Monday, November 30, 2009
Unhealthy For America Government Takeover.
Of course the ones who should be ground under its iron heel first are the very ones who will opt themselves out of it, the self same House and Senate. Let’s see…Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, Arizona, would probably call these people a criminal conspiracy and he’d be right. Too damned bad the beltway is not part of Joe’s jurisdiction. There is nothing legal or constitutional about what our government is attempting. It is plainly a coup against its own people to wrest control of the government and the country from the American people.
This has a name. It’s called tyranny.
There are 2700 something uses of the word ’shall’ in the Senate version. Every one of those words has the threat of, or the actual use of, a punitive action by PENALTY, FINE or IMPRISONMENT behind it.
There are 2500 uses of the word ‘Secretary’, referring to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Each use of this word connotes a bureaucratic fire wall between YOU and your HEALTH CARE PROVIDER!!
I don’t know about you, but I don’t for a split second want someone the likes of Kathleen Sebelius determining whether or not MY physician may treat me, or what treatments he can prescribe or the amount of his compensation. Or whether or not I should be FORCED to carry health insurance.
The GREAT LIE, as this bill should be called, is an out of control monster that is threatening our lives, our homes and our very posterity. It is TWO POINT FOUR PLUS TRILLION DOLLARS front-loaded in a massive tax increase for ‘benefits’ that don’t fully take effect for ten years. It’s a MASSIVE ponzi scheme such as the world has never seen.
The Senate begins debate on this horror tomorrow. Now that we’ve all had the opportunity to work off the effects of Thanksgiving dinner it’s time for us to get back to work also. Start ginning up the pressure and keep it there…don’t let up for a minute…they have to know we won’t stand for it!
I just got off the phone with my brother. I love him dearly and we never argue about anything except politics…he’s a liberal who came through our college system while I was slogging through the bush.
He was in the public sector all his working life. He’s a social liberal and a fiscal conservative…poor guy..that’s a very confusing place to be. Even he has come around to understand that this mess cannot stand and that it is no more than an immense attack on our freedoms.
Start calling, emailing and writing not only to your own Senators but to EVERY one on that list.
Join with your local patriots to initiate action in your neighborhoods. ACT locally, ACT nationally.
Now is the time!!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Obama To Grandstand In Copenhagen – More Bovine Flatulence.
Cap and trade, one of His Magnificence’s signature issues, in fact a back-breaking taxation scheme against the American people, is all but DEAD ON ARRIVAL in the United States. Oddly enough, one of the final nails in the coffin of this dastardly plot may be the mice that are roaring down under. Five of Australia’s leading MP’s have resigned rather than support that country’s liberal bid to initiate Cap and Trade, which they refer to as an emissions trading scheme and all but guarantee its failure to pass. This will undoubtedly send ripples throughout the world as more and more people become aware of what an immense fraud the whole ‘global warming/climate change’ power grab is really all about.
Mr Obama, ever conscious of an opportunity to aggrandize himself in front of himself, will promise (with no binding agreement) to reduce our own emissions level by 17% by the year 2020…a figure by the way LESS than the EU, Japan and the UN. In other words, he is going over there to speak FOR the people of the United States without speaking TO the people of the United States, who have pretty much already rejected this nonsense. Ergo: he’s going over there to listen to himself.Things are not well in the land of global ripoffs. Those of us with a modicum of scientific background, though not laying claim to great credentials, have known for a long time that something just wasn’t right in Dodge. What they were claiming and the models they were using just didn’t add up. Of course any detractors were immediately attacked and marginalized…perhaps it should have brought to mind that the last and greatest refuge of scoundrels is name calling.
So in the meantime, we have false scientific ‘consensus’ ginning up global hysteria, using faulty models to prove preconceived results…SOME scientific method! For those of you who may not know, CONSENSUS is antithetical to good science, so the scientists who sold out to this farce are doubly damned. As the theater of this farce progressed, more and more reputable scientists began to speak out…more in fact than the kool-aid crew could marginalize.
The resultant ‘revolution’ among non-believing scientists resulted in 162 members of the American Physical Society writing a letter divorcing themselves from the concept of anthropomorphic global warming / climate change.
So now we have the supposedly ‘most’ prestigious (and most arrogant and non-inclusive) global climate change scientists, in both the UK and the United States, caught literally with their shorts down and their asses in the wind, lying through their eye teeth. Falsifying data and other science atrocities that would make a carny hustler proud. Their careers should end as they have marginalized and ended the careers of the detractors they put to ridicule.
I’m going to love to hear how they explain this one away in Copenhagen.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Security’s A Top Down Issue – Obama And Crew Inept Here As Well.
The clown circus is in full bloom, but around the Obama White House that’s a 24/7, 365 given. If there’s anything we’ve learned this last year, it’s that Barry and crew operate like the proverbial nut cake in-laws…everybody knows they’re members of the family but nobody wants to admit it.
Now we have the SECURITY breach of the decade. Well, at least the most visible. Because no matter how two people managed to waltz into the Obama’s ultra-glitz state dinner, whether or not they had aid and comfort is a side show, because it’s only a symptom of a disease pervading the tapestry of the entire government. It didn’t start with the Anointed One but he has certainly taken it to new levels of absurdity.
From the utter stupidity of allowing foreign nationals access to our top secret laboratories at Oak Knoll, Sandia and Lawrence Livermore on supposed ‘cultural exchange’, to little or no supervision of these individuals resulted in the loss of top secret nuclear weapons technology. Billy Jeff and George Bush can be credited with these.
Obama has been instrumental at bringing enemy alien terrorists from the jurisdiction of the military tribunals, to which they had pleaded GUILTY, to the shores of this country so that they can spew their venom upon a world stage and be defended by Marxist ACLU attorneys. Make NO mistake, it’s OBAMA and not his stooge Eric Holder.
Our State Department has been so thoroughly penetrated by leftist operatives that it has long ago ceased to serve the best interests of the American people. No President in recent history has been able to make inroads towards cleaning it up. It has been referred to as “Foggy Bottom”, but could be more aptly called “Boggy Swamp”. It does explain many things about the failure of American foreign policy though.
