbers and the momentum. If we sweep this election like I think we can, it won’t matter how many union thugs and progressive shysters they have. I just finished talking to three people who thought their vote couldn’t matter. I convinced them it did… that they would never in their lives cast a more important ballot and that this is indeed an election where their vote would count. There’s three days left out there for you to do the same thing. If every one of you just talked to two people, that would mean tens of thousands of votes for freedom.

Don’t forget the Senate races, either. We have an excellent chance of taking the Senate away from Harry Reid and his DeMarxists. This has evolved into a ‘turnout’ race.
Let’s make sure everyone we know turns out!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012


How do you think the spin is going to go when the LSM’s (Lame Stream Media) ‘Chosen One’ sails off to Valhalla, or wherever it is they farm out old worn-out commie ideologues? It occurred to me that the one group that could not find a depth of moral or professional depravity too low to plumb, in order to further the myth that is Barack Hussein Obama, just may have been in large part responsible for what could be a historic landslide repudiation of everything Barry Hussein and his DeMarxists stand for. The LSM created a myth in their own fevered mind.

Whoever the ‘they’ are that nurtured and shielded the nascent Barack Hussein Obama on his meteoric rise to Marxist prominence, which included the sequestration of all of MaoBama’s personal records from his questionable birth records, right through to his relatively meteoric rise from the streets of Chicago as a lowly ‘community organizer’ and shyster for the thankfully now discredited ACORN organisation are, in my opinion, the same ones who have directed the media’s fabrication of a Barack Hussein Obama who does not now, nor ever did, exist.

Obama’s ‘handlers’, whether George Soros, or some shadowy group including radical Islamists, which is something I strongly believe to be true, have put effort and money into the creation of the mythical MaoBama that is mind bending. Keeping in mind that it never takes much to set the dogs of the leftist press baying at the moon for one manufactured reason or another. I’ve never seen anything to compare to the absolute hysterical pitch that the LSM has gone through to shelter MaoBama from his own idiocy. I don’t think our Barry Hussein ever had a thought that didn’t come from Marx, Engels or “Rules For Radicals”… much less an original one.

Most of us learn very early in childhood that lying doesn’t pay and that if persisted upon, brings very negative results. There are some people who become very good at it, however, and make it a way of life. Ignoring the more obvious negative aspects of such behavior becomes second nature to these people. They are what are known as sociopathic liars. Usually glib and superficially charming, they are perforce constantly reinventing themselves to accommodate the story lines that they have created. The Lame Stream Media, et al, never loathe to bend the truth to suit their leftist agenda, have had to go to heretofore unheard of extremes in order to sustain the myth which is Barack Hussein Obama.

This is truly a man in an empty suit. I wrote some time ago that the problem Obama has is that there is no ‘there’ there. He’s a hard left ideologue with delusions of grandeur. The annals of history describe such people… unstable, volatile and extremely dangerous.

It could be fairly argued that the LSM is responsible for Barack Hussein’s fall from grace. They aided and abetted the creation of the fantasy world in which Obama and his DeMarxists reside. It’s the collapse of that house of cards that we are witnessing now. In any sane world Obama should be facing a political defeat of epic proportions. He is far more dangerous with defeat looming over him than at any time before. His party has no scruples whatever… ditto the slavering, pandering, ideologues of the Lame Stream Press.

There are a bare eight days until the 2012 Presidential elections…that’s eight days for us, you and I, to double down and intensify our efforts to ensure that Barack Hussein Obama’s political demise is indeed historic!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Leadership… What Leadership?

This has been sticking in my craw for a long time, but it came to the forefront yesterday evening when I was listening to Mark Levin speaking to Michele Bachmann on his syndicated radio program. Michele Bachmann has been targeted not only by the Demarxists, but by her own party. Folks, this is just sick stuff.

Her opponent in this race is a typical lefty, spouting ‘moderate’ themes only to turn hard left once in office. The difference here is that Michele’s opponent, Jim Graves, has very deep pockets with an estimated worth of somewhere around 140 million dollars. He has pumped enormous amounts of his own money into his campaign effort. Michele has no such resources, other than the money contributed by her supporters. She’s no stranger to competition, having won her last four congressional election races.

She’s also no stranger to the Tea Party Patriots, having launched a very large Patriot gathering on the eve of the DeMarxists suborning the law and the Constitution, to pass the economy-breaking MaoBama care without a single Republican vote, behind closed and locked doors. This lady is as solid a Constitutional conservative as they come. So why hasn’t the RNC and its chairman, Reince Priebus, come to her support? Why, in the critical state of Minnesota, in a key district, doesn’t the Republican Party march en masse to support one of their own? As of the latest report I heard, not one dime had been forthcoming from the Republican National Party.

Mark Levin posited that we need look no farther than the Republican leadership. Most conservatives, by now, have come to the conclusion that our Republican leadership is about as useful as sun-baked rock, and about that smart as well. Mark stopped short of accusing John Boehner of being behind it. I have no such compunction. John Boehner is no conservative… not even close.

I think our leadership stinks in toto. They started from day one with their lousy deal-making and accommodation to the DeMarxists in the ‘spirit of bipartisanship’. They signed on to lousy deal after deal, some of which are now beginning to loom large on the horizon. These turkeys have completely forgotten or ignored the fact that it was the Tea Party Patriots that not only won the election for them… we stopped them from getting their clocks cleaned. It’s time for a total leadership change.

Michele Bachmann is not the only strong Constitutional conservative to be torpedoed by this bunch of self-seeking and self-aggrandizing establishment Republicans. The Republican establishment’s time has come and gone.

As Tea Party Patriots we have a few bigger fish to fry first. Most of you have felt the shift in momentum of this race. I believe the momentum has always been with us, and that the results of all of the local and state organizing is just now making itself felt. We’re on the verge of a huge victory. We can’t let up now. Mark Levin also asked his listeners to support Michele Bachman if they could… even a couple of bucks can help.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Breath Of Fresh Air.

That whooshing sound you heard, after the first presidential debate on Wednesday night, was the collective exhalation of the breath of every Patriot Tea Party member in the nation. We’d all hoped that Mitt Romney would at least hold his own with the ‘Anointed One’, whose brilliance, we had been assured by the Lame Stream Press, eclipsed that of all mortal men.

To my absolute delight, after the first few minutes, it became readily apparent that Mitt Romney not only had the effrontery to challenge the media messiah… he neatly filleted him… in a gentlemanly sort of way. It’s what we didn’t see that enthused me the most. We didn’t see the ‘milquetoast’ Romney that the leftover hacks from the Bushees have tried to create. “Oh”(wringing of hands),”don’t attack Obama, you’ll be seen as racist”. “You’ll offend the minority vote”. “Ooh, don’t do that, you’ll lose the women’s vote”. ‘Don’t do this and don’t do that’… and we saw the results of that kind of thinking all over the John McCain disaster in 2008.

I’ll have to admit that I feared that Romney wouldn’t come out swinging. I was delighted to see that I was wrong. Some conservatives were grousing that Mitt ‘didn’t do this and didn’t do that’… but what was overwhelmingly apparent was that he did plenty enough to destroy Obama’s worn-out commie blather. It wasn’t even close.

What was most telling to me was that when the debate started, I was listening to it on the radio (since I was doing work on the computer), then when I did switch over to visual… the contrast was striking… MaoBama clearly out of his element. No bought-and-paid-for audience of witless college students or union goons. No adoring crowds of welfare recipients. He looked like a defeated man. Could Romney have hit him harder? Sure he could. But I think he hit just the right tone for this debate.

MaoBama will not be caught out quite this unprepared again. But he is, as has been pointed out, lazy. He’s been pampered and sheltered all of his private and public life. What he’s trying to sell is a lie. Obama is the penultimate result of the Marxist movement in this country. He is their golden boy. But what he’s selling is evaporating like swamp gas before the march of reality.

