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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Absurdity After Absurdity.

Between the lies of the Lame Stream Press and the lies of our glorious leader, there’s little to choose. The country is in horrific shape. The ‘recession’ looks far closer to a depression to me… and to a bunch of other people, too. Hold on to your hats and everything else because it’s nothing, absolutely nothing, to what’s coming if President Barack Hussein Obama manages to get re-elected.

What he, Reid, Pelosi and others have planned for you will be just a shade less onerous than Soviet-era Romania, with jack-booted thugs running around our airports, train stations and bus terminals. Stasi-like informers will be in every apartment block, after they manage to separate us from our property and force us into their high density ‘stacks’.

Our republic is as sorely beset from without as from within. The people running this country are purely, visibly anti-American. To be anti-American is to be anti-freedom… to be anti-freedom is to be someone else’s slave. That these people are driven by a discredited and disproved ideology, which has never been successful in any of its various manifestations, tells worlds about the mindset, or lack of, that permeates the left.

It’s going to take every single patriot getting themselves, and everyone else they can muster, to the polls to defeat this blight on our beloved country. Talk to your friends, your co-workers and family members. All but the thickest of them have figured out that there’s something radically wrong about the state of the economy. There’s not a person I know who hasn’t had at least one friend or acquaintance that has been layed off, and recently at that. California, just days ago, was braying to the media about a fractional decrease in an already obscene unemployment number… which will, of course, be raised again when the numbers are reviewed and analyzed as they always are.

Barack Obama and his Marxists are the obvious enemy of the republic. There are others perhaps less obvious, some in our own camp who, for reasons of their own, work against the wishes of the people and party that supports them and to whom they are responsible.

Michele Bachmann has showed immense courage by taking on the Muslim monster within. It’s about time, too. So, the first thing that happens is that John McCain and the ever-slimy Lindsey Graham have crawled out from under their rocks long enough to denounce Michele Bachmann over her comments regarding Hillary Clinton’s aid, who is Muslim. It seems that the lady in question has family members who have attachments to the Muslim Brotherhood. So it begs the question… Who scrubbed her security clearance? The State Department is a shambles at the best of times. I’ve written about the infiltration of our government at the highest levels by Muslims who have direct connections to terror organizations. How do these people get visas? How do they get clearance to visit our White House?

I see that Keith Ellison is in Bachmann’s sights, too. It’s about damned time somebody started asking some really pointed questions. How is it that CAIR has had hundreds of meetings at the White House? We really do need to dump RINO leftovers like McCain and Graham. This election should be interesting in that regard as well. In the meantime, Patriots, keep the focus and keep up the pressure.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Gran Senior El Flaco Communisto.

I can’t take credit for the title. I was getting ready for work last Tuesday morning at ‘O dark thirty’. I was listening to our local conservative blowtorch, KSFO 560 AM morning drive show, starring that great nemesis of the Greenie crowd, Brian Sussman. He was talking to an American citizen of Cuban descent whose parents escaped the wonderland of Castro’s communist Cuba. Brian asked him how to say ‘skinny’ in Spanish… and they came up with the gag-line Flaco Communisto. The rest is my own invention, especially apropos given the high regard our glorious leader obviously has for he, himself and well… himself.

More and more Americans are beginning to see that the (self) anointed one is the diametric opposite of hope and change. Unless, of course, you happen to be one of the twenty percent of the American population who are content to exist on whatever meager largess the socialistas masters determine is your share of the communist paradise. America is facing the greatest threat to our existence, our way of life, our freedom and our national security since World War Two, possibly since the Civil War.

The DeMarxists, led by some of the most mind-numbed people it has ever been our misfortune to come across, are desperately attacking our presumptive Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney. Using vile and provably false accusations, without the barest connection to reality other than the fevered imaginings of their own sick minds. MaoBama, the heartthrob of the ne’er do well ‘somebody owes us something for nothing’ crowd, is scraping the bottom of the political barrel for every filthy diatribe that he and his fellow commies can conceive.

The attacks against Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital are disingenuous in the extreme. The most hilarious aspect of this slander, from the Patriot point of view, is that many of the DeMarxist crowd that are doing the loudest braying about Bain are themselves deeply invested in companies both here and offshore… and have been for many years.

Obama and his Greenie Communists are in deep trouble and they know it. We, as American Patriots, and most particularly we of the new media, cannot allow the ‘old media’, that which I prefer to call the Lame Stream Press, to camouflage their lies and prevarications while running cover for Barack Hussein’s lies and falsehoods.
It’s time to be rid of ‘El Flaco Communista’ once and for all.
Saddle up!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Romney… Stand Up, Or Stand Down!