Political Correctness. Another disease affecting the security of America. So insidious as to influence a sitting American President to allow a foreign power (Mexico) to insist on the IMPRISONMENT of Border Patrol agents for pursuing a convicted drug dealer caught in the act of smuggling drugs across our international border. The same political correctness that has perverted the sense of duty of a FOUR STAR general of the US ARMY to the point that when an ‘undiscovered’ Jihadi killed 13 fellow soldiers, his most cogent comment appeared to be that he hoped it didn’t effect the CULTURAL DIVERSITY of the US ARMED FORCES.
At the same time the PC bureaucrats in the FBI rushed to the microphones to state unequivocally that “this was not a terrorist related incident,” practically before the bodies had finished hitting the floor.
The same PC police that tried to hang the Marines at Haditha are now trying to besmirch the Navy SEALS and destroy three of their numbers careers because a known terrorist murderer came up with a fat lip. It’s sad to contemplate that the charges against these men are being pushed forward by people who are not fit to carry their shoe polish.
Barry Hussein’s world is populated by people who couldn’t pass a security clearance on a bet. SOMEONE is giving these Marxists a pass. Who?
Security, or the lack thereof, is a top down issue. Barry hasn’t shown that he can run anything, and in point of fact everything he’s touched has turned to the aft product of a flatulent bovine.
But then his Presidency is sort of looking like a horse’s ass so everybody should feel right at home.
Now it is left to the American people to clean up the mess and air the place out.
It can’t come soon enough for most of us.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Is Our Country’s Blessing To The World.
Despite the strident protestations of the secular left this GREATEST country in the world remains just that. A FREE country rooted deeply in JUDEO/ CHRISTIAN values and the principles of liberty, individual responsibility, freedom to make of one’s life what we will, freedom to speak our minds without fear of retribution, the freedom to govern ourselves, and to defend our homes, our families and our country from evil and oppression.
I thank God for my blessings everyday. But on this day especially. I thank my God, as I understand him, for the tens of thousands of American men and women in the Armed Forces of this truly blessed land with whose sacrifices on our behalf on a daily basis I stand in awe.
As a United States Marine I spent a number of Thanksgivings and holidays away from home and a couple of them overseas in cultures very unlike my own. It’s a very lonely existence far from home, family and friends and in an unforgiving, hostile and sometimes dangerous environment.
We have simply the greatest military in history.
The world has a great deal to be grateful for on this day of Thanksgiving as well. It would be a far different place were it not for the thousands of Americans who have sacrificed their lives on every continent of this globe. Europe, Asia, the Pacific, Africa…all would be far different places without the expenditure of vast amounts of American blood and treasure. We are the most generous, freely-giving society in history. We are also the most open minded and forgiving.
Many of those who have benefited the most from our generosity have appreciated it least. But time after time we have turned the other cheek and continued to befriend our detractors.
This is the measure of the greatness of America.
God bless this great country and God bless you on this day of Thanksgiving.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Navy SEALs Face Haditha Style Frameup By Dept. Of The Navy PC Stooges.
The Navy Seals are the creme de la creme of the special forces of this country, along with the less well known Marine Force Recon of which there are only a few platoons in the entire Marine Corps, some very bad dudes…ditto the Army’s Delta Force…so secret that families of these people don’t even know what they do for a living. The Air Force has its Special Operations Command. All of these people routinely perform missions all over the globe in the international war on terror that many of us would call impossible or suicidal.
Force Recon, for example, operated far behind enemy lines for extended periods back when I was in the Corps. These men don’t have the luxury of determining whether their actions meet someone’s idea of ‘rules of engagement’ and shouldn’t have to. NONE of our combat personnel should! We lost a SEAL team to such nonsense in Afghanistan when three goat herders chanced upon a SEAL operation. The men had to make the determination of whether or not to kill them. That indecision cost the lives of three of the SEAL team, eight additional SEALs and eight Army special forces troops. Marcus Luttrell was the only survivor and he writes in his book, “LONE SURVIVOR”, about the futility of having to second guess the reactions of PC bureaucrats both in and out of the military.
Anyone who has ever had to face that eternal nano-second of when or whether or not to squeeze that trigger knows just what I mean.
The POLITICAL CORRECTNESS BRIGADE in our government, and especially the one operating in our military, is a pernicious cancer eating away at the confidence and morale of our fighting men. It’s more akin to giving aid and comfort to the enemy than anything else I can equate to.
A Navy Seal team captured Ahmed Hasim Abed, one of the most thoroughly detestable individuals occupying space on this globe. Somehow or another Ahmed got a fat lip instead of the bullet that should have adjudicated his massacre of four Blackhawk security agents. The PC POLICE in the MILITARY, and at the ever dense and un-American State Department from whence many of these ridiculous operational restrictions originate, sent out the word to hang these heroes, or at least hang them out to dry to the ardent applause of our enemies world wide. These men refused to be humiliated at non-judicial punishment, having permanent blots placed on their records, and instead insisted on a hearing at a full Court Martial.
Shades of Haditha…the only thing missing here so far is the smarmy and detestable John Murtha.
ENOUGH!! We have to stop this monkey trial. These men should be having decorations hung on them instead of having to fight for their careers. We must stop this pathetic nonsense now!
Please take the time to write or email your Representatives and Senators now. Additionally, the addresses of the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations are below. I’m sorry I don’t have an email for them. Perhaps one of you could supply it.
Secretary of the Navy
1000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20350-1000
Chief of Naval Operations
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20350-1000
Our Soldiers, Sailors and Marines are being asked to do an incredibly difficult job under far less than optimal conditions, under a leadership sadly lacking courage or integrity themselves. Please don’t let them get away with this immense injustice.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How Low Can You Go? – In More Ways Than One – Obama Bows Again.
Doesn’t this guy have any handlers with any savvy at all, or are they all complete toadies and afraid to confront His Almightiness? Asians, and most of the world in fact, see subservience as weakness. That’s exactly how Barry Hussein comes off, as weak, ineffectual and subservient.
His denial of American exceptionalism. Apologizing for America being the greatest country on Earth for fanciful and fancied affronts. His image of himself is hip, slick and cool. Most of the rest of us see him as self-aggrandizing, vapid and ineffectual. His ideological drive to subvert the government, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the will of the American people, engenders a word I won’t use here but it starts with ‘T’ and ends with ‘N’. His popularity is dropping like a runaway elevator. He has a Congress scrambling for political cover and a Senate which is about to be launched into a major battle in the closing weeks of this year, with little or no chance of passage of a monstrous attempted enslavement of the American people by January.