It’s taken four long years for the blinders to come off of the American people. I’ve talked to a number of disillusioned people who supported Obama… whether to expiate the self-inflicted mythic ‘white guilt’, or because they were sick to death of the antics of a Republican government who behaved exactly as the Democrats they claimed to oppose. It’s tough to admit that you were taken in… sort of like being suckered by a carney hustler.

I have many friends who would be classified as ‘minorities’ (at least by the DeMarxists, because they see everyone as a sub-classification). They, however, don’t see themselves that way and neither do I. We are Americans first, last and foremost. That’s the last thing that MaoBama and the DeMarxists want to see… a unified and purposeful patriotic electorate. But that’s exactly what they are going to see in November.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Conspiracy Of The Lawless II.

This is the eve of the most important election of our lifetimes. Quite possibly the most important in our country’s two hundred and thirty six year history, keeping mindful that we were fighting for our freedom then, and that this election is no less than a war to maintain those freedoms preserved for us in fields of conflict all over the globe.

Barack Hussein Obama is an evil man. Look beneath the false smile and ingratiating words and there’s rot and corruption seething away just under the surface. This is an extreme left-wing radical, inculcated from birth with ultra radical memes. Why be surprised by a snake when it behaves like a snake?

There are some disturbing facts out there that seem to be getting ignored in all the Lame Stream Media’s hype, hoopla and misdirection. In the first part of this article, published last week, I mentioned Janet (the Mustache) Napolitano. Her ‘Homeland Security’ has set new standards for intrusive deviance and malfeasance in office… while ‘securing’ absolutely nothing. Three hundred and fifty-one or more Homeland Security ‘officers’ dismissed for theft. Thuggish behavior, more in line with Adolf Hitler’s ‘Brown Shirts’ than an American agency, are the rule rather than the exception.

The contempt with which the American citizen is held is obvious to even the most casual observer. This is a definite reflection of the attitude of the leadership of the regime in Washington from the very highest level, starting with MaoBama himself. ‘Homeland Security’ is beginning to spread its poisons into mainstream America in ways that are far more reminiscent of the feared German Geheime Staatspolizei (or Gestapo) or, more recently, the East German Stasi… Random stops of law-abiding American citizens at train stations, bus stops and reportedly along our nation’s highways.

Recently, ‘Homeland Security’ showed up at a Mitt Romney rally. Screening for terrorists or a not-too-subtle intimidation tactic? Yet any person of obvious middle-eastern extraction will have them cowed and wagging their little stumps of tails like puppies, to ingratiate themselves while extolling the virtues of multiculturalism.

Has anyone, anyone at all, in our vaunted (in their own minds) Republican leadership bothered to question why civilian agencies require seven hundred and fifty million rounds of hollow point .40 caliber ammunition? To put that figure in perspective, US Forces expended some five billion rounds of small arms ammo in the entire war in Vietnam. That was in mostly ‘heavy’ combat in a period of eight and a half years. So what are US civilian agencies, who have as a rule little or no small arms training, going to do with 750 million rounds of hollow point ammo, if not kill Americans? Are they going to repel boarders at our national borders?

Add this uncomfortable fact. Barack Hussein Obama has steadily been garnering powers to himself which are not granted to the president by the Constitution of the United States. Is this because he fears the real will of the American people? We’ve seen the increasing reports of massive intent to commit voter fraud, from sources all over the country. What if that’s not enough? Will MaoBama declare a national emergency on some pretext and martial law to follow?

One of our affiliates is ‘Back To Basics’, an excellent conservative blog site. One of the regular writers there that I enjoy is Alan Caruba. His articles are well-researched and hard-hitting. I’m always proud and gratified to see my articles up there with writers of his caliber. He stated in an article he wrote recently (Sept 19, 2012) that America was being prepped for martial law by the least law-abiding president in our nation’s history. The implications are plain… martial law! The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law… all gone in a heartbeat, by the tyrant we all saw coming.

Alan states at the end of his article that Americans should march on Washington, should the unthinkable occur, and demand the removal of the lawless one and his entire cabal. Alan, you’re dead on and I couldn’t agree more heartily.
‘Live free or die’ comes to mind.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Conspiracy Of The Lawless.

Barack Hussein Obama considers himself above the law, as he has shown on myriad occasions during his reign of durance vile. His DeMarxist Congressional leaders certainly have not scruple one between them. We can go right on down the list of his government from top to bottom.

Hillary Clinton is culpable in what is obviously and rapidly becoming the greatest foreign policy implosion in modern history. The Justice Department, under the uber-lawless Eric Holder, has set new and ominous standards for the utter disregard of the rule of law and the US Constitution. Take your pick. From Kathleen Sebelius, who aided and abetted Planned Parenthood’s illegalities in the State of Kansas… to the activities of Janet (the mustache) Napolitano, who has fostered an entire hierarchy in her department of “like-minded” individuals who have made harassment of a sexual nature an unpleasant reality for those who have to serve under them. More on Ms. Janet later.

MaoBama’s phantasmagorical flight of fancy in which he, and he alone, would be the arbiter between a greatly weakened and diminished America and the seventh century savages that make up the world of Islam, has collapsed like a deflated balloon. Make no mistake about it… this administration, which has left our embassies and our foreign service personnel virtually defenseless in the most unstable region on the planet, is culpable as hell.

The fact that they clung to the narrative as long as they did… that a 14-minute trailer to a supposed film no one has seen and which, incidentally, was shot months ago, inflamed the whole middle east, would indicate naiveté and a disconnect with reality which is difficult for any thinking person to fathom.

Whether on the international scene, or the increasingly desperate thrashings of MaoBama and his DeMarxists here at home, there are disturbing indications that Mao may have already set the stage for an end run around our election laws and the electoral process. Needless to say, the Constitution would not present much of a barrier to Mr Mao should he decide to stage a coup. ‘Not in this country’, you say. Don’t be too sure. El Flaco Communista has shown all the propensities of a third world tyrant… Developing…..

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Very Thin Red Line.

Barack MaoBama is standing on Israel’s last nerve. Having abrased his way through all the goodwill the Israelis can muster, he’s really barking up the wrong tree. The Israelis, unlike our Mr Obama, are not deluded by anything this worst president in American history, or his lackeys, have to say. Stark realism is always at the root of the Israeli soul. It’s been deeply ingrained in them by centuries of pogroms suffered during the long diaspora, culminating in the ovens of Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzec… or any of the names which are associated with the holocaust.

MaoBama has read the Israelis wrong from day one. Have you noticed any of the pics of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the Anointed One? Netanyahu doesn’t take his eyes off of Obama for a split second. His gimlet-like stare is like somebody watching a venomous snake in the grass around camp. This is the face of a man who has seen the real Obama and is not impressed. Benjamin Netanyahu knows exactly who and what Barack Hussein is.

He also knows what we of the American Tea Party Patriots have known all along. MaoBama is a pathological sociopath, a man with a fractured past and not one shred of conscience. The Israeli prime minister realizes that his country is alone in facing an increasingly bellicose and dangerous Iran, and her surrogates throughout the region.

That Israel has seen this time coming, and has been preparing for it for years, makes the reality no less poignant. The rosiest scenario would be if Israel were to strike and the rest of the western nations would be pulled in by virtue of self-interest, if for no other reason.

Iran is going to have to be defeated… period. Iran’s radical theocratic leadership will not be swayed from their course of war, conquest and death. I’m not sure what it is about the occidental mind that can not grasp the simple concept that, to Islam and Moslems, we are the antithesis of everything the ‘Death Cult’ espouses with such barbaric savagery. You won’t get them to play nice… Ask MaoBama.

Yes, it’s a Thin Red Line. “Never again” and “Never forget” are deeply ingrained in the soul of every Israeli. Remember the determination on Benjamin Netanyahu’s face, as he confronted the Anointed One’s lackey State Department clown? Israel will attack Iran, and soon.
The only thing I can think of to say is ‘Godspeed’.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fruits Of Obama Foreign Policy.

