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As usual, the Associated Press gets it all upside down and purposely wrong. When I was in broadcasting years ago, the AP was a mainstay in news reliability and journalistic integrity. The first source I would head for in a breaking news environment would be the AP wire machine. My, how times have changed.
Today, AP wrote that our ‘I wanna be just like Hugo Chavez’ President was said to be stepping lightly around the subject of the Patriot Movement, what the ever-lame statist press loves to call the ‘Tea Partiers’, with that condescending smarmy tone they love to use. Then they state that the Republican Party wants to co-opt our ‘passion and our votes’.
If they did ten minutes research with any source other than the Washington Post, they’d know that the Republican party is co-opting nothing. They are falling in line behind the conservative patriot movement as fast as they can. The ‘new’ Republican leadership, which we have seen emerging from the battle over health care, are well aware that this is not the haphazard gathering of disgruntled voters that the left is so wont to portray. It’s a huge groundswell which is growing and gaining ground daily. Any movement that can produce twenty to thirty thousand people at the Capitol, virtually on an overnight notice such as occurred over the weekend of the health care voting, is one which has considerable clout.
Barack Hussein Obama was very circumspect in taking shots at the Patriots, though he tried to characterize the supposed ‘core’ of the patriot movement as being ‘on the fringe’. That’s funny. The Patriot Movement as a whole views Obama, his administration, and that whole whacked out De-Marxist Congress as being far more than ‘fringe’. We view him and them as being irretrievably over the edge.
They’ll find out just how much in November, as more and more Democrat dominoes fall over.
It’s a cameo of the Clinton administration right down to the ever charming Janet Napolitano waging warfare on ‘armed Christian militia groups’. Democrats all over the country are suddenly ‘in fear for the lives of themselves and their families’. What crap! Every time anyone, anytime calls them on their stuff they fall back on racism, or fear of the supposed militant right in this country. Then with the connivance of the statist, left wing lap dog press they attempt to link the entire patriot movement to every fancied incident they can create.
Janet Napolitano
If that Christian Militia in Michigan was indeed plotting some insane campaign of terror against local police departments as part of a campaign against the government, then they were as stupid as they were inept. No patriot or group of patriots is actively plotting against the US Government, and most particularly if they were, they sure as hell wouldn’t start with the local police or Sheriff’s deputies.
There are parts of this story that just aren’t meeting the smell test… like so much of what the left does, they aren’t very good story tellers. They are too accustomed to their lies being given a gold plated pass by their goofball base and the statist press which has been carrying their water for so long.
The facts are that they can no longer depend on an ‘opinion lock’ by controlling the airwaves and the press, which they have done for so many years. The ‘new media’ has put a screeching halt to that.
That’s why the American Patriot Movement has been so successful. It is a bottom up grassroots movement completely independent of the traditional Republican establishment. In fact, it has more or less dragged the ‘old boy’ network along behind it, kicking and screaming most of the way, but coming along nonetheless.
The left knows it’s in real trouble with this movement gaining strength by the day as more and more Americans, and many of them self-identified Democrats, have come to the understanding that they’ve not only been sold a bill of goods, but that they, their families and their fortunes have been sold down the river on a raft of polyanna promises with no substance.
We have a radical left wing assault on our country, and it’s not the militias and other red herrings being thrown out there by the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano that we have to be concerned with… they are the war against America. Barack Hussein Obama’s White House and every Democrat lawmaker who supported him and turned their backs on their constituents and the American Constitution are guilty of de facto treason against the American people.
There is your ‘plot’ against the country, the rule of law and the people of this country. We need to be ever mindful of the left’s real goals and that as we march forward to November that the left, for all their bluster and bravado, are justifiably worried and will stop at nothing to hold power. We literally have to be prepared for anything.
What a pathetic joke for a news organization… CNN has plumbed the depths of falsification again by telling viewers throughout the day, Saturday, March 27th, that there were ‘dozens’ of people, maybe hundreds at the Searchlight, Nevada Tea Party rally. It can only be described as a pathetic attempt at misinformation. They must have the pizza guy doing news editorial programming, which shouldn’t really surprise anyone given their perpetual low market ratings… it’s embarrassing to get beat by MSNBC.
The Tea Party Express Bus, Searchlight, Nevada.
If you are in the business of news prevarication, you could at least be a bit creative about it. But then that would take talent and that appears to be something that there is a severe dearth of at CNN. That could be the reason that they hired RedState’s Erick Erickson… goodness knows their stable could use the help.