Next year will be pivotal. A mid-term election year in which no less than a full third of the Senate face re-election. Having to face an ever more aware and even more angry and irate populace. Many will be wondering whether walking the plank for Harry Reid, whose own re-election bid is in serious doubt, or for Nancy Pelosi, with a less than 21% popularity rating, or a President whose every word is beginning to be seen as something to joke about, will be worth the price. For a price there will be.
2010 is shaping up to be a political bloodbath not seen since the unlamented days of Jimmy Carter, or the 1994 Contract for America introduced by Newt Gingrich only four weeks before the election.
This one is stacking up to be every bit as punishing for the DeMarxists. With the country staggering under unprecedented debt, a flat-lined economy which not even government book-cooking can make look good, and unemployment not seen since the 1930’s. And the only answer Obama’s goofballs have is massive taxation to ’somehow’ create jobs?
The electorate in this country is livid. They are boiling mad. But even worse for DeMarxists, they have become educated on the issues. They see through the hope and change and see changes they do not want and will not tolerate. The Democrats see the resurgence of a revitalized CONSERVATIVE Republican party and this frightens them as well. Because they well know that Conservative ideals and ideas work every time they are tried.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
DeMarxists’ Worst Nightmare A Reality – Sarah Palin Can’t Be Destroyed.
That’s why things like the FRAUD packed health care bill, now awaiting debate in the Senate, and the Senators that support it engender so much anger from the American people. We know they’ve shut down their Senate offices phones because they don’t want to face us. This week they return home to their districts. We will find them there. If they shut down those phones we will smother them with our emails, letters and visits to those district offices. WE know the truth! They do not want to face our truths or face us, but face us they will. These people who would command our lives, our very fortunes and the futures of our children. JUST who the HELL do they think they are? We threw the Brits the hell out of here for a lot less than they are trying to pull. Landrieu, Bayh, Nelson and Lincoln all deserve special contempt but there are many more.
We have a narcissistic budding megalomaniac, who also has some serious issues with the truth, sitting in the White House. The American people have sensed this through all his high-flown rhetoric and his promises of utopian nirvana on Earth. Even the skeptical in the beginning were willing to ‘give the guy a break’. After all, look how bad George Bush and the Republicans screwed things up…ouch. Another truth. As the fallacies of his promises came to the fore, people started really listening to what he was saying and found that the truth wasn’t in him. So what does all this have to do with Sarah Palin?
I was at first astounded at the vehemence of the attacks mounted against her. The lengths to which not only the extreme left was going to discredit and marginalize her, but many supposed conservatives as well. Surprise, surprise. It didn’t work. Slanderous vicious attacks on her and her family. Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent trying to play ‘gotcha’ with her life and none of it worked. The LIBERAL, PROGRESSIVE MARXISTS were in an absolute state…still are. They’re wedged so tight it would take a post hole digger to get them out. They’ve done their best to destroy her and it hasn’t worked. Her popularity and her approval ratings among the American people have only grown exponentially with each new assault. Those of her own party who have taken so many back door snide shots at her have, in their own turn, been exposed for who and what they are and dismissed by America as irrelevant.
So what gives? What is it about this lady that Americans see and want so much? It’s easy. It’s the same easy that the DeMarxists can’t ever figure out. It’s truth…it’s plain old-fashioned Conservative value truth, and the country yearns for it like water for a soul lost in the desert. We see, hear and feel ourselves in Sarah Palin and that ain’t such a bad thing. Look for the next big wedge issue to be the libs linking Sarah to the Tea Party leadership, and to then start touting a ‘third party’ a la Ross Perot. It’s nonsense. Sarah knows it, she’s said so. She knows that what we need is a solid revitalized Conservative Republican party.
There’s been a lot of speculation of whether she’ll run in 2012 and if so, can she win?
My answers to that would be, I don’t know…but oh hell yes!!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Dissention Among Democrat Senators.
Small wonder…this is, as Rush calls him, a man-child. This is not a leader that inspires confidence. I don’t see any indications of this vast intellect lauded to the stars by the fringe, now largely marginalized, press. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any indications of leadership either. His UTTER mismanagement of our foreign policy, the monumental gaffes committed time after time in dealing with friend and foe alike, do not make for building confidence. His administration’s fiscal policies are a TRAIN WRECK. Unemployment ROSE in 29 out of the 50 States last month. Yet he puts on that vapid looking smirk and has the unmitigated temerity to go on (are both teleprompters working?) television to call it a ‘recovery’.
Troops in Afghanistan are bleeding and dying awaiting His Indecisiveness. Hell’s bells, my kid knows we need to send the reinforcements over there to complete the mission. This guy SERIOUSLY needs to be a one term President. No one in the history of this country has screwed the job up this bad or at this hyper speed. This does not bode well for the country. He could cause an awful lot of damage in three years.
Meanwhile, back in the quagmire that has become the Congress of the United States, a menagerie more akin to a lunatic asylum where the nuts have clearly taken over, Dingy Harry’s socialist express has sort of run off the rails. There is some serious internecine warfare going on over in the DeMarxist side of the Senate, despite efforts to sell the Kumbaya image. It may be the best news the REST of the nation has had all month though. The hard left will not go along unless there is a hard-line ‘public’ option. The moderates won’t go along if there is. Others will not go along if there is any provision for funding abortions, which there are.
Additionally, but probably most telling of all, is that fully 1/3 of the Senate has to face their voters next year in an election and explain to a very angry and aware electorate why they voted yes if they did…or if they do going forward. These folks have already heard plenty from you the American TAX payer, the American citizen, the life blood of this country and they will hear much more. We will highlight these Senators.
Our ammunition will be your activism…your letters, your emails, your phone calls and your visits to these Senators district offices.
And as we used to say in the Marine Corps…STANDBY…TARGETS!!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Cloture Vote Along Party Lines…Moderates Sell Out.
Dingy Harry has some problems down the pike and there can be no greater indication of that than after the vote total. There was only a sparse smattering of applause, almost none. Every Senator in that room knew that it is a very far from done deal. They won’t be back to start debate on it until November 30.
Next year is an election year and many Democrats in both the House and the Senate will be facing serious challenges with a seriously peed off electorate, which much to their dismay is far better informed than in many previous years. There are some RINO Republicans that may get their tickets out of town punched also. That’s what they’ll be thinking about, as much or more than sticking their necks out for Reid, Pelosi and that Great Grandstanding Empty Suit in the White House.