Absolutely incredible! Our first Moslem President has made the ineptitude of the Carter years look like sheer genius. How is it that someone, who is supposedly so tuned-in to all things Moslem, can misread the entire Middle East for so long?. Unless by purposeful intent, which I suspect is more truth than fiction, denigrating and denying our allies and giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

Watching the knuckleheads of the Lame Stream Press contorting themselves, to somehow spin what’s occurring across the Arab world, would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. The events in Cairo and Libya, by any definition, are an act of war against the United States of America. By any definition, that is except the feckless inept tools of the MaoBama government, headed by the mindless cackling coming from the State Department’s foggiest, none other than the Hildebeast herself, Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose grandiose visions of herself as president in 2016 just went up in flames, along with our embassy in Libya. Sovereign American territory violated by carefully planned and orchestrated acts of war by Islamists.

The sideshow perpetrated by the Lame Stream Media bears upon the so-called film by Nakoula B. Nakoula, a Coptic Christian residing in Southern California, purported to be the ‘source’ of the ‘rage’ engulfing much of the Middle East. There are reports that Nakoula, already on Federal probation for bank fraud and other ‘financial’ irregularities, including using relatives names to open fraudulent accounts, may have been attempting to use the film to raise capital from investors and then abscond with the funds. Side show indeed. The LSM, desperate to run cover for MaoBama’s catastrophic foreign policy ineptitude, is still trying to convince somebody… anybody… that this is the source of the Moslems’ anger at the US and all things western.

No matter how you slice it, the blood of our Ambassador and the other Americans who died at the hands of these Islamist animals is on the hands of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. There was a time in the not-too-distant past when any such behavior by any foreign government would have triggered an immediate response by our government, usually backed up by military force.

MaoBama’s ineptitude is glaringly visible to the entire world. It really says something when, here at home, Mexican Police are arresting real al Qaeda operatives who are attempting to penetrate our borders disguised as Mexican illegals. Not that penetrating our southern border is all that tough. Hundreds of thousands of illegals of all descriptions have flooded across our borders since MaoBama took office… not that the Republicans under George Bush were much better.

It’s a very dangerous game that MaoBama and his incompetents are playing, in an increasingly dangerous world. We have placed our best and closest ally, Israel, in the unenviable position of having to attack Iran by themselves, as a direct result of MaoBama’s cowardly incompetence. But, attack they will, and sooner rather than later. I fully expect Obama to then grandstand and make a great show of ‘support’ for Israel, in order to bolster his non-existent foreign policy credibility.

We have a bare 52 days until the 2012 presidential elections. It’s all up to us now. The Tea Party Patriots have to rise up as never before. It will be us, and our allied patriot groups, and all citizens who love their country and seek to maintain freedom for their children, that will have to pull us over the line to victory. Freedom or penury.
It’s your choice.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Life On The Old Plantation – Mindless Lockstep At The DNC.

The lemmings go marching two by two… it’s the same oddball mishmash of fringe extreme left-wing wing nuts. This time with a really ominous refrain.

The gaggle of misfits, malcontents and freeloaders came together three times to deny the very existence of God. From a biblical standpoint, probably not a smart thing to do. From a political standpoint, it may just have cost the DeMarxists whatever fringe elements of the fundamentalist south they still held under their hypnotic gaze. Nominal Catholics, those identifying as Catholic but not actively practicing, who as ‘independents’ went big for MaoBama in the 2008 election, may desert the sinking ship as well… rightly interpreting the obvious disdain for the Creator as an attack on Mother Church.

I broke a rule I’ve had for myself from just about the time Dee (my editor) convinced me to begin this column. I’d purposely avoid the usual news coverage of proceedings that I’d considered writing about. I didn’t want outside postulations to color my opinions of events. Having admitted to watching the RNC convention while in the hospital, I did watch portions of the DNC luvfest.

Further, I listened to the seemingly endless parade of losers, apologists and hysterical, moon-eyed, brain-dead, MaoBama symbionts as they spewed lie after outrageous lie, many manufactured of whole cloth to their adoring and slavish base… primarily, the Lame Stream Press et al, who, in their collective ecstasy with speaker after speaker, built to a truly orgasmic crescendo with the long and somewhat self-serving, disjointed ranting of the great Bubba and serial abuser of women, William Jefferson Clinton.

What he really did was to illustrate Obama’s ineptitude while stroking his own meager accomplishments, which were mostly forced upon him by Newt Gingrich and a Republican Congress who weren’t under the Clinton spell. An impeached, failed president pleading for four more years of exactly what we’ve been suffering since this present inept fool was immaculated.

Another question begs some attention as well. It seems every Moslem organization in America with direct ties to terrorist groups was embraced by the DNC who, I’m afraid, are just self-absorbed and naive enough not to see the threat implicit in the stated goals of these subversives. There is going to come a time when the Moslems in America, who are so eager to hide behind our flag and continue to spew their poison, are going to have to fish or cut bait.

What I took away from the Democratic National Convention was a sense of ‘there’s nothing new here’. It’s the same old song with a very sad price tag still attached. Eighty eight million able-bodied people out of the work force. No matter how the DeMarxists and their surrogates in the Lame Stream Press spin this most recent jobs report, it still stinks. That’s what MaoBama and the DeMarxists are stuck with. No matter how they spin it, it’s their economy and that’s what, in the final analysis, is going to be MoaBama’s downfall. From my lips to God’s ears.

Now, Romney and Ryan have to pound away on the economy… the economy… It’s the economy, stupid.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

While I Was Gone…

In writing, especially in the era of the new media, you’re only as good as your last publication… in our case, that was a couple of weeks ago. Dee, my fearless editor, and I both have full time careers. Dee in particular has an awful lot on her plate… I honestly don’t understand how she does it all.

We’ve experienced a sort of enforced hiatus due to a long overdue hiatal hernia reduction that I should have taken care of years ago. The operation, as such, went extremely well, except that I contracted pneumonia as a result of the anesthesia… so I spent a couple of extra days at the VA hospital up at Palo Alto. Great hospital, superb care… but undoubtedly the worst place there is to get any rest. So, I’ve spent the last few days luxuriating in rest and unbroken sleep.

Nothing bores me worse than other people’s health issues, and rightly so… it has no place here. But I felt that we owed an explanation to our regular readers. My stay at the hospital did give me a chance to watch the Republican National Convention in detail… much more so than I ever could have, otherwise.

Most of our national television coverage is so leftward leaning and so badly in lockstep with MaoBama and his DeMarxists that they themselves scarcely know fact from fiction. The Convention, by and large, was a spectacular success in introducing the country to a very strong Republican ticket. It’s a strong conservative ticket with something the DeMarxists don’t have, thanks to all you Patriots out there… we’ve got a deep conservative bench. Thanks to all of the American Patriots (read: Tea Party) out there, we have a real shot at turning this country around.

It’s also pointed out fatal weaknesses in the Republican establishment’s mind-set. It’s obvious to me, and to most dedicated conservatives, that Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan over the (more ‘acceptable’) choices of the RINO crowd, such as Rob Portman or Crispy Cream Chris Christie, went against the dumbed-down vanilla beltway crowd.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan complement each other in so many different areas that it’s easy to see why the country is excited. This is a winning ticket. Look around the country and you’ll see Tea Party endorsed candidate after candidate winning in both local and state elections and primaries. Don’t think it hasn’t been noticed by the DeMarxists, either. As they get more and more desperate they increasingly become a clear and present danger to your freedom, to our freedom, and the promise of a free and independent life for our children and grandchildren.

This is it. It’s the whole nine yards right here and right now. We have our marching orders. Now let’s go out and do it!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ryan… The Real Deal.