The latest figures I have on the rally held in Senator ‘Dingy’ Harry Reid’s backyard at Searchlight, Nevada, is that right around 20,000 people showed up to hear keynote speaker Sarah Palin. Palin, as usual, is taking massive amounts of abuse from the left. That’s to be expected and is a direct gauge of the fear they have for her. Obama can’t get more than a few thousand people to his bought-and-paid-for teleprompter extravaganzas. Sarah Palin gets more than that to a book signing.
Sarah Palin In Searchlight, Nevada.
Since announcing her support for John McCain, Sarah has taken an awful lot of heat from our side as well. I’ve made no secret of my dislike for John McCain. He comes with more baggage than the cargo hold of a 747. Sarah Palin cannot be unaware of his liabilities, both to the State of Arizona and her own future political aspirations. For myself, JD Hayworth is a far better choice. He is as solid a conservative as John McCain is a RINO, a Conservative when it suits his purpose, and is many times injurious to his party and the country.
He is just plain wrong-headed on some critical issues, especially wrong on interrogation and amnesty for illegals. Sarah Palin is exhibiting loyalty to the man who launched her into national political prominence. Had she not, I would have had questions about her integrity. I have no doubt she would have made it on her own but it may have taken her several more years, and the way things look the country needs her now.
I believe that many times things happen for a reason. I believe that the Sarah Palin phenomenon is one of those times. So to the giants of the now largely marginal left wing media… keep it up. You’re the best promotional advertising we can get.
First of all tonight, I would like everyone who reads this column to read Erick Erickson’s article for Friday, March 26, 2010 on I have long been an admirer of Erick’s work and this time he has taken the bit in his teeth. Erick has articulated exactly what a lot of us have been thinking.
Erick Erickson
We have a rogue government which shows every indication of continuing to abrogate the principles of freedom and liberty upon which this land was founded, and the head of that government is behaving like this country is his fiefdom and we serfs to his monarchical tyranny. There is a tipping point here. Whether we have reached that point yet or not is a difficult thing to gauge.
The founders took a lot of abuse before they rebelled. They, like we, saw it as an action to be taken only in extremis. Yet driven to what they saw as a position of intolerability, take it they did. These were not wide-eyed radicals, but mature, reasoned and educated men. Most stood to lose everything and understood that once begun there could be no turning back.
No one, least of all people like Erick or myself, would want to see open strife in this country as long as there was any recourse to redress by election or through the courts. Along with the rising anger in this country as more and more ‘details’ of the monstrous 3,000 page bill are revealed (Nancy Pelosi: “You have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”), is the increasingly voiced fear that Barack Hussein Obama and the Demarxist Congress would somehow manufacture a ‘national’ emergency and there would be no elections come November.
I personally think that would be a very foolish thing to do. But there is no doubt that the DeMarxists are even, as this is being written, working to steal the election using a ‘universal’ registration of voters – registering of illegal aliens. By passing an amnesty for some twenty million illegal aliens now residing in this country. Such a welfare-dependent, largely uneducated class of people would easily be led to vote for the padrone who is furnishing the goodies. In fact, that is very much how things work in the Latin American countries where the bulk of the illegals come from.
Stealing elections is something the Democrats have a lot of experience doing and I would expect them to take this route first. In their overweening arrogance they will expect complete success. We need to make sure we have some some surprises for them. In the final analysis we can put absolutely nothing past them. They have given ample proof that there is no depth of dishonesty, dishonor or connivance that they will not plumb.
Barack Hussein Obama’s latest perfidy, among many, is in threatening our South Korean allies about retaliation against North Korea, for what (now that the lies are clearing) looks like the torpedoing of a South Korean Naval vessel in South Korean waters by the North Koreans. Fifty eight out of a crew of one hundred and four were reported as having been rescued. There were no confirmed reports of missing and dead as of this writing.
The South Korean Naval Ship 'Cheonan'
Sources in Washington reported that Obama moved quickly to run interference for the North Koreans. The war with the North has never really ended for the South with the cessation of hostilities in 1953. The border between the two countries at the ‘demilitarized zone’ is heavily fortified and has seen many incidents of provocation and infiltration of agents from the north over the years. On May 27, 2009, North Korea once again declared that a state of war existed between the two countries.