Once again, YOUR efforts at derailing this beast before it reached a vote were magnificent. THANK YOU!!
This is only the beginning of the fight however. Don’t feel as though we lost anything, because we have enough of these politicians looking over their shoulders and watching the calendar to make a real difference.
Lawmakers will be heading home to their districts for the Thanksgiving holiday…it’s the PERFECT time to reach them in their own district and it doesn’t matter if it’s your district or your Senator or not. It’s your country, it’s OUR Senate, and as much as they like to ignore the fact they are on our payroll. Take the time to look up these Senators’ home district offices and start hammering them there. Email, write letters, tell your friends and family and tell them to tell others. Become an activist. Get mad but then GET BUSY!!
We can beat this bill and we can defeat the DeMarxists…and we can do it using their own playbook.
Activism, real get-down-and-get-dirty grassroots activism, is how we are going to defeat the Marxio-Socialists at their game. Become active at the local level as you continue to make your voice heard at the national level. Start with your local PTA, City, County and Civic Organizations…continue to call, write and email. Stay angry!! You’ve every right to be. These cretins are trying to steal our GOD given birthright.
BECOME INFORMED and don’t be afraid to tell others. I live in one of the most Liberal dominated areas of the nation. I used to take a lot of heat for my Conservative views. I’m not real smart about such things and I’ve spoken my mind in places where perhaps a saner man would fear to tread.
But there’s a change going on out there. Ten thousand Conservative Patriots in the heart of San Francisco to let the Anointed One know that we think his policies and his governance stink. I don’t take as much heat any more and I’m finding that far more people are agreeing with me.
Not on everything perhaps, but then we are AMERICANS and we don’t have to walk in lockstep like the DeMarxist Unionotons or Acorn Community Destabilizers. It’s enough that we agree in principle that we need to step in, step up and save our country.
Another thing…don’t fall for the crap out there about ‘dissension in the ranks of the Tea Party leadership’. The sources of these rumors are pretty easy to identify…it’s bullroar as we used to say in the Corps. Many Republican Senators will be holding town hall meetings over the holiday break, seeking to illuminate and inform constituents and the American public about what exactly is in Harry’s 2074 page monstrosity. Take advantage of the opportunity if you can and let them know we stand behind them.
Remember, they can’t stand against us when we stand together.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Senate Notification Continues! Keep The Heat On!!
Last night, I put out a plea for Americans like you to email and call the four ‘moderate’ Senators most likely to affect the voting on the health care bill being forced on Saturday night, 11/21, by Dingy Harry Reid. Senators EVAN BAYH, MARY LANDRIEU, BILL NELSON and BLANCHE LINCOLN.
I’d like to thank ERIC ODOM for linking us to his many readers. I’d also like to thank the editor that drives this machine, Dee, who had to sort through the two thousand or so responses that came in to our appeal. Additionally, thousands more must have gone out that did not, or could not, take time to comment. To say that we were surprised, thankful and gratified would be an understatement. AMERICA is alive and well…God bless you all and KEEP UP THE HEAT!!
At this writing, it appears that Bill Nelson may be feeling bullet proof enough to vote in favor of the unhealthy America bill. Either that, or they have promised him the world to get him to betray his constituents and his country. Likewise, Mary Landrieu has been offered a 100 MILLION dollar pork sandwich. In her typically opportunistic and weather vane fashion, she may be unable…scratch that…unwilling to forego bestowing this largesse that belongs to OTHER Americans in her state, which already had BILLIONS of Federal dollars pumped into it, apparently accomplishing very little, other than greasing skids for bureaucrats and politicians. It’s business as usual in Louisiana.
It’s just possible that these Senators have been promised some cushy assignment in a ‘future’ Obama administration, or perhaps a lush job with a ‘K’ Street lobbying firm should an aroused electorate bounce their useless carcasses out of there. DON’T put anything past this bunch. It should be readily apparent that they no longer serve the interests of the United States of America, its Constitution or its people. They are on a purely Marxist ideological drive to fundamentally change America into something which AMERICANS don’t want, and which in point of fact is DIAMETRICALLY opposed to the will of the people.
I’ve known for a long time that Americans were outraged and getting more steamed by the minute…but after reading some of your comments…if I were one of those Senators, I’d be damned uncomfortable.
DON’T STOP NOW!! I hate to keep picking on him, but Mark Levin has asked his radio listeners to call, email and write these four and all members of the Senate as well. He has a huge audience. We shut down their phones today as their message boxes are full. Keep calling, emailing and writing those letters. Be courteous but be firm…it’s ok to tell them off but do it in a civil manner. Don’t kid yourself into thinking it’s not having an effect because it IS! A lot of these politicians are looking over their shoulders to see when the pitchfork mob will show up on the horizon…and DESERVEDLY SO.
Don’t listen to some of the supposed ‘conservative’ turncoats in the lame stream media, they are just somebody’s lapdog anyway, and chances are I’VE got a larger readership than most of those clowns.
Keep the kettle boiling under these jokers…America for Americans now! This is our country and it’s damned sure worth fighting for!
Once again, the four Senators are:
Evan Bayh, Indiana
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
Bill Nelson, Florida
Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
Just because we have shut down their Senate office phones, don’t stop there. Go online and get the phone numbers for their district offices and continue to let them know what you think. For instance, Dianne Feinstein has her Washville message center shut down…BUT you can still get through to her San Francisco offices. Let them know how you feel.
God bless you and God bless America.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
On Notice!!! Senators Evan Bayh, Mary Landrieu, Bill Nelson, Blanche Lincoln.
Republican Senators intend to force a reading of every word of it in prime time. It’s all according to Senate rules so it doesn’t look like the DeMarxists can stop it. It will take between 34 and 54 hours to accomplish, by which time there will undoubtedly be some squirming going on while various Senators reach for their hemorrhoid pads. Whatever Americans that are out there who are not tar-and-feathers angry about this fraud, WILL BE by the end of this reading. Either that or they are brain dead. In point of fact, Senate rules call for THREE readings of each new piece of legislation. Look for Republican Senators to insist on it.
This legislation is NOT health reform, it is a criminal enterprise reinforced by the full force of the the US Government. It will lower the living standard of every American and will condemn many to an impossible state of poverty. It will impoverish our children and their children. It will not cost any 849 billion dollars either. According to the Heritage Foundation the ACTUAL cost will be 2.44 TRILLION dollars. Let’s see, between Dingy Harry and the Heritage Foundation…I’ll take the Foundation.