Paul Ryan scares the living daylights out of the DeMarxists. With good reason. He was the perfect choice for Mitt Romney, whom many conservatives considered to be too vanilla, too privileged, too rich and out of touch with ‘the common man’. More importantly, he was viewed as another inside-the-beltway Republican selection.

Conservatives, deeply mistrustful of what we have come to recognize as the Republicrat establishment who brought us magnificent beltway failures such as Bob Dole and my favorite, John ‘You can’t do it my friend’ McCain, were understandably leery of what they saw as another insider pick. Many still are.

Conservative patriots saw Romney as soft on illegal immigration and, worse, pro government-run healthcare vis à vis his Massachusetts health care plan. Coming at a time when the country had been virtually taken over by a Marxist cabal bent on turning this country into a third-world swamp, to forever bind its citizens to the slavish penury of communism. He was seen as too compromised and too weak to take on the DeMarxists.

Further, his savaging of each of his Republican challengers in turn gained him no friends among the one core block of Americans he had to have to win… the oft misidentified Tea Party Patriots. We saw his campaign as soft and very reluctant to take on Barack Hussein Obama, fearing the constant mantra of racism, which is the DeMarxist stock-in-trade. A brief look at Tea Party victories all over the country since 2010 shows the absolute necessity of having our unqualified support. More to the point, we are not a bit reluctant to take on MaoBama and his thugs.

It wasn’t looking good from our perspective. In point of fact, I could see another Republican insider failure looming high on the horizon. Very scary stuff. At the speed which MaoBama’s Marxist regime was, and is, moving to destroy our constitutional republic, I couldn’t see how we, as a free people, could survive to get another shot at this thing in 2016.

Enter Paul Ryan. I was somewhat shocked, but none-the-less delighted, when Romney announced his selection for a running mate. I had really feared that he would go with one more beltway pick, as the Republicrats kept trolling out one insider after another. Some of the more or less acceptable picks out there on the ‘short list’ had fatal flaws, such as Marco Rubio, who for all his patriotism is soft on illegal immigration. They even pulled Jeb Bush’s name out of their magician’s hat. Puh-lease… no more Bushies… not for at least a lifetime or so.

Paul Ryan has been called the intellectual leader of the Congress. It’s about damned time someone in Congress showed some intellect. That’s the subject for another whole article. Suffice to say, our entire Republican leadership has failed us time after time with their insider timidity and pandering to whichever political wind was blowing (read: ‘swamp gas’).

Ryan scares the hell out of the establishment, and the DeMarxists as well. Conservatives will remember that in a brief five minutes he destroyed Barack Hussein’s entire healthcare scheme, in their only face-to-face encounter thus far. Romney is no fool. He is a consummate businessman who understands how money works and how to generate it. He is a self-made man. He was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, as the left is trying to portray him. He has certainly faced his share of life’s vagaries.

Paul Ryan is going to be the rapier which Mitt Romney will plunge into the heart of the Marxist monster that threatens to destroy our lives and our freedom. There will be a price to be paid for Barack Hussein’s lawlessness, come November.
Let’s see that Obama pays that price.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tentacles. How Far The Brotherhood’s Reach Into Our Government?

This is alarming and scary stuff and the implications are dire if we don’t wake up. The first thing we have to do is get brutally honest with ourselves. We’ve allowed this country to be lulled by a constant liberal diatribe where Moslems are concerned, or just cowed by what has come to be called Islamophobia. While we’ve been asleep, or just plain unwilling to examine the evidence under our own noses, this clear and present threat to national security has not only been ignored by the liberal leftists, from Barack Hussein Obama on down, but nurtured and encouraged.

The Islamists in this country have taken a page from the left’s own manual on aggrieved minorities and victimization. Up to this point, anyone who said anything perceived as being even slightly anti-Moslem was immediately branded an ‘Islamophobe’ and thereby a ‘hater’.

Our president has made it abundantly clear that he is not only Moslem but pro-militant Moslem. It’s a not-so-well-hidden secret around the Washville swamp that Moslem influence and access to the halls of government have been radically increased with the advent of the Barack Hussein Obama regime. It’s like, “Please pay no attention to the 800 lb. gorilla standing in the corner of the living room”.

Islamists in this country… in fact, any country in which they reside, many would say infest… must observe Moslem culture and morays. The Moslems give little or no reciprocation to the the cultures where they live, except to suborn the laws of the countries where they feed off the public welfare rolls, all the while whining and complaining loudly as they play themselves off as a victimized minority. Their schools and their mosques preach hatred and actively support Islamist terrorist cells, which use the death cult centers for cover, under the guise of religion… organizations with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda and other terrorist splinter cells such as CAIR, and others which purport to service Islamic ‘charities’.

We know our president has a predilection for all things Moslem, but what could possibly explain 400 trips to the White House by members of CAIR? To meet with whom? Over what? Now it’s come to the fore that Hillary Clinton’s closest personal assistant, Huma Abedin, has provable connections to the Brotherhood herself. Once again, who scrubbed her security clearance?

The five Republican members of Congress, who have been so heavily excoriated by the Lame Stream Press and Moslem apologists across the administration, should be applauded for bringing the obvious to light. Islam and its adherents constitute a real and present danger to the republic and must be viewed as such.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Absurdity After Absurdity.

Between the lies of the Lame Stream Press and the lies of our glorious leader, there’s little to choose. The country is in horrific shape. The ‘recession’ looks far closer to a depression to me… and to a bunch of other people, too. Hold on to your hats and everything else because it’s nothing, absolutely nothing, to what’s coming if President Barack Hussein Obama manages to get re-elected.

What he, Reid, Pelosi and others have planned for you will be just a shade less onerous than Soviet-era Romania, with jack-booted thugs running around our airports, train stations and bus terminals. Stasi-like informers will be in every apartment block, after they manage to separate us from our property and force us into their high density ‘stacks’.

Our republic is as sorely beset from without as from within. The people running this country are purely, visibly anti-American. To be anti-American is to be anti-freedom… to be anti-freedom is to be someone else’s slave. That these people are driven by a discredited and disproved ideology, which has never been successful in any of its various manifestations, tells worlds about the mindset, or lack of, that permeates the left.

It’s going to take every single patriot getting themselves, and everyone else they can muster, to the polls to defeat this blight on our beloved country. Talk to your friends, your co-workers and family members. All but the thickest of them have figured out that there’s something radically wrong about the state of the economy. There’s not a person I know who hasn’t had at least one friend or acquaintance that has been layed off, and recently at that. California, just days ago, was braying to the media about a fractional decrease in an already obscene unemployment number… which will, of course, be raised again when the numbers are reviewed and analyzed as they always are.

Barack Obama and his Marxists are the obvious enemy of the republic. There are others perhaps less obvious, some in our own camp who, for reasons of their own, work against the wishes of the people and party that supports them and to whom they are responsible.

Michele Bachmann has showed immense courage by taking on the Muslim monster within. It’s about time, too. So, the first thing that happens is that John McCain and the ever-slimy Lindsey Graham have crawled out from under their rocks long enough to denounce Michele Bachmann over her comments regarding Hillary Clinton’s aid, who is Muslim. It seems that the lady in question has family members who have attachments to the Muslim Brotherhood. So it begs the question… Who scrubbed her security clearance? The State Department is a shambles at the best of times. I’ve written about the infiltration of our government at the highest levels by Muslims who have direct connections to terror organizations. How do these people get visas? How do they get clearance to visit our White House?

I see that Keith Ellison is in Bachmann’s sights, too. It’s about damned time somebody started asking some really pointed questions. How is it that CAIR has had hundreds of meetings at the White House? We really do need to dump RINO leftovers like McCain and Graham. This election should be interesting in that regard as well. In the meantime, Patriots, keep the focus and keep up the pressure.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Gran Senior El Flaco Communisto.

