The establishment herd has panicked itself so badly that some of the more congenital idiots among the Republican ‘elite’ are actually suggesting that Conservative Republicans and Patriots are helping the Benighted One by opposing the Boehner bill.
That’s pretty desperate, and I understand that some of the arm-twisting in the House by the leadership is pretty intense. There are some who are waffling or just want to compromise to get the heat off their backs. You folks, you freshman patriots, are holding the line despite all they can do. Take heart. You’re an inspiration to us out here.
As of last night, Boehner does not have the votes to pass his really bad bill. Just in case he does, Harry Reid has already pronounced it DOA in the Senate and should it survive by some incredible happenstance, the August hand of Obama the First would be there to strike it down with the scimitar of his peerless veto pen.
House conservatives are threatening to filibuster the bill if it should go forward… and we encourage them to do all that and more. Remember, when one of these RINO patsies rounds down on you, you have the complete support of the entire Patriot Movement… tens of millions of us. Estimates range as high as 60 million very angry and very motivated patriots out here, which is plenty enough to turn any election.
How soon we forget the total ass-kicking of last November. Aside from the overwhelming Republican victories in the House, some twenty three state legislatures went GOP. Stunning figures that were echoed in cities and counties throughout the states.
This bill, and the others just like it, are emblematic of what passes for reasoning, or lack of it, in the Republican establishment. If it was the military, heads would roll, careers finito. Hell, in the private sector, heads would roll. The bill solves nothing… it saves nothing… this is a leadership problem.
Don’t let up on these guys for a second. Don’t take your eyes off of them for a lot less than that.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2011
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