The DeMarxists don’t want you to know about that. In fact, there’s very little in that legislation that they DO want you to know about.
This is likely to come up for a vote within the next week. We can influence this thing and possibly stop it by contacting your own Senator and the four Senators shown above. Call and email them and let them know that we will hold them responsible for their vote. Their own constituents are against this bill but there is HUGE pressure on them to vote for it.
Dingy Harry wrote a couple of pages in there especially to entrap Mary Landrieu…about 100 million in pork if I recall correctly. The White House, Rahm Emanuel and the Democrat leadership are in full court press to get these Senators to ignore principle and betray their constituents and YOU, the American people.
So much for short and sweet. Call and email the Senators listed below and let them know we stand WITH them as long as THEY stand on principle. Let them know also that we WILL work to hound them from office if they vote for this travesty.
Senator Evan Bayh, Indiana, 202-224-5623
Senator Mary Landrieu, Louisiana, 202-224-5824
Senator Bill Nelson, Florida, 202-224-5274
Senator Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas, 202-224-4843
Stand up for America! Encourage them to be strong, to fight for the rights of all Americans and vote NO on this monstrosity.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Eric Holder – The Joker Redux – Judicial Gamesmanship At Country’s Expense.
Holder held forth with a whole bunch of juris-psycho-babble, which came to a dead end with Ariz. Senator Jon Kyle’s (R) blunt question. “How could you be more likely to get a conviction in federal court when Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has already asked to plead guilty before a military commission and be executed?” Holders answer to this was weak at best.
Senator Jeff Sessions, Alabama, commented that time has dulled the administration’s memory that we are at war. Indeed, Senator Sessions. If they ever considered it to be a war to start with. That’s perhaps where the breakdown on this whole issue is.
The Liberal Democrats in this country have never been in this thing from the beginning…it’s at best a terrible inconvenience from their real business, which is to transform this country into a shadow of it’s greatness. Trapping it’s people forever in a maze of government bureaucracy, overwhelming taxation and perpetual subservience to some nouveau-European socio-marxist state.
The DeMarxists see this as an opportunity to once and for all put their biggest enemy, George Bush and his CIA, on trial as their ever-rabid base still insists they do. Only in this way can the hard left expiate their guilt at failing to completely destroy him while in office. Exposing our intelligence operations in a totally Soviet style show trial can be the only result of bringing these people into our federal court system.
Once again, THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO STANDING IN OUR COURTS. They HAVE no Constitutional protections under our system of jurisprudence. They are not US citizens. They are not enemy combatants, fighting for a country under the flag in the regular armed forces of that country, and therefore given the protections of the Geneva Convention. They are irregulars, fighting under no national flag. At no time in the past have we ever given armed enemies of this country any standing in US criminal courts. There is a system for dealing with them, it is in the military justice system and not in our civil courts. Eric Holder and Barack Obama know exactly what they are doing and WHY they are doing it.
The implications are startling and just plain ugly. This is coming to a head and it may get much uglier yet.
The American people are going to demand an account and that demand will be coming soon.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Patrick ‘Leaky’ Leahy Attempts To Stack Federal Courts Again.
Knowing full well that the cat is out of the bag, several cats as a matter of fact, on the true nature of the DeMarxist socialist agenda for America. Knowing that they face an increasingly uphill road to continue to buffalo the American people into believing the lies and obfuscations they’ve been delivering and having to face a hostile electorate.
Democrats, watching support for them and their agenda melting away in the polls, having to face the possibility that they face a real waxing in the 2010 elections and possibly beyond, are reverting to their most favored tactic, which is to suborn the election process and the will of the people through the judiciary. Nothing new there. Super kudos to Mark Levin for being all over this thing today, while everyone else seems oblivious to the real dangers this issue holds.
Judicial activism is nothing new to our federal courts. Neither is it new to the Democratic party. Franklin Roosevelt, with the “Judiciary Reorganization Plan” of 1937, also known as the ‘court packing plan’, kicked the whole thing off. He was responsible for the appointment of no less than eight members of the Supreme Court during his twelve years in office…replacing justices hostile to his socialist agenda with those more friendly to his ‘New Deal’ policies.
Enter Patrick ‘Leaky’ Leahy, the man who couldn’t keep a classified secret to save his life, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. How the HELL do we allow such men and women into positions of power and influence? Leahy is moving forward legislation to increase federal judgeships AGAIN, after having tried it WITH some Republican co-sponsors last year. He is asking for 12 new judgeships in six courts of appeal and 51 judgeships in 25 district courts. He has 17 Democrat co-sponsors and no Republicans on this one.
The implications for the people’s voice to stand, if Obama and his Marxists are able to stack the courts with Maoist ACLU types, are grim. Yet we keep seeing where certain RINO moderate Republicans would make an accommodation with their Democratic counterparts, at the expense of the constituency they purportedly serve.
We have to put the word out NOW that any Republican who supports any of these appointments, or who fails to fight every one of these appointments, may as well start packing now. This is an area we cannot afford to lose. We have to fight these people at every turn. There can be NO accommodation. There can be NO deal making.
There can be NO more RINO Republican turncoats.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Oba-Trotsky Goes To Copenhagen But The Patient Is DOA.
Americans, having had a severe gut check behind His Imminence Barack the First’s proposed fiscal nightmares, are telegraphing Congress that it better have as much chance of passing as the proverbial snowball in hell…or else.
Representatives, that hung it all in the wind for Obama, Pelosi and Reid on the House’s bare passage of the health care bill, are having buyers regret now that the steaming mad public whiplash is being felt. Serious challenges are being mounted in all marginal Democratic districts as we speak and in many that are not.
The triumvirate of the the Obama administration’s dream list is the health care theft of 1/6 of the US economy; the cap and tax bone crusher of American jobs, American industry, American families; and the AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS bill, which is even now being worked on by both Democrats and Republicans who, by the way, should be targeted to be voted out of office as well. That’s another story.
The Health Care issue is on life support over in the Senate and unlikely to emerge any time soon, if at all. Harry Reid may try for the ‘nuclear’ option on it by sending it to budget reconciliation, which would require only 51 votes. Democrats rightly fear that this measure would create a political backlash that most are unwilling to face in 2010.