I can’t take credit for the title. I was getting ready for work last Tuesday morning at ‘O dark thirty’. I was listening to our local conservative blowtorch, KSFO 560 AM morning drive show, starring that great nemesis of the Greenie crowd, Brian Sussman. He was talking to an American citizen of Cuban descent whose parents escaped the wonderland of Castro’s communist Cuba. Brian asked him how to say ‘skinny’ in Spanish… and they came up with the gag-line Flaco Communisto. The rest is my own invention, especially apropos given the high regard our glorious leader obviously has for he, himself and well… himself.

More and more Americans are beginning to see that the (self) anointed one is the diametric opposite of hope and change. Unless, of course, you happen to be one of the twenty percent of the American population who are content to exist on whatever meager largess the socialistas masters determine is your share of the communist paradise. America is facing the greatest threat to our existence, our way of life, our freedom and our national security since World War Two, possibly since the Civil War.

The DeMarxists, led by some of the most mind-numbed people it has ever been our misfortune to come across, are desperately attacking our presumptive Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney. Using vile and provably false accusations, without the barest connection to reality other than the fevered imaginings of their own sick minds. MaoBama, the heartthrob of the ne’er do well ‘somebody owes us something for nothing’ crowd, is scraping the bottom of the political barrel for every filthy diatribe that he and his fellow commies can conceive.

The attacks against Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital are disingenuous in the extreme. The most hilarious aspect of this slander, from the Patriot point of view, is that many of the DeMarxist crowd that are doing the loudest braying about Bain are themselves deeply invested in companies both here and offshore… and have been for many years.

Obama and his Greenie Communists are in deep trouble and they know it. We, as American Patriots, and most particularly we of the new media, cannot allow the ‘old media’, that which I prefer to call the Lame Stream Press, to camouflage their lies and prevarications while running cover for Barack Hussein’s lies and falsehoods.
It’s time to be rid of ‘El Flaco Communista’ once and for all.
Saddle up!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Romney… Stand Up, Or Stand Down!

I’m seriously conflicted. I’m beginning to have flashbacks to the presidential race of 2008. There are some disturbing parallels between the candidacy of the hapless John “you can’t do it my friend” McCain and the present candidate, the anointed of the Washington Republican Establishment. It’s akin to the feeling I got when I realized that George Bush was anything but the conservative he positioned himself to be.

Americans have been watching with an almost preternatural intensity as this all too real drama plays out on our national stage. Mitt Romney ran for the nomination of the Republican Party like a junkyard dog… destroying candidate after candidate and devil-take-the-hindmost. It was readily apparent that he didn’t much care where the bottom of the swamp was either. Though many of us disliked his tactics… and they were short, brutal and to the point, we salved ourselves with the thought… “just wait for the campaign this summer and fall, Romney will chew up Obama and spit him out, we’ve got a tiger in our tank”.

Readers will remember that I was never that high on Romney. I saw the potential millstone that ‘Romneycare’ presented to the Republican effort to oust the Marxist Obama, as unfair as it may be. ‘Romneycare’ as it has been dubbed is, and was, nothing compared to the utter devastation that will be Obama’s legacy to this country should the healthcare law not be overturned.

Mitt Romney’s attempt to bring sanity to Massachusetts health care costs, through a state mandated health care system, was admirable in its aims. Romney should have known it would have been vulnerable to a Democratic state legislature which couldn’t wait to turn the law into a tax-and-spend opportunity, which was then followed by the election of a liberal Democrat governor after Romney’s departure who turned the law into something totally different than its original intent. What Romney did was to remediate some of the state’s onerous health care regulations. What Barack Hussein Obama has done is to enslave an entire nation to the false gods of liberal governance.

Romney has got to start listening to some different advice. From what I’ve observed, he should dump his advisers now. Whoever advised Romney to allow photo ops from ‘The Boathouse’ and ‘The Monster’ speed boat while the Anointed One is out campaigning, schmoozing senior citizens and sucking down brewskis with constituents, should be in some other line of work… period.

Romney has lost his nerve… or someone high up in his campaign has. Running from the fight is serving none of us well. No incumbent president since Jimma’ Boy Cata has been as vulnerable as Barack Obama. What’s infuriating me and many other patriots, at least according to the comments we get, and we get a bunch… Romney wants us to trust him to bring this country out of the darkness that is this ‘depression’. He wants us to fight for him.
When is he going to fight for us?

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012

“Absurd”… “Internally Contradictory”.

It’s a tax… it’s a penalty… no, wait…it’s a tax.
Chief Justice John Roberts turned the Constitution and the Supreme Court on its head with a not-quite-coherent opinion in which he managed a tortured interpretation of the Obamacare Act, which was clearly intended to save the most detested piece of legislation since prohibition.

The temptation to jump on my keyboard as soon as I heard the announcement was severe. As with most news events, I prefer to wait until the immediate coverage has sorted itself from the garbage which so often accompanies events such as this. I’m glad I did. It gave me the opportunity to listen to the opinions of one of the true experts on the Constitution and Constitutional law in this country, Mark Levin.

For those of you seeking information you could not find a better, more coherent source than Mr Levin. His book, ‘Men in Black’, is a compelling look at the Supremes and their relationship to jurisprudence and the Constitution. His book,’Liberty and Tyranny’, is a tour de force which offers a compelling insight into the minds and actions of those who would destroy America as we know it.

Mark was as close to ballistic in his treatment and analysis of the Roberts decision as anything I’ve ever heard him say or write. Words such as “Mickey Mouse”… and… “There’s nothing redeeming about Obamacare, nothing”. To say that he filetted the opinion of the Chief Justice is a wild understatement.

Roberts found a political reason to render the judgement as he did. Had he not convoluted his reasoning along the tortuous path he chose, Obamacare would have gone down in the flames it so richly deserves. As it is, Roberts’ legacy to the court and the nation is going to be one of eternal vigilance on our part. The usual beltway pundits are falling all over themselves to posit this mess as some sort of conservative victory.

The only victory here is that there’s probably nothing that could have galvanized an already aroused conservative patriot populace more. Everything I’m hearing out here and reading online indicates a real anger over upholding a clearly unconstitutional law, which was passed in the ‘dark of night’ without a single Republican vote and not a single committee hearing.

For myself, November just can’t get here fast enough.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Imperial Edict.

By this time, it’s obvious that our glorious leader and fearless visionary is facing a very dicey path on his way to ‘another four years’. The facts are that no one in their right mind wants to see another four years of government sponsored penury… or government tyranny. Barack Hussein Obama committed his latest unconstitutional and illegal act by pronouncing the illegal alien ‘dream act’ through imperial fiat. Nothing, but nothing, this president has done to date is going to have the slap-in-the-face effect that his latest pandering will generate.

While the extra-constitutional behavior of Barack Hussein has the Kool-Aid crowd breathless with adoration, it hasn’t done much for his public relations image with the rest of the country. This is a country of immigrants. The synthesis of many cultures has gone into the formation of this country. The freedoms we enjoy and the opportunities those freedoms represent have been the beacon of promise for millions of legal immigrants… my own ancestors included. They prospered, we prospered, because of what they did, not because of what they had been given. They depended on government for nothing, except to stay out of their way. That’s exactly as the founders envisioned and intended for it to work.

Obama’s consistent theme of Balkanizing America and Americans may have come home to roost as well. Many, including myself, have had more than our fill of Obama and his administration dividing this country and its people. I have many friends and neighbors who are, by definition, ‘minorities’. The community where I live has people of many nationalities… and guess what? We talk to each other… we watch over our neighbors and their homes as good neighbors should. We care about the security of our homes, our families and, yes, our country too.

I’m a pretty conservative guy… if you hadn’t taken notice before. Many of my neighbors are, at least nominally, Democrat. Most were Obama supporters in 2008 as was most of the country, caught up in the fever of the possibility of America’s first black president and, at long last, the expiation of the oft-described but very much self-inflicted white guilt. Obama’s support out here in the ‘hood’ has evaporated like morning mist over a pond. His racism will be the millstone around the neck of his entire administration, because in the final analysis race is what he based his presidency on.