Obama’s interference is developing into a disturbing pattern of using US influence to interfere in our allies internal defense policies, while pandering appeasement to ruthless dictatorships around the globe. Obama’s most recent shameful treatment of Israel’s Prime Minister should have been, and was, considered by Israel to be a mortal insult. Further, Obama ordered that a shipment of advanced J-DAM deep penetrating bunker-buster bombs be turned around at Diego Garcia.
The Obama administration, far from supporting Israel against Iran and her mortal enemies on the East Bank, Hizballah in Lebanon and Syria, is actually supporting them against our greatest ally in the middle-east. There’s no other way to look at it.
There was an incursion into Israeli territory by Hamas which took the lives of two Israeli IDF members, followed by an intense fire-fight. In addition, reports of Pakistani and Iraqi Al-Qaeda infiltrating through tunnels have introduced the Taliban tactic of attacking from motorcycles using rocket propelled grenades. Israel’s enemies are ginning up the ante, perhaps in a test of Israel’s resolve.
Though most of Congress and the country at large are strong supporters of the State of Israel, Obama, his administration and his State Department must be considered to be antithetical to the best interests of Israel, Korea, and our own country for that matter.
It’s a sad and frightening circumstance when the supposed leader of the free world is behaving like anything but.
Barack Hussein Obama has set himself and his party clearly against the great majority of the American people. I’m trying to make up my mind if it’s supreme hubris, stupidity or just ineptitude that would lead Obama to say something sure to inflame an already raging populace. Given there is some very serious and growing resistance to his agenda, you’d think he’d tone down the rhetoric somewhat.
It seems that now that the left is ginning up as much anti-patriot sentiment as they think we will swallow, they feel safe in throwing down the gauntlet. They’ll get all the resistance they can handle and more come November.
Eric Cantor
A word to the new Conservative Republican leadership. Do not allow the DeMarxist agitprop machine get ahead of us on this issue of all the ‘hate’ messages supposedly put out against the Congressional Democrats, though someone put a bullet through a window at Eric Cantor’s campaign offices. We can safely assume that that one wasn’t one of ours. The left pulls this crap all the time. Time after time our leadership has ceded the ground to them. They have to be called on their stuff… each and every time.
They pulled it with the Clinton administration and their ghost war against ‘the militias’, and because no one had the courage to call them on it a runaway Justice Dept. under an alcoholic predatory lesbian, Janet Reno, resulted in Ruby Ridge and the murders of three innocent people. Let us not forget the out and out ‘war’ waged against helpless women and children at Waco, Texas in the Branch Davidian debacle, resulting in the deaths of eighty American citizens in order to get one man.
This is what can happen if you, as our leaders, don’t make yourselves heard loud and clear. If anyone thinks there’s ten cents worth of difference between Janet Reno and Eric Holder in ruthlessness at pursuing the leftist agenda, there are still some leftover Madoff securities out there for you.
Another thing…there are some pseudo Conservatives who would attach themselves to the ‘Tea Party’ Patriot movement. We need to seek these people out and expose them. The last thing we need are more RINOs out there to sabotage the Conservative message.
Another issue which is likely to loom large in this next election cycle, and more so in 2012, will be that of ‘open primaries’. Local and state party leaders of states that allow for open primary elections should work to close them as soon as possible, lest we see a repeat of 2008 and the Democrat crossover voting which gave us John McCain, whose RINO baggage crippled a presidential bid which was already in severe trouble for Conservatives and Independents who were disillusioned by George Bush’s big government Republicans and their profligate spending.
The time for talking about what has or has not occurred in the Congress is over and we must focus on cleaning these clowns’ clocks in November. Time enough to remember who they are and how they voted as we remove them from office.
While the nation seethes and counts the days until November, the Marxi-Socialists of the Democratic party and the statists of their stooley press are attempting the badly used-up tactic of manufacturing incidents calculated to bring shadows down on the Republicans, and most particularly the Conservative Patriot movement, or ‘Tea Party’ movement, as they so disparagingly term us.
Starting with the ’supposed’ incident of two black Representatives being spat upon and called racial epitaphs, it’s really difficult to understand how in this day, with almost every cell phone video-capable and with some thousands of people around, no one obtained a single picture of anything that allegedly transpired. It wouldn’t be the first time the left has tried to gin up sympathy by using the race card to play the race card.
Guess what guys? That one ain’t playing so well again either. Does anyone out there remember Tawana Brawley and that epitome of truth and probity Al (Race Bait) Sharpton?