Cap and Trade, the second pillar of the Obama drive to force socialization upon the American people, is ‘on the back burner’ for now for much the same reason. Lawmakers are beginning to understand that the STAGGERING cost to the economy and the American people is a price that cannot be born…hence another potential tidal wave of political mayhem. The surest indication of this is the announcement from the Copenhagen committee that there ‘will be no legally binding treaty’ at the ‘climate’ summit.
What that means, by the way, is that without the co-operation of the United States of America the economics of the whole thing just won’t work. It’s the same reason KYOTO didn’t work…no US to bleed dry. Without India and China and with the EU faltering, it turns the upcoming Copenhagen conference into so much hot air and the chief source of that hot gas will be Barack Obama.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
America’s Great Apologist Grovels Again.
Sorry folks, just haven’t come across any Sugar Plum Fairies lately…unless you want to count Obama’s economic program…it’s for sure a fantasy, albeit a very dangerous one. I’d like, as well, to refer to him as Mr. President or President Obama, but somehow he just doesn’t match up with the honorific. He may be somebody’s president but he’s not mine. Not by virtue of his actions towards the the military of this great country for which he shows great disregard and disdain.
Look at his face when he speaks of our military, or the WARS they have to fight on our behalf, or the mission they have been given. He lies, he lies all the time. His face and his body-language speak worlds about him… his disdain and dismissal of the American people despite his mealy-mouthed platitudes and empty promises. His megalomaniacal schemes, so tied to his massive self-aggrandizement. The perfect profile for a tyrant-in-waiting. The guy acts like a skinny Hugo Chavez.
Not satisfied to wreck everything he touches domestically, he’s off to Asia to grovel at the feet of more foreign leaders. BOWING before this Emperor and Empress of Japan. They are nice dignified people…but not deserving of genuflection from the ‘leader’ of the greatest country on earth.
This is the second time His Irrelevance has done this you will recall. A head of state does not bow to a head of state…doesn’t this clown have a protocol chief? Or maybe the protocol chief is as feckless as he is. I have a private theory about why Barry consistently has to denigrate this country and abase himself in front of foreigners, who despise us more after he’s done than if he’d just stayed the hell home.
In a nutshell, (and no I’m not referring to Nancy-with-the-stapled-eyelids-Pelosi) it’s because he’s an EMPTY SUIT…literally, there’s no there, there. He doesn’t respect himself and so has no respect for others. He was kicked from pillar to post as a kid. What moral grounding he did get was from all the wrong places. He’s bitter and warped, he hates this country. He despises our Judeo-Christian principles. He is an admirer of a philosophy which seeks to destroy us and he seeks to ingratiate himself with others of that belief system, to have us believe that it is an ‘outreach’ to a peaceful religious philosophy when all evidence points to the contrary. He can’t understand why Americans aren’t rushing to embrace him, his warped and out of control Marxist Democratic party and his oppressive, destructive and repressive policies.
I am VERY impressed with the people of this greatest country on earth. The huge move towards Patriotism and Constitutional law that is sweeping this land from coast to coast is heartening and exciting.
It is so much more than a political revival. It is America reasserting the values that our founders built into the foundations of this Republic. It’s Americans asserting America.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Demarxists To Further Destroy Economy…Massive Tax Increases!!
They are about to be ground under the heel of an insatiable government in pursuit of a fanciful and totally unattainable poly-nirvana, along with the rest of us proles…or at least that’s how they see us. They just haven’t figured it out yet. Their heads are still stuck too far in the clouds, but reality is going to come knocking in a big way very soon.
This economic engine of ours is coughing and sputtering like a poorly tuned motor…and getting just about as good mileage out of the fuel which powers it. We’re not talking about the liberals’ other favorite mythical beast, energy, here. We’re talking about the greatest asset this country has. We’re talking about its people. We are talking about jobs. We are talking about an INSANELY obsessed government, totally and completely out of control, hell bent on destroying whatever economic power still resides in the people and the greatest driver in this or any economy, small business, entrepreneurship, and private investment.
The elite leftist is a creature of infinite contravention, espousing an ideology which by its very nature destroys that which produces the means that permits that intellectual disconnect.
The rest of us see things in a much simpler context. We see our homes, our children, our livelihoods, our savings and our futures threatened by an unresponsive, irresponsible and punitive government in contravention of the very laws that frame its scope of governance.
We have only the recourse left to us by the Constitution as a law-abiding people. At least for now. We have the ballot box and the ability to change the direction of the government and the country.
There IS a political sea-change taking place out there now, as an ANGRY and aroused citizenry become aware and educated to the depth and breadth of the betrayal of our trust by a rabidly left-leaning and TYRANNICAL CABAL within the highest reaches of our government.
There will be a huge reckoning in the elections of 2010. I don’t think the DeMarxists could moderate or change course now if they wanted too. They are like a truck on a steep grade which has lost it’s brakes.
Fortunately for us, they are about to run into the wall of the American people.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Oba-Mao Says It All… Barry’s Sheets Are Getting Pulled.
It’s amazing how when things get a bit dicey at home, El Presidente always manages to prance off in absentia when the criticism starts to fly. Maybe it’s because his teleprompters were made offshore, to jobs lost here in this country and therefore work best on foreign soil. Truth is, he just doesn’t want to be here to answer pointed questions, or as pointed as they ever get from 98% of that pandering White House news corps, or the equally DOA fringe media.
The two latest gorge spilling events have had to do with his Muslim Jihadist Army Major, massacring thirteen of our US Army troops ON AMERICAN SOIL, then having to listen to Barry and his spin doctor apologists in the Army itself, in his administration, and in the forever babbling fringe media, trying to turn this murdering scumbag into some sort of victim of ‘American’ oppression and harassment.
Meanwhile, the entire US Muslim population gears up to play the poor oppressed minority to a ‘T’, while many of their mosques preach hatred and their charitable organizations pump money into terrorist jihadist organizations and causes. Hey Barry, what madrasa was it you attended when you were traveling in Pakistan on an Indonesian Muslim passport? You know, the one that showed you as an Indonesian citizen at a time when travel to Pakistan was barred to holders of an American Passport? Wish somebody would explain that one to me. I’ve got it! Must have been part of Barry’s Muslim outreach program.