The ‘recession’ which started in 2007 was the direct result of out-of-control Democrat policy towards banking, housing, and mortgage banking. That there was substantial Republican involvement involved in the housing crash and the subsequent recession is not in question. We have to clean our own house… which is in progress as we speak, witnessed by the number of RINO Republican and establishment types being turned out of office.

Americans are focused on the illegal alien importation fiat proclaimed by the ‘wondrous one’. We as a people are sick and tired of the immigration game played by both parties. Our imperial presidente is betting the farm on his campaign of divisive hatred and balkanization. It’s a losing bet. Now is the time to double down on our own efforts to affect this most important election cycle in modern American history. Let’s get Mitt Romney elected and then hold his and his government’s feet to the fire over this most fundamental facet of American sovereignty.

Self deportation works. Secure our borders and start holding American business and politicians responsible for their role in fostering illegal immigration.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

From Soup To Nuts.

Some of the most enduring images of the great depression of 1929-1939 are those of long lines of obviously beaten-down men in soup lines... hungry women and children with haunted eyes. Shantytowns sprang up all over the country, called Hoovervilles in mocking derision of the disastrous policies that engendered the crash and the even worse schemes which perpetuated the depression until 1939 and the advent of the Second World War.
Twenty five per cent unemployment... some eleven million three hundred thousand people lost their jobs, homes and farms, out of a pre-depression population of 120 million. Contrast that to today, with a population of over 312.8 million with some 27 million American workers no longer on the unemployment rolls. These folks didn't just fly to never-never land. They are the flotsam and jetsam of Barack Hussein Obama and his DeMarxists' living fantasies. It's that pesky hopey changey thing again.
Today, there are forty five million plus families dependent on food stamps in Barack Hussein Obama's 'Ameritopia' (thanks, Mark Levin). There are 15.7 million Americans officially out of work, despite all the DeMarxist spin to the contrary. In Barack Hussein Obama's America, one million one hundred thousand jobs were lost by women. So much for the Republicans' and Mitt Romney's supposed 'war on women'.
The true war is on all of America and, just like the depression, it was brought on by unsound monetary policies. The world's, and most specifically Europe's, economy was devastated after the First World War. It was U.S. money and U.S. know-how and determination that rescued Europe et al from the utter devastation that was World War Two, rather than leave them to the gentle ministrations of the Soviets and their slave states.
We cannot lift Europe from her own abject ignorance of viable economic policy. It has as much to do with the attitude of subservience that seems to be pervasive in so much of the continent. A relic of lingering feudalism, which we here in the United States rejected hundreds of years ago. They call it socialism now. We know it as communism light. It's antithetical to everything we believe here... at least the vast majority of us.
We've watched the DeMarxists attempt to destroy our republic with growing anger and resolve, which has translated itself to a nationwide movement dedicated to the removal of Barack Obama and all of his Marxists. It's becoming apparent to all but the most dedicated of the kool-aid crowd that Obama and the reds are in deep Kimchee. The tone around the Washville swamp is one of increasing desperation, as the Democrats assess the magnitude of the public's displeasure. Further, they cannot hide the dismay and confusion that's boiling out of the nation's capital these days.
It's not just Obama's crowd that's sweating it either... a look around at races across the nation will show that Tea Party candidates are winning, and winning big. The great RINO hunt of 2012 is well underway. All of the bought-and-paid-for votes of the Republican turncoats will be scrutinized, along with the Republican Party's limp-wristed and ineffectual leadership. There is much to be reconciled there as well. Americans deserve leadership responsive to the voters that they serve.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

… And While We’re At It…

Governor Scott Walker. Former Texas Solicitor-General Ted Cruz. More fodder for the DeMarxists waking nightmares. Two more examples of the swelling tide of Constitutional Conservatism which is beginning to sweep across the nation, as more and more of the so-called silent majority are awakening to the real and present danger of the nascent tyranny represented by Barry Hussein Obama and his communist-light DeMarxists.

Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz
Nothing is working for the Democrat machine that once seemed so invincible. If the polls hold true, both Scott Walker and Texas favorite Ted Cruz will enjoy substantial victories in their respective races.

What is striking is that the two forces that are attempting to shape the outcome of these races are diametrically opposed to each other, while at the same time despising the very ground each other occupies. The Wisconsin state employees’ union, backed by other public service union goons, has spent millions of dollars of its membership money to crush Scott Walker and his state government reforms which, by the way, have shown spectacular improvements in the state’s financial picture. The union’s effort has been a spectacular failure. So much so that the Democratic National Committee has pulled its funding in Wisconsin entirely. This is a Tea Party effort for a Tea Party candidate.

The very DeMarxists who were braying loudest about the impending destruction of Walker, pundits and politicians alike, are now backtracking, saying that Wisconsin doesn’t really matter. That it’s a stand-alone state and not the indispensable bulwark against conservative fiscal responsibility that they had claimed only a few short weeks ago. This is backpedaling on a grand scale.

Then there’s Ted Cruz, who despite being savaged by the unions and the DeMarxists alike and being outspent by millions of dollars by the establishment darling David Dewhurst, has been victorious. This is definitely a harbinger of races we’re going to be seeing all over the country, with solid conservative candidates being offered up.

Conservatives have been fighting an uphill battle on two fronts. We’re battling the communist government of Barack Hussein Obama and his tyrannical plans for the enslavement of America… the ‘evil’ triumvirate of his DeMarxists, the Lame Stream Press and the corruptive influences of the bought-and-paid-for unions on one hand and the absolutely reprehensible actions of the establishment of the Republican Party on the other.

What’s more remarkable is that it’s beginning to become apparent that Conservatives and the Tea Party Patriots have raised the bar and that Americans are making their voices heard loud and clear throughout this land.

Liberty, Faith, Freedom!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It’s Open Season.

After the 2010 blowout that sent so many deserving DeMarxists into retirement, I wrote that it was just the beginning. Conventional wisdom has it that the millions of conservative patriots throughout this country that came together to make this historic upset possible couldn’t make it happen again… conventional wisdom for the badly battered DeMarxists and their RINO allies, anyway. The rest of us weren’t convinced.

We watched the high tide of American disgust sweep across the communist-dominated Congress with grim satisfaction. Patriot groups across the nation immediately began consolidating conservative gains and planning for the next 2012 blowout. Yes, blow out. That’s what I said. I know I’m bucking most of the pundits by saying this.

All of the leftist Maobama propaganda machine can’t prop him up any longer. Despite all the fraudulent accounting practices, the illegal and patently unconstitutional acts of the present administration and its rubber-stamp sycophants of the DeMarxists in Congress, and the ever-compliant weasels of the Lame Stream Media, despite everything they can do and have done… they can’t make the sale to the American people.

So now we have the anointed one trying to repackage and sell the same worn out Marxist dogma that we’ve heard non-stop for sixty or more years. He’s having to sell it at rummage sale prices to an electorate that is now thoroughly familiar with him and his disastrous economic and foreign policy debacles.

Led by the lap dogs of the media, to which the administration is inextricably linked, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t glue Obama together again. The American people, so often sold short and sold out by America’s political class, have had more than enough time to weigh Obama’s policies and reject the Marxist-Leninist world view espoused by him and his party. It’s high time we put these ideologues in the spotlight of truth and let the voice of Constitutional liberty and freedom be heard.

Yes, I think it’s quite possible that Barack Hussein Obama and his minions will get blown out in a landslide election in November. It’s becoming more apparent by the day. We won’t stop there. We won’t stop until we’ve rooted out the evil which has infiltrated the body politic of America. It’s open season on the enemies of freedom… on both sides of the aisle.

