Paul Ryan scares the living daylights out of the DeMarxists. With good reason. He was the perfect choice for Mitt Romney, whom many conservatives considered to be too vanilla, too privileged, too rich and out of touch with ‘the common man’. More importantly, he was viewed as another inside-the-beltway Republican selection.
Conservatives, deeply mistrustful of what we have come to recognize as the Republicrat establishment who brought us magnificent beltway failures such as Bob Dole and my favorite, John ‘You can’t do it my friend’ McCain, were understandably leery of what they saw as another insider pick. Many still are.
Conservative patriots saw Romney as soft on illegal immigration and, worse, pro government-run healthcare vis à vis his Massachusetts health care plan. Coming at a time when the country had been virtually taken over by a Marxist cabal bent on turning this country into a third-world swamp, to forever bind its citizens to the slavish penury of communism. He was seen as too compromised and too weak to take on the DeMarxists.
Further, his savaging of each of his Republican challengers in turn gained him no friends among the one core block of Americans he had to have to win… the oft misidentified Tea Party Patriots. We saw his campaign as soft and very reluctant to take on Barack Hussein Obama, fearing the constant mantra of racism, which is the DeMarxist stock-in-trade. A brief look at Tea Party victories all over the country since 2010 shows the absolute necessity of having our unqualified support. More to the point, we are not a bit reluctant to take on MaoBama and his thugs.
It wasn’t looking good from our perspective. In point of fact, I could see another Republican insider failure looming high on the horizon. Very scary stuff. At the speed which MaoBama’s Marxist regime was, and is, moving to destroy our constitutional republic, I couldn’t see how we, as a free people, could survive to get another shot at this thing in 2016.
Enter Paul Ryan. I was somewhat shocked, but none-the-less delighted, when Romney announced his selection for a running mate. I had really feared that he would go with one more beltway pick, as the Republicrats kept trolling out one insider after another. Some of the more or less acceptable picks out there on the ‘short list’ had fatal flaws, such as Marco Rubio, who for all his patriotism is soft on illegal immigration. They even pulled Jeb Bush’s name out of their magician’s hat. Puh-lease… no more Bushies… not for at least a lifetime or so.
Paul Ryan has been called the intellectual leader of the Congress. It’s about damned time someone in Congress showed some intellect. That’s the subject for another whole article. Suffice to say, our entire Republican leadership has failed us time after time with their insider timidity and pandering to whichever political wind was blowing (read: ‘swamp gas’).
Ryan scares the hell out of the establishment, and the DeMarxists as well. Conservatives will remember that in a brief five minutes he destroyed Barack Hussein’s entire healthcare scheme, in their only face-to-face encounter thus far. Romney is no fool. He is a consummate businessman who understands how money works and how to generate it. He is a self-made man. He was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, as the left is trying to portray him. He has certainly faced his share of life’s vagaries.
Paul Ryan is going to be the rapier which Mitt Romney will plunge into the heart of the Marxist monster that threatens to destroy our lives and our freedom. There will be a price to be paid for Barack Hussein’s lawlessness, come November.
Let’s see that Obama pays that price.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2012