Then there’s Eric Holder and the firestorm that has been ignited by the announcement that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and friends are being brought here for trial in a NewYork Federal Court. Let’s see, these are really creepy people… the kind that would set a little girl on fire to teach her father a lesson. Fact folks…that’s how these dudes operate over there. We are taking them away from military tribunals where they belong. Remember, these people don’t even rate the protection of the Geneva Convention.
Obama, because IT IS OBAMA, can’t distance himself from this one. He can’t travel far enough to be able to say, “Why, it’s my Attorney General just doing his job”. It won’t work Barry…your sheets have been pulled on this one too. It’s what you and Holder promised all along to your left wing Marxist kooks…to expose our intelligence operations through Soviet style SHOW trials here in the US. That’s plain to see.
What we also see, Mr Hussein Obama, is that you place our nation, our intelligence community, our armed forces personnel and the citizens of this country at great risk.
You sir, abrogate your Oath and the Constitution of this country every time you open your lying mouth.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Just Who Is Obama Working For?
Meanwhile, the Osama–whoops slip of the tongue that– the Obama mis-administration is busy with a purely Soviet-style purge in our government, that far outshines anything that Bill and Hill did at the advent of their ‘most ethical administration in history’, beginning with the firing of the White House travel office employees.
Mr Fair-and-Open is going back FIVE YEARS to purge Republican and Conservative appointees, to replace them with good little Trotskyite apparatchiks like Anita Dunn, another fatality of the people of this country actually listening to what these Politburo types say and then holding them to it.
Obama can’t make a decision or WON’T make a decision to reinforce our forces in harms way, but he sure seems to be able to make every wrong decision possible regarding this country, its people and its rapidly failing economy. We have political correctness operating in high gear throughout the highest command of our military…this HAS to be a top down attitude. Not ALL of our military…the attitude of the chain of command down at the level of the combat commands is a little different, thank God. But no less affected by it, because they cannot help BUT be affected by a weak and cowardly Commander-in-Chief.
The question is, as I’m sure many millions of Americans have secretly asked themselves, just who or what is Obama working for…who is it that’s yanking this guys chain? Can it be that he’s REALLY that stupid, inept and naive? It is as suspicious as all get out that his Muslim outreach program just happens to encompass bringing internationally known terrorists into our courtrooms, where they will be able to make a mockery of our system and allow a grandstanding display to encourage others like them around the world. Meanwhile, rabid leftist attorneys, who already having done much to destroy our Constitution and our system of jurisprudence, attempt to get them off on one technicality or another that they may again be able to go forth and murder more Americans. Any one or two of these factors could be written off as coincidental. Taken as a totality, it’s mind boggling.
We were warned for years about the evils of socialism and communism and it’s here.
We have an awful lot to do to save our country. We must be strong of faith and will. We must join with our families, friends and neighbors, together with all like-minded patriots, to defeat this monstrous evil once and for all.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Obama’s Third World America. Equality At Last.
I’m forever astounded at the consistency of liberal thought versus action. It’s always for someone ELSE to do or say, or think or live by. Never themselves. Wherefore the disconnect? I’ll stick with my brain lesion theory.
Not too long ago, we had a massive state of emergency in the Gulag of Cuba when it was announced that there was a critical shortage of toilet paper. See, if they’d just listened to Sheryl Crowe… they don’t grow corn in Cuba so no corn cob… and sugar cane don’t work so well…how about tobacco leaf? Gee, they can always carry a bottle of water and emulate the middle eastern example…wonder how long that would take to catch on with the trendy lefty crowd? Now we have a severe shortage of power and clean water. What a surprise…shortages in this worker’s paradise?
Handsome UGO Chavez has announced severe shortages as well, as has Brazil which just had a power outage affecting 60,000,000 people (that’s sixty MILLION people for you math challenged libs out there), due to nothing more than very poorly maintained power transmission lines.
Our own flu vaccine production has become a rancid joke under “GOVERNMENT” supervision. People all over the country are unable to access a vaccine that we have had ample time and warning to prepare.
It’s so embarrassing that the Obama administration has stopped ginning up the pandemic hysteria because of their obvious ineptitude in managing a largely manufactured crises. This is BEFORE ‘healthcare’ is even passed.
By way of example and a harbinger of our own future if we don’t STAND UP and stop these Marxist dilettantes, the socialist health care system in the UK is on the verge of imploding. They can’t pump enough money into it to make it work. It produces nothing but bureaucracy and mismanagement, to say nothing of very poor and inadequate patient care…almost indifferent. I personally know of one lady in Wales who has waited well over a year to see a specialist over a rotator cuff problem. She has told me of a friend of hers who waited EIGHTEEN MONTHS for an eye operation that I obtained here in two weeks.
Insane levels of taxation and regulation are causing a massive exodus of business and manufacturing overseas, while all the DeMarxists and the wannabe Dictatorate in the White House do is grope for more money, while planting ever more burden on the backs of the citizenry.
Socialized health care…hell’s bells…SOCIALIZED ANYTHING has failed miserably wherever it has been tried. A quick look at any unrevised history will tell the tale very quickly.
It’s time we told the Obama bunch just exactly that and we will not have any part of it.
Elections are coming in 2010 and we need to sweep the boards clean!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Political Correctness…Terrorism’s Happy Place.
We have a Four Star General of the United States Army more concerned about ‘diversity’ and political correctness, than in the execution of the world war on terror and combating possible infiltration of our fighting forces by individuals, who may or may not have an affinity for the pernicious evils of militant Islam. It ain’t your daddy’s Army anymore.
They are making special exemptions to allow people into the military who wouldn’t clear receiving barracks ten years ago. We don’t have a military COMBAT frame of mind in the high command of the armed forces, we have SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION on a grand scale. Political correctness of the sort that allowed a Major Malik Nidal Hasan to not only slip through the cracks, but simply ignore glaring warnings. Not just a few, there were many. Where were the people who should have taken note and taken action?
We have PC spin apologists calling it everything but what it was. Stress syndrome! What stress? The guy was an officer in a cush job that was essentially a sinecure when compared to most Army officer assignments. It was a plain murder by a homicidal jihadist who planned exactly what he was going to do.
Just because he was not directly linked to one of the known Al Qaeda terror groups makes him no less one of them. His cry of Allahu Akbar as he started his murderous rampage pretty much nails that one down.
The question begs…HOW THE HELL DID THIS GUY PASS BACKGROUND CHECKS? Unless it was because he WAS Muslim and the pressure on Army personnel to treat these people differently. This is the price of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS in the military, or anywhere in our society for that matter. A practical mind would call it just plain damn stupidity.