Join us in this historic effort.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hey, Romney, Get Some…

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Mitt Romney ‘repudiate’ a Super PAC message that hadn’t even been produced yet. It was a jolt of deja vu, harkening back to the bleak political tapestry created by the entrenched Republican beltway establishment. We’ve seen this entire story played out time after time, where the supposed champions of constitutional governance have been rolled over by the DeMarxists, simply because the agents of freedom have utterly failed to stand for the very principles they espouse.

John McCain’s candidacy was a joke to anyone who followed politics closely. What I saw in John McCain was the reincarnation of the hapless Bob Dole  ‘good old boy’ presidential run. This ‘next-in-line’ mentality of the beltway establishment has utterly failed the Republican Party and the American people. Had it not been for the introduction of Sarah Palin to the national political scene, McCain would have suffered one of the greatest defeats in party history.

Sarah has also experienced some of the worst  savaging of any political figure in living memory. The unintended consequence of which has been that she has become one of the most potent weapons against the depredations of the left that the patriot movement has. No single political figure in America today can generate the excitement that Sarah Palin can. She is a spear aimed straight at the heart of socio-communism in this country. That’s why they still savage her at every opportunity. They fear her every bit as much as they fear the spectacular rise of the Patriot Movement.

The left has always depended on the politics of personal destruction. The bottom line here is that the country is ready, far more than ready, for conservative governance. We have the momentum, we’ve the principles and the right on our side. My question here is ‘does Mitt Romney?’ Romney and his Super PACs had no problem whatsoever savaging each of his conservative Republican opponents in turn. So much so, that it led some of us to wonder whose side Romney was really on.

I wrote that he was going to have to work very hard to band-aid, in order to save the so-called Reagan coalition which his attacks had splintered. He’s not going to defeat Obama with his advisers feeding him, and the nation, with milquetoast platitudes. He has to attack Obama for what he is… a totally incompetent Marxist hack.

There’s a lot of concern out here about Romney’s upcoming vice-presidential pick. The rumble among the establishment types is that Romney will pick Ohio Senator Rob Portman. He’s been called the GOP’s most boring ‘white guy’. Now, I’m not here to run down Portman. He is a conservative Republican. But he will not excite the base. Nationally, he’s a virtual unknown. We do not need another vanilla candidate in an election cycle that promises to be a real gunfight.

Romney had better be prepared for that gunfight, and he’s not going to do it by ‘repudiating’ attacks against the most vicious political infighter in American politics. Romney, get some… you know… grow a pair, get some testicular fortitude. And while you’re at it, fire your McCain advisers.

Semper Vigilans,  Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wanna Know Where The Tea Party Is? Just Ask Dick Lugar!

Serendipity: A happy chance or accident. Precisely the opposite of what happened to Senator Dick Lugar last Tuesday in Indiana. At the risk of being redundant, I wrote at the time of the 2010 elections that it wasn’t over ’til it’s over, but that the American Tea Party Patriots had put a new face on American politics.

I said that the ‘Republicans-in-name-only’, the ones not voted out in the 2010 sweep of the US House of Representatives, were not the only ones who had to look to their seats in the upcoming 2012 primaries, House and Senate races. I’ve also commented on the not inconsiderable number of House and Senate members who, having seen the hand-writing on the wall, have announced that they would not seek re-election in the upcoming contests. Thus far, it looks like five Democrats, three Republicans and one ‘independent’ have stated they will not seek re-election. There are thirty two members of the House who are dropping out.

Don’t buy the ‘lame-at-best’ excuse that redistricting is responsible. I said that we were going on a RINO hunt after the election. There is ample evidence that this is just what has occurred. Conservative challengers have cropped up all over the nation, despite the overwhelming monetary and organizational advantages of both the DeMarxists and the Republican establishment, whose wrong-headed choices may be, in large part, responsible for the rise of the Tea Party itself.

It’s striking that we have to run against our own side while defeating the true enemy. But rise we have, with Patriot citizen candidates all over the country, from school boards to state capitols and beyond, challenging DeMarxists who, in even heavily leftist entrenched districts, are looking over their shoulders… even the thickest, most out of touch of them, sensing the darkening mood of the nation.

Look what happened in Wisconsin, for instance. The unions were so certain they’d take out Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, in the recall elections initiated by them, that they spent millions of dollars to destroy Walker… and none of it worked. Walker actually looks like he’s gained strength and momentum coming out of the Republican primary. The point is that these are Tea Party candidates who are making their presence felt at all levels of the political spectrum.

We could be witnessing the beginning of the death of liberalism as we know it. We may also be witnessing the beginning of a whole new Republican brand… The Patriot brand.

Happy retirement, Dick.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Recovery Myth… And Other Fanciful Tales.

Yes, boys and girls, it’s story time again… and have we got a whopper for you. This is a story about what may be one of the largest information conspiracies in recent memory. You won’t find it in any history books, you won’t find it in any of the revisionist propaganda they’re pumping into our kids’ heads, you sure won’t find it in any publication of the Lame Stream Media… that’s because they are a huge part of the story.

President Eisenhower once said, “Beware of the military-industrial complex”. Today, that caution could as easily read, “beware the Government / ‘Main Stream Press’ complex.” It’s not just that Washington is pandering to the press… the pols in Washville have long been media whores, vying with one another for as much ‘face’ time as they can get.

The American media has shown a distinct leftward bias since long before the war in southeast Asia. Vietnam just more or less flushed them out into the open. I’ll never forget America’s “most trusted” journalist, Walter Cronkite, bleating out that war in Vietnam was lost. This, after tens of thousands of American lives had been lost to an enemy that was all but on the ropes by its own admission. Cronkite, and other agit-prop journalists like Dan Rather, contributed materially to the defeat of the US and the Republic of South Vietnam… leaving chaos throughout the region with our shameful withdrawal, which led directly to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and millions of Cambodians. It is, and will remain, a shameful chapter in our history.

We are now in the penultimate political battle to save our Republic from the advances of totalitarianism. It’s a lot more than a political fight this time. It’s the classic confrontation between good and evil. Between those who would see us a vibrant nation of free people and those whose ideology is one of penury and destitution, enslaved to a totally discredited philosophy, one that history has proven does not work.

The incestuous relationship between the DeMarxists and, to be fair and balanced, some RINO republicrats and the Lame Stream Media, is far from new. What’s passing for much of the LSM upchuck these days is pure fantasy, driven I’d guess from desperation. What they have done is to create the new media which is like a dagger, pointed at the heart of the evil empire.

Barack Hussein Obama, his government, and his willing accomplices of the Lame Stream Media, have been touting a recovering ‘economy’ since practically the day he was elected. We have breathless media info-babes touting really fractional shifts of economic data as ‘proof of recovery’, while companies continue to close and others to lay off or not hire at all. I’ve been saying all along that this is no recovery… that there was nothing to back up the government’s claims.

As we’ve come to expect, their methods of calculation are high on fanciful math creativity and low on objectivity and hard fact. As the Lame Stream has discovered  it isn’t that easy a sell, and neither are Obama’s ideologically-based rantings.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Notes From The Kitchen Table.

Flushed with victory from my latest convert to conservatism (another citizen saved from the perdition of liberalism), my thoughts turn to the task at hand. That task is the complete and utter destruction of the Marxist/Leninist plague that is the regime of Barack Hussein Obama.

We as patriots know well, maybe better than anyone else, how fragile our freedoms are. We also know that this country cannot survive another four years of the filth and corruption that is the Obama government. Every day brings new revelations of gross irresponsibility, malfeasance in office, outrage after outrage against the institutions and the citizens of this great republic.

The stories we’ve watched play out over the last three plus years are a tapestry of abject failure… a monument to a failed ideology. The parade of malefactors would be comical if it wasn’t so tragic. The rot starts at the top, at the very top, and like rot has worked its way through every level of this government. It’s miscalculation of the greatest order at the absolute highest levels of our government, by an entire class of incompetents on both sides of the political aisle… the DeMarxists on one side and the establishment Repubics on the other. One desperate to retain what power they have left to enslave, the other desperate to maintain a status quo that has been rejected by the great majority of the citizen-patriots of this nation.

