I can just hear the slimy, smarmy voice of the greatest environut fraud of all time, Al Gore, saying that about Washville and the state of affairs there. Not that Al baby would have been a better bargain.
Though I don’t think he could have been any more destructive than this commie cabal, comprising much of our government, after watching the absolutely disgusting goings-on in Wisconsin, and other states and cities, who are financially over-a-barrel and enslaved to the entitlements granted to the public sector unions over a long period of time by weak-kneed governments… federal, state and local.
Successions of governments afraid of ‘public backlash’ (read: paranoiac fear of standing up to the goons and their willing allies, the communist (whoops, did I say that?) statist press… wholly owned by the Party. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which party.
I think we’re all agreed that this cannot stand. This didn’t start overnight. This mess is the result of sixty years or more of absolute irresponsibility by politicians of all stripes… continuously kicking the can down the road, buying a little time here and there, and then leaving office and making the taxpaying public pay the tab for the total unfunded liability of these claims. None of us out here in the private sector can claim such outrageous ‘benefits’.
So we come to this. There is a revolt in this country against the Marxist statists of the Obama regime, all of his tsars and political appointees, and the leftist statist press, who will go to any length to cover for their Anointed One… even treason. Yes, I said it and I’m not taking it back. Speaking of treason, this whole cabal just reeks of it.
I guess we are going to have to fight this battle on those terms. If they really seek to take it out to the streets… to paraphrase Rush Limbaugh… “Bring it on, there’s a whole bunch more of us than there are of you”. That’s the crux of the whole deal. There aren’t nearly enough of them to stop us when we are united as we are now. The united Patriot Movement scares the crap out of them because they fully well know that they and their radicals will never comprise more than 30% of the population.
Why else are they so desperate to keep the border undefended and our immigration laws in abeyance, while hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have turned our border into a one way freeway north. That’s why they desperately need an immigration amnesty… to flood their ranks with undesirables who will be their obedient servants as long as the goodies keep flowing. Uh… that’s goodies paid for by you and I.
We have only this year to prepare… make it count!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2011
Don't Be a Dried Up Worm
Some of my earliest memories are fishing with my grandfather. I could not
swim, so he strapped me into an ancient, ill-fitting lifejacket that reeked
of ol...
1 year ago
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