I’m seriously conflicted. I’m beginning to have flashbacks to the presidential race of 2008. There are some disturbing parallels between the candidacy of the hapless John “you can’t do it my friend” McCain and the present candidate, the anointed of the Washington Republican Establishment. It’s akin to the feeling I got when I realized that George Bush was anything but the conservative he positioned himself to be.

Americans have been watching with an almost preternatural intensity as this all too real drama plays out on our national stage. Mitt Romney ran for the nomination of the Republican Party like a junkyard dog… destroying candidate after candidate and devil-take-the-hindmost. It was readily apparent that he didn’t much care where the bottom of the swamp was either. Though many of us disliked his tactics… and they were short, brutal and to the point, we salved ourselves with the thought… “just wait for the campaign this summer and fall, Romney will chew up Obama and spit him out, we’ve got a tiger in our tank”.

Readers will remember that I was never that high on Romney. I saw the potential millstone that ‘Romneycare’ presented to the Republican effort to oust the Marxist Obama, as unfair as it may be. ‘Romneycare’ as it has been dubbed is, and was, nothing compared to the utter devastation that will be Obama’s legacy to this country should the healthcare law not be overturned.

Mitt Romney’s attempt to bring sanity to Massachusetts health care costs, through a state mandated health care system, was admirable in its aims. Romney should have known it would have been vulnerable to a Democratic state legislature which couldn’t wait to turn the law into a tax-and-spend opportunity, which was then followed by the election of a liberal Democrat governor after Romney’s departure who turned the law into something totally different than its original intent. What Romney did was to remediate some of the state’s onerous health care regulations. What Barack Hussein Obama has done is to enslave an entire nation to the false gods of liberal governance.

Romney has got to start listening to some different advice. From what I’ve observed, he should dump his advisers now. Whoever advised Romney to allow photo ops from ‘The Boathouse’ and ‘The Monster’ speed boat while the Anointed One is out campaigning, schmoozing senior citizens and sucking down brewskis with constituents, should be in some other line of work… period.

Romney has lost his nerve… or someone high up in his campaign has. Running from the fight is serving none of us well. No incumbent president since Jimma’ Boy Cata has been as vulnerable as Barack Obama. What’s infuriating me and many other patriots, at least according to the comments we get, and we get a bunch… Romney wants us to trust him to bring this country out of the darkness that is this ‘depression’. He wants us to fight for him.
When is he going to fight for us?

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012

“Absurd”… “Internally Contradictory”.

It’s a tax… it’s a penalty… no, wait…it’s a tax.
Chief Justice John Roberts turned the Constitution and the Supreme Court on its head with a not-quite-coherent opinion in which he managed a tortured interpretation of the Obamacare Act, which was clearly intended to save the most detested piece of legislation since prohibition.

The temptation to jump on my keyboard as soon as I heard the announcement was severe. As with most news events, I prefer to wait until the immediate coverage has sorted itself from the garbage which so often accompanies events such as this. I’m glad I did. It gave me the opportunity to listen to the opinions of one of the true experts on the Constitution and Constitutional law in this country, Mark Levin.

For those of you seeking information you could not find a better, more coherent source than Mr Levin. His book, ‘Men in Black’, is a compelling look at the Supremes and their relationship to jurisprudence and the Constitution. His book,’Liberty and Tyranny’, is a tour de force which offers a compelling insight into the minds and actions of those who would destroy America as we know it.

Mark was as close to ballistic in his treatment and analysis of the Roberts decision as anything I’ve ever heard him say or write. Words such as “Mickey Mouse”… and… “There’s nothing redeeming about Obamacare, nothing”. To say that he filetted the opinion of the Chief Justice is a wild understatement.

Roberts found a political reason to render the judgement as he did. Had he not convoluted his reasoning along the tortuous path he chose, Obamacare would have gone down in the flames it so richly deserves. As it is, Roberts’ legacy to the court and the nation is going to be one of eternal vigilance on our part. The usual beltway pundits are falling all over themselves to posit this mess as some sort of conservative victory.

The only victory here is that there’s probably nothing that could have galvanized an already aroused conservative patriot populace more. Everything I’m hearing out here and reading online indicates a real anger over upholding a clearly unconstitutional law, which was passed in the ‘dark of night’ without a single Republican vote and not a single committee hearing.

For myself, November just can’t get here fast enough.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012