I’ve seen some media types wringing their hands and bemoaning that Major Hasan was supposedly ‘harassed’ by fellow soldiers…the kind of statement that could only have been made by someone who had never been closer to the military than a television. Harassed!? Harassed by whom? The man was an officer. Certainly, no enlisted man would have said anything to him, either directly or in front of another officer. They would have instantly risked being brought up on charges. If someone had something to say about him, it would have been in private and around men of comparable rank. Even saying something in front of a senior non-com would have been to risk a dressing down. Another officer? Maybe one with a half a snoot full at the Officers Club? But such things are ungentlemanly and are generally frowned upon. Maybe another officer in private, calling him on his dangerously un-American views? Perhaps, but it would have to be one of equal or higher rank. Seems that there are a lot of people, in and out of the military, trying to make excuses for Major Hasan’s actions. There’s a glaring question mark behind that one also.
What about the rest of the Muslims in our military? We have had a Sergeant roll a grenade into a room, killing two officers and wounding fourteen others in Kuwait. He was a Muslim convert. There have been other domestic terror plots against our military, it is to be noted however, not connected to any service personnel.
What about the soldiers who have to serve with the Muslim troops? How often do they ask themselves, “Is this dude going to go off one of these days?” AND what is the Army doing about that?
Has anyone gotten around to asking General Casey, while he’s busy protecting the Muslim troops in the Army from any ‘backlash’, what he is doing to protect the rest of the troops from them? Fair or not, they are part of a group of people known to espouse and nurture a virulently violent philosophy that worships death. It seems a little insane not to scrutinize them as well. Political correctness be damned.
It appears that it is the only way to ensure we don’t have any more Malik Nidal Hasans.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Obama Owns It All Now, No Cover, No Place To Hide.
His administration of this country to this point has been a pollyanna mixture of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, with a lot more Hyde than Jekyll…and something much more sinister thrown in. It’s not something you can point your finger at and say “aha!” It’s more an undercurrent that can be sensed and not so much felt, but no less palpable. It’s that sense of unease that the mariner gets with a huge storm over the horizon, or the farmer searching the skyline for signs of trouble ahead. Military men get it too just before the stuff hits the fan…you know it’s out there, you know it’s coming.
Obama was swept into power not by any great mandate of the people, for all the HUGE media circus that accompanied him. He barely won with 55 percent of the vote…and that only because Conservatives and Independents had deserted the Republican banner by the tens of thousands. Tired of George Bush’s big spending, big government Republican leadership, which most Conservatives saw as betrayal, many just stayed home. The Republicans had blown it badly…they had strayed so far from their largely Conservative base that to many they were indistinguishable from the opposition.
A war-weary country was ready for a change and many moderates saw Obama’s candidacy as a historic moment and a chance to put away the specter of race for good. Historic it was…putting the race issue away it wasn’t.
Obama and his apologist cronies have done more to Balkanize this country than anything since the days of the carpetbaggers during reconstruction after the Civil War. His mandate is that he hasn’t one. His racing as fast as he can for the far left, and Nancy Pelosi’s and Harry Reid’s ideologically-driven push to socialize this country before it’s citizens awake from their self-induced and Liberal media aided deep sleep, has come frighteningly close to success.
However it’s not all going their way. Fully, 41% of Americans identify themselves as Conservative. Another 29% identify as Independents. Only 21% identify themselves as somewhat Liberal, while only 9% of the population identify as very Liberal. You’d never know it from the constant yammering and bleating of the fringe media. So much less effective than it used to be. Despite passage of the health care bill in the house by a mere 5 votes, passage in the Senate is unlikely this year, and next year is shaping up to be a bloodbath come election time. You see…they counted on us falling back asleep again and it didn’t happen.
He never had the Conservatives and has lost the Independents and not a few of the liberals. Hey Barry! We’re awake…
Barry’s next move will be to prance off to Copenhagen attempting to destroy the rest of our economy.
Yes it’s all his now…the economy, the war, Iran and the Mullah’s bomb. His affinity for all things Muslim.
His denial of this country’s strong Judeo-Christian origins. Something he cannot and will not change despite any grandiose pandering pronouncement to a Muslim world which sees him only as a useful fool.
His contempt for our military obvious in his speech, in his demeanor, in his actions…and most of all in his inaction. His contempt for YOU, the American citizen and patriot.
If I were mystery writer I’d have all the plot elements for a shoot em’ up spy thriller here…only I’m not. It is. And it’s scary as hell. Keep your powder dry.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Country Grieves…Pelosi-Obama Gloat.
While millions of Americans grieve over the MURDER of 13 US servicemen and women by a turncoat Muslim home-made Jihadist, and the PC spin doctors race to tell us not to sit in judgment, our country’s leadership, in the persons of Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, are celebrating the passage of the most heinous piece of legislation ever to darken the halls of our Capitol by FIVE VOTES.
Certainly NO MANDATE…and absolutely certain to doom the careers of many politicians who, despite the tens of thousands of emails, telephone calls, letters and personal visits from their constituents, felt insulated enough to vote for the health care bill in direct contravention of the wishes of the people.
I spoke about a quote attributed to Japanese Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto after the attack on Pearl Harbor which brought the US into World War Two in which he said, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”. That terrible resolve is the US TAXPAYER/CITIZEN/VOTER and this ‘Government’, if that’s what it can be called, is going to hear more and more from us, as are the ‘lawmakers’ of this country who feel that they can abrogate the oaths that they took to serve the public good and the Constitution of the United States of America. In truth, there is very little in this bill that would pass Constitutional muster. Obama, Pelosi and the Demarxists know this full well. Which is why they had to make sure NO ONE was able to scrutinize that 2000+ page monstrosity.
My own kid’s applications to Little League got more oversight than that. To say nothing of having to produce a VALID birth certificate.
We are going to name and highlight every ‘Representative’ who voted in favor of this bill as we will highlight every Senator who votes for it.
We will ‘name them and shame them’, to borrow a phrase from syndicated radio talk show host Michael Savage.
They had better not get too comfortable in the beltway because next year is almost here and there will be the ultimate political price to pay…we are going to vote them out of office. Even some of the Representatives who feel that they are in heretofore unassailable districts will be shaken out of their comfy little sinecures.
The clock is ticking…
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2009