The Obama, Reid, Pelosi triumvirate continues to rape and pillage its way through our already savaged economy… and the people of this country turn away from them in ever increasing numbers. The Republicans are already counting seats and congratulating themselves at their brilliance… not!
First of all, the Republicans have got to see to their own house. I wasn’t a bit surprised to see that pair of classic losers, Trent (let’s make a bad deal) Lott and Bob (I didn’t do it) Bennett come out of the cracks in the woodwork and feed us more of the establishment Repubic crud that got us here to start with. In particular, Lott pontificated that “We don’t need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples around here”…”As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them”. It just shows that the ‘accommodation at any price and, by the way, when’s that cocktail party?’ crowd is still alive and well in the beltway. But that would account for that rotten smell.
Meanwhile, John (where’s my amnesty?) McCain and former Congressman J D Hayworth traded barbs in the first of their debates. The debate was officially a draw, but what was apparent was that Hayworth was well prepared and looked relaxed and comfortable. His upfront acknowledgment of the mistake he made, in flacking for government loans in an infomercial, went a long way towards taking the edge off of McCain’s attack. In return, Hayworth went down the list of McCain’s perfidy and hammered him on the amnesty for illegals issue. In my book, McCain should go for that one alone.
The Republican party has got to reconcile itself to the huge Conservative Patriot movement out there. It is the wave of the future. Gone are the days when the John McCains and the Trent Lotts of this nation can lie their way into office, and then promptly forget about their promises and their constituency and immediately go off doing as they damned well please. The Jim De Mints of this New Conservative party know the truth… that we are an informed and activist movement which will not tolerate ‘business as usual’.
It does appear that DeMarxists and the cabal in the White House are in for a shellacking of biblical proportions… if the Republicans are tough enough and savvy enough to prevent the DeMarxists from pulling a wholesale Barney Frank on them. We haven’t seen the likes of what they’ll be lining up to pull this November. The problem with the Republicans is that they’re so high-minded that every time they end up in a tight race, they seem to blindside themselves to the pantheon of dirty tricks that the Democrats have historically employed. First and foremost, they must remember that they are dealing with people without principles or scruples of any kind and must act accordingly.
Be prepared to have Tea Party activists at every polling place, to counter the union goons and thugs sure to be there. Have volunteers at every polling place, who have the courage to record and challenge irregularities. Do challenge the pathetic tough guys of the ‘New Black Panthers’ who, according to some observations, even intimidated little old black ladies who wished to vote for Hillary during the Democratic primaries. These punks think they’re tough? They don’t know tough… but there are hundreds of thousands of young, healthy Conservative vets out here that can teach them just exactly what the word means.
Sounds radical? Well, that’s exactly what we’re up against. While we’re sitting here jawing, they’re out there registering every gravestone between Colma, California and Maine. The Obama Feds have already refused to have the states purge the ‘dead wood‘ from their voter registrations.
This is the reason that we’ve been saying over and over that we don’t want political ‘nice guys’ out here. We want gutsy, bare-knuckle street fighters, who understand political warfare in built-up areas.
It’s what it’s going to take to win.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2010
Don't Be a Dried Up Worm
Some of my earliest memories are fishing with my grandfather. I could not
swim, so he strapped me into an ancient, ill-fitting lifejacket that reeked
of ol...
2 years ago
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