It’s great to be an American. It’s great to be an American Patriot during this most momentous period in American history. Not that it isn’t a little scary too… with the assault against the fabric of the country by Barack Obama and his Marxist Government and Congress… with our borders a literal sieve, two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, with the latter altogether uncertain because of Barack Obama’s indecision and his active undermining of the military mission and command there.
Some people see our president as favoring and aiding our enemies. If this was a Republican they’d be shrieking for his head, but then Obama did tell us that he had to get out of Afghanistan… he couldn’t lose the Democrats or some such? I’ll bet his statement got more play with the Taliban than it did with his rent-a-mob kook base. In a sane world we’d have him impeached and facing charges of giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war.
No one is going to convince me, or the people of this country, that this recession is over, or even close to it. Businesses and money are fleeing Obama’s wunderland every day. You see, one of the things that the DeMarxists have never been able to figure out is that they can tax the rich all they want. People with money aren’t stupid… once you have money you have to work hard at keeping it. They’ll pull the plug and take their money and leave.
Obama’s tax nazis will find themselves presiding over a diminishing return. What was it that Maggie Thatcher said about socialism? She said something to the effect that socialism was just peachy keen until you run out of other people’s money.
We have a peaceful and significantly violence-free revolution underway in this country. But make no mistake about it, it is a revolution nonetheless. I’m proud to be part of it. It is a revolution that is going to sweep the enemies of this country aside. Less than four weeks to the day of reckoning for the Democrats.
Join us in our fight against the enemies of America.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2010
Don't Be a Dried Up Worm
Some of my earliest memories are fishing with my grandfather. I could not
swim, so he strapped me into an ancient, ill-fitting lifejacket that reeked
of ol...
1 year ago -- You have a few good points, definitely from a personal viewpoint that is your own. One way to change things, especially views toward Israel, is to tell the bigger story. I am trying to expand the stories about Israel beyond just following what the mainstream press is tracking. This will give Israel a more balanced and less tragic image around the world. See Real Live in Tel Aviv blog: - THANKS for reading (and commenting) @Ami