Brawley and Sharpton
It’s not just that such tactics are not beneath the Congressional Democrats and their Marxist radical allies, they are part and parcel of the playbook that statists use on a daily basis. We hear stories of threats made against Representatives’ lives and bricks thrown through windows. So many times in the past we’ve heard claims like this exploded in the light of truth, the instigators found to be either Democrat operatives or fringe nut-cakes from their own side, of which they have many. Like the one who trashed a Democrat campaign office during the last election.
It’s not that we don’t have some bad eggs on our own side, because we do. But they are quickly marginalized and their actions strongly disavowed. We of the Patriot Movement are not taken to encouraging violent or dishonorable behavior. If it ever comes to a fight, God willing it never does, they will wish to hell they’d never started it. That’s not what we want, we believe in the rule of law and the principles of the Constitution and the founders.
What we will not permit this time is the left to control the message as they have so many times in the past, through deceit, lies, deception and prevarication. Thanks to the wonder of the phenomenon known as the new media, which has left the old, lying statist media in the dust, the truth about their lies reaches millions almost instantaneously. They will no longer be permitted to shape arguments to their perverted will.
This country has learned a very hard truth from which it will never turn again. That lesson is that elections have consequences… voting has consequences and can never be taken for granted. We are a much sadder but wiser nation, one which is rapidly returning to its conservative roots and values.
First of all, let me congratulate our ‘cousins’ to the north in Cannuckville for their courage in attempting to silence that one-woman invasion by Anne Coulter. Apparently, the brave Canadian student body, looking for all the world like a medieval Santa Casa witch-burning, surrounded a building with rocks and sticks.
To say that the Canadian government has lost the principles of honesty and freedom of thought and expression in the interest of political correctness, and the interests of ‘certain’ protected minority groups, is an understatement. Huge kudos to Anne for sticking it to them in the way that only she can do and refusing to fall for their intimidation. By the way, I checked with my editor Dee and she informs me that although these columns are read all over the world, and in some of the most unlikely places, not one has ever been published in Canada to her knowledge. Wonder what that’s about? (grins).
Protesters in Ottawa, after Anne Coulter's speech was canceled due to security concerns.
The next assault against America by Obama is going to be over illegal immigration, despite the smoke screen of cap and trade (tax) and environmental issues. With his majority in the House, and very likely the Senate as well, in danger of becoming ex post facto in November, and the Conservative Patriot movement (what the left continues to dismiss as ‘tea parties’) growing in momentum and becoming a real force in American politics, Obama’s second term may be problematic.
In order to salvage his presidency he knows he needs the votes the illegals can bring him. We have to fight this thing tooth and nail and stop it cold. Don’t let anyone tell you that there are 11-12 million illegals in this country, that’s the figure the left loves to throw out there. The actual figure is probably a lot closer to 20 million, maybe a little less since so many construction and other jobs that were heavily populated by illegals have gone away with the recession. I’ve heard that a number of illegals have gone back across the border.
Gee whizz! Sounds a lot like what would happen if our State and Federal governments cut off the goody train.
The saddest part about this whole thing is that the legitimate Hispanic/Latino population of this country is dead set against illegal immigration. The leftist press is only too happy to trumpet radical illegal immigrant support groups such as La Raza, MALDEF and ALIPAC, and just as happy to ignore the millions of solid American citizens and legal immigrants of Latino descent. This doesn’t take into consideration the numbers of illegals of other nationalities which are numerous, and in the case of certain middle-eastern types, possible terrorists.
Start organizing in your communities now. Get involved on the local level, on school boards and in city councils. Contact your local Patriot groups and get active. Keep calling. Keep visiting Representatives’ and Senators’ offices.
It ain’t over ’til it’s over, and it’s not over by a long shot. Yesterday we watched as the Constitution of the United States of America had holes shot through it. I didn’t like it one bit and I resent it all to hell and gone. When I swore my oath before God to protect and defend that wonderful document I took it very seriously, as I do to this day.
Watching the elected Representatives of this country, who also swore that oath before God, lie, cheat, break the rule of law and the covenant of the Constitution, in order to force a massive Marxi-Socialist agenda against an unwilling populace has me and this country boiling mad.
Where do we go from here? As has been mentioned, Republican leaders wasted no time filing intent to recall notices. Legal and parliamentary maneuvering has begun in earnest. It’s not at all clear that this health care bill will have the clear sailing being touted by the LSM (lame stream media) and their leftist masters. There are some major irregularities with the passage of this legislation – and I do mean the Constitutional challenge variety.