Yes, I am referring to the ‘Grand Old Party’, who once again has preempted the will of the greatest of their number and gotten away with it. It’s burned as many patriots as it could. The Republican ‘establishment’ spent one heck of a lot more time and treasure working directly against our conservative candidates than it ever spent attacking Barack Obama. Instead, it turned on our own… attacking them each in turn until, due in large part to his own carpet-bombing negative ads against each candidate in turn, Mitt Romney stands alone as the presumptive nominee. He knows full well that his tactics have fractured the so-called Reagan coalition. He has to make big tracks to both salve injuries given and to convince us, the Tea Party Patriots, that he will govern as a constitutional conservative.

I don’t get to read all of our comments, but there was one comment from a reader that caught my eye. It was regarding his bent feelings about being faced with having to vote for a Romney presidency, and further stating that he might just have to stay home. I don’t know if the gentleman was a plant… we get our share. But for any patriot to make such a statement, in the face of the real and present danger represented by Barack Hussein Obama, borders on one of two things… stupidity or lunacy.

Speaking of the kitchen table, it’s a great place for conversation. I talk to a lot of the young men that are my son’s friends. By and large, they are eager for the information on current events and the foundation of the Republic in the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These guys, mostly in their early 20s, are surprisingly receptive to the message of freedom.

I’m not relating this to toot my own horn but to illustrate that no matter where you are, or who you are, you can carry the message and you must. Each and every one of you are going to have to become the guardians of our freedoms, just as surely as that ragged band of men kept the faith at Valley Forge, at Bunker Hill, and at hundreds of times and places where Americans have been asked to stand. And stand we will.

Across this country, Tea Party Patriots have been putting forth conservative candidates at local, state and national level. Has anybody looked at how many Democrats have resigned rather than face the voters in the upcoming elections? Not only Democrats, but a number of RINOs are under fire by conservative Tea Party challengers. These races are vitally important to restoring this nation in a post-Obama presidency. Contact your local Tea Party Patriot group to find out who is running in your local election and support them all you are able. These are the grass roots, this is where the battle will be won.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Obama In The Backblast.

It’s ironic how quickly events can turn. MaoBama and the DNC goon squad were preparing what they thought to be a devastating attack against our presumptive presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, by attacking his wife and attempting to discredit and marginalize her. In order to accomplish this end, they trotted out the usual assortment of worn-out hacks to demean a lady who has more class in her little fingernail than the entire DeMarxist establishment combined.

The assault was headed by a long-term DeMarxist lesbian activist, whose own ‘marriage’ and subsequent divorce left their adopted twins with a broken home. This ‘expert’ on domesticity and the lives and perils of the American working mother is just another in a long line of DeMarxist over-reach, which has blown up in Obama’s lying face.

Nothing happens in the Obama circus by accident, and this latest most vicious scheme is no exception. Both MaoBama and his co-president Mooch-elle have their fingers very tightly around the strings that control the party apparatchiks. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for either of them to distance themselves from the disgusting depredations of their minions.

The American people have been brutalized by this bunch for over three years now, and our tolerance level for Obama’s brand of acrimony is very thin. In a previous article, I explained that “walking into the backblast” is a term we used in the Marine Corps for doing something really stupid and careless. We had several weapons that used the back blast of the weapon to reduce recoil. Standing in the ‘blast cone’ could be a very dicey experience… and one you’d not be likely to repeat.

Barack Obama doesn’t profit from experience, and neither does his government. Blinded by an ideology that 80% of Americans reject entirely, Obama’s regime could not exist without the slavish support of the Lame Stream Media and the backing of the unions that have purchased the DeMarxists outright.

Mitt Romney is going to be our guy. I said from the beginning that Romney was not my first choice. I also said that I would support the choice of the party, no matter who that person would be. The end game is, and must be, the total defeat of Barack Obama and his communist cohorts.

Mitt Romney has a great asset in his wife, Ann. It was foolish in the extreme to attack her… not only a dedicated housewife and mother of five children, but a cancer survivor and a victim of MS, as well. Her husband is a self-made man whose personal accomplishments absolutely eclipse anything done by our president, whose greatest claim to fame is being a ‘guest lecturer’ and community rabble-rouser.

Today, 4/15, is ‘Taxed Enough Already Day‘. Yesterday, Tea Party Patriots all over the country came together to make our voices heard. You won’t find much of this covered by Obama’s media stable. It was, however, the ‘shot heard around the world’ by the American people, who are thoroughly disgusted with the destruction of our American way of life and the economy that drives it.

It’s time for all conservatives to step up and support our nominee. It’s your country and it’s up to every single one of you to fight for her survival as a free republic.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

We’ll Burn Down Your Cities And We’re Wearin’ Our Hoodies – MaoBama 2012.

Well, here it is… the final analysis of the sum total of Barack Hussein Obama’s tenure started with him and his thug government playing the only real card it’s ever had, and it looks as though it may just end that way.

These last weeks, watching events play out in Florida have really lowered my retch threshold. Our ‘guest-lecturer-in-chief’ again abrogated the responsibility, and the very dignity of his office, by purposefully weighing in on the Trayvon Martin shooting. This isn’t the first time he’s stuck the presidential nose in either. You’ll remember the Duke lacrosse case, and then there was that fracas between the cops and that arrogant and overbearing college professor. Oh, and did I mention he was black? There it is… the cornerstone of the Obama presidency… a miserably failed presidency that will easily eclipse Jimma’ Boy Carter’s disastrous tenure in the White House.

For pure misery, Obama’s three plus years as president have few rivals. Unemployment at levels not seen since the great depression. We here have been calling it a depression for three years. Conveniently forgotten in the whitewash, that is the Lame Stream Media in this country, is that the first recession never ended. I know they said it did, but that’s bilgewash. The numbers just rolled over into the next phase of recession. Now we have the sad phenomenon of as many as forty million Americans who have just dropped off the ‘job radar’ altogether. This is Obama’s legacy. These people are mute testament to the purposeful destruction of our economy by Barack and Company.

Post racial? This president seldom does anything that doesn’t have a racial component. Or, if it doesn’t, he’ll invent one out of whole cloth. He does a lot of that. That’s where the unreality of it comes in. MaoBama and the thieves have sown such wide discord that many of their supporters are no longer safely in camp. It makes you wonder if they (the Obama regime) can possibly be that tone deaf.

Americans in general are sick to death of the divisive Balkanization game that Obama constantly plays. Maobama and the politburo have really overreached this time with the aid of their idiot child the Lame Stream media et al, who really jumped into the Trayvon Martin issue like they owned it and, in fact, it has turned out to be the ‘berg that sank the Titanic, because the entire affair damn near took down three networks.

I can’t help but wonder what sort of genius those networks must be hiring. It was amazing to watch the real-time judgment, and attempted execution by press, of a law-abiding US citizen who was unfortunately forced to defend his life against the assault (witnessed) of a 17 year-old black youth. Notice I didn’t say boy, he was no boy… he was physically a man. Notice, please, that George Zimmerman did not draw and kill until his head had been battered half into the concrete.

The race-baiters are out in force in all their righteous fury… railing against who? George Zimmerman? Whites in general? We have black congressional leaders, the so-called Black Congressional Caucus, trying a man in the crucible of the press, led in fact by the President of the United States, whose intemperate remarks gave a sort of sick legitimacy to the actions of the supposed leaders of various race-haters and their lowest common denominator followers. This is sick, sick stuff. So, the hoodie is the new rallying point for the race haters.

America is watching and waiting. We haven’t seen or heard the last of the race issue in this presidential year… you can be sure of that. After all, it is the only issue MaoBama has.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012