We’ve been doing this column for two and a half years now. The driving force and the inspiration for skipmaclure.us is my editor, Dee. She’s the unsung hero behind the scenes that makes this whole thing work.
Like myself, she has a full time career, making this conservative outreach a labor of love. Dee’s a rare creature. She’s a rock-solid conservative in a country that has surrendered itself to the opiate of government cradle-to-grave entitlements, known as socialism. I’ve learned much from her about the nuts and bolts of everyday life under the ‘soft tyranny’ which is the British social welfare system.
She has related stories to me such as entire extended families, none of whom has ever held a paying job. The ‘dole’ has become trans-generational. You have more and more people in the UK living off of smaller and smaller productive segments of society. It brings to mind something that the ‘Iron Lady’ Margaret Thatcher said, “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money”.
European style socialism is communism light. By its very nature it lacks the fierce entrepreneurial spirit that has imbued the people of America with the indomitable will to achieve, and instead drowns the people in a deluge of government regulation and ever increasing demands for more and more taxes, a crushing burden on citizens and the economy. Beginning to sound familiar?
The citizens of Europe have been beaten down by political and social class systems that our forbears left behind for the new world. That’s what socialism does… it destroys, it never builds, it takes and never gives. It destroys the heart and soul of nations.
Our mercifully brief encounter with socialism, a la Barack Hussein Obama and the DeMarxist clown college, has America up on its feet and raging. The message… and it’s resonating throughout this land… is that we will not tolerate ‘government as usual’. Politicians of all stripes have been using America and Americans as their own private fiefdoms for far too long.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired. It’s as good a way as any to describe the mood of the country going into the 2012 elections. If the ObaMarxists thought they got their clocks cleaned in 2010… well, as we used to say in the Corps… Stand By…
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2011
Don't Be a Dried Up Worm
Some of my earliest memories are fishing with my grandfather. I could not
swim, so he strapped me into an ancient, ill-fitting lifejacket that reeked
of ol...
1 year ago
Once again, well said! Keep up the good work. I look forward to your posts. Socialism/Progressivism does destroy and it does not build up. We need to keep speaking out and we need to do it in a unified voice. Not the "chanting" voice that the left so loves, but in a voice that speaks truth in love. Recently did some posts along that line. Keep speaking and I will not only stand by, I will also stand firm!