The next phase of the war against totalitarianism as evinced by Barack Hussein Obama will be fought in the Senate. The Constitution requires that the language of both bills be identical. It also requires that both bills be passed before they are sent to the President, whose signature makes them law. In this case the House has passed the Senate bill exactly as written, and will attempt to make changes through a second bill which they will attempt to pass through the ‘reconciliation’ process which only requires 51 votes in the Senate. It is this process that the Republicans will attempt to obstruct at every turn.
The Democrats already know they are going to get creamed come November. That’s why you don’t hear a lot of giddy celebrating by the Democrats or the lame stream press… they are all busy doing damage control and trying to cover their tracks. Too late, we’ve got your names.
I don’t care where you live in this greatest country on Earth, find out who the Conservatives are in your neck of the woods who are challenging Democrat incumbents. Contact them and support them. Not only that, but support Conservative challengers in your state and local races. This is a bottom up process. It all starts with you in your neighborhood.
There are a handful of states out there that are actively challenging the federal government’s right to force their citizens to buy health insurance, something else which is clearly unconstitutional, and there are many more who are contemplating such challenges. The President and the Democrat Congress have not as much won a victory as ignited a conflagration, which is likely to consume them and their Marxist dreams for this country.
Stupak folds on a ‘promise’ from Obama for an executive order preventing federal funding for abortions. Start counting the remaining days in your tenure, Representative Stupak. Your constituents will know exactly what you did and exactly who you are. If you think that a Barack Obama who has yet to speak a word of truth will keep his word… I have some Madoff securities for you.
Stupak Announces His Yes Vote
An executive order can be reversed with a phone call as this one undoubtedly will. How does it feel to be responsible for the murders of possibly millions of unborn children, most of whom will come from minority families? Margaret Sanger would be proud of you.
It looks like the vote will pass, though the Senate will have plenty to say about it before things are said and done. Nancy Pelosi has just condemned many of her party, including herself, to an ignominious retirement. The Democrats can back-slap and congratulate themselves all they want, but what it really amounts to is a funeral dirge as over seventy percent of the American people are dead set against this bill, along with a historically united and rejuvenated conservative Republican party.
In the upcoming days we will learn more about the backroom deal making. The recipients of those deals can first kiss their Congressional careers goodbye and then watch their promised cushy appointments being brought to the light of day in the Senate and blocked. Conservatives, the ‘new’ face of the Conservative Republican party, and the bulk of the population of this country have now been welded into a united front. Democrats fresh from the vote euphoria, however brief, are now going to start frantically covering their tracks, or try to.
Too late, the vote count is official and no amount of Politburo doublespeak will keep the American people from casting you from office and wiping your dust from beneath our feet. We will do whatever we have to do, however long it takes, to reverse this unconstitutional and immoral legislation. Like many historical enemies of this country, you have badly underestimated the American people.
They still don’t have the votes! If they did, they’d be holding the vote right now tonight (Saturday, as I write this). I’m going to make this a short article tonight as my editor is in another time zone, well, several time zones away. The wonders of digital communication and one of the reasons the left is having so much trouble getting away with their bovine back-blast. It just plays hell with deadlines.
The rubber is about to hit the road in DC. It is to be noted that the Capitol Police closed the people's houses to the people… presumably at the behest of the cowardly politicians whose courage matched their honesty. Thousands of American citizens poured into the Capital to protest the totalitarian takeover of our way of life that is being orchestrated in Washington.
The Democrat leadership has dropped the ‘deem and pass’ maneuver, also known as the Slaughter solution. Let’s see… What do you want to bet that it was not dropped because of an excess of altruism? They got so hammered by the public, you and I, that they didn’t dare use it. It shows you that what we’re doing is working. They can shut us out of the Congressional office buildings but it won’t silence our voices, it will only serve to make us louder and more persistent.
It’s not too late for you to make your voices heard… starting first thing in the morning. The Capitol phones will be on… Congress is in session and will be voting in the afternoon. We called for a straight up and down vote and guess what? We got it. It’s not over yet. Not nearly. Don’t let the crap being put out by the lame stream media fool you…. as of right now, this minute, they don’t have the votes!!
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their local offices, or their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
There are tens of thousands of American citizens vectoring in on the Capitol for a rally Saturday, followed by visits to the Congress cretins' lairs where presumably no too few Representatives and Senators will be cowering in their inner offices, or perhaps the gym shower?
Citizens are asking some very pointed questions. The country is aroused as never before, as the leftist Congress lock steps its way to a precipice from which it cannot return at the behest of their Marxist ideologue.
President Obama, fresh from having his clock cleaned by Fox News’ Bret Baier, went straight to George Mason University where he continued his rant against the insurance companies in front of another picked audience.
Meanwhile on the hill, the atmosphere is reaching fever pitch with claims and counter claims flying through the statist press.
John Boehner
House Republican Leader John Boehner mailed a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, requesting that ‘every member stand in front of the American people and explain their vote in a roll call vote per House of Representatives rule XX, clause 2 and 3.'
Putting the lie to Obama stating that the stimulus and jobs bills will enable corporations to re-hire laid off employees, Caterpillar Corporation announced more layoffs and laid off 22,000 people last month. Caterpillar CEO Jim Owens said there will be more layoffs before there would be any hiring. Owens said the pending health care legislation would increase his health care costs by over 100 million dollars the first year alone.
Tom Coburn
Senator Tom Coburn had a stark promise for Democrats who sold their votes for promises of federal appointments or jobs if they vote yes and are bounced out of office by their constituents. He warned that their appointments would have to come in front of the Senate and that ‘they would have to explain their votes to the American people’. “They would certainly be held” he said, referring to any jobs or appointments.
Budget expert James Capretta stated that the CBO analysis gives a false 10 year projection over the first full 10 years of implementation. The real cost of the new entitlement spending would reach 2.5 trillion dollars. This figure agrees with analysis from other sources.
Keep up the calls, emails, faxes and visits… the Capitol has been receiving 500,000 calls per day… this says nothing about hundreds of thousands of emails and faxes.
Keep up the great work! HOO-RAH!
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their local offices, or their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
It’s a new chapter in the daily soap opera that has become Obama’s headlong rush to entrap seventeen percent of the national economy. It’s right out of Marx. Nothing is what it seems and nothing the Democrat Congress says will hold up to scrutiny. They lie with numbers faster than they lie about facts, if that’s possible.
Obama’s Fox News interview with Bret Baier was an exercise in slip-slide away… with Obama doing the slip-sliding and Baier trying to nail him down to a real answer… about anything. But, true to form, the prevaricator-in-chief spouted frayed talking points while totally ignoring substantive answers to anything Baier asked. The result was an Obama constantly on the defensive and showing flashes of anger and frustration, while Baier remained remarkably cool throughout.
The lame stream media predictably castigated Bret Baier and Fox News for ‘being cruel and disrespectful’ to the President while overlooking the obvious. That this is the first time any news outlet or reporter has attempted to do anything but grovel before Obama’s magnificence. If even one of these so-called news outlets had done their job to start with, we would have known a lot more about the real Obama. They sold out whatever claim they had to journalistic integrity long ago. The very fact that Obama was willing to go on Fox News, a venue he admittedly detests, is a measure of his desperation.
The CBO has just released the latest version (one of many) of the health care legislation and no one on the Democrat side of the aisle is jumping for joy, as this ‘latest’ bundle of joy is sixty nine billion dollars fatter than the last one. It strips even more dollars from Medicare and Medicare Advantage and raises even more taxes on the backs of the American people.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid apparently think that Americans are going to be deceived into thinking that a ten year projected cost of 940 billion dollars isn’t a trillion dollars, less a little change. The real truth of the situation is that they’ve done their math using methods that would get any senior executive thrown in jail in the private sector. They have used accounting methods that would make Bernie Madoff proud. The true ten year cost of the bill, according to the Heritage Foundation, is more like two point four trillion dollars.
Rush has called for a Fed-Ex express on the Capitol. There are thousands of Patriots heading towards the Capitol as I write this. Please continue your efforts to call, and call again and again… fax, email and write. It ain’t over until it’s over and then there will just be another battle over the next hill. We won’t ever quit… this is our country and we won’t give it up. God Bless America!
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their local offices, or their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
There’s no CBO count as promised on Wednesday, but the word is that they are desperately trying to get the monster genie stuffed back into a three sizes too small lamp. No matter what the Congressional Budget Office does, it can’t make this trillion dollar boondoggle revenue neutral.
Dennis Kucinich (D) Ohio was a really cheap vote and he sold his for the price of a plane ride. His speech reminded me of Britain’s WW-2 Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, when he returned from Berlin waving a piece of paper with Hitler’s signature on it, raving that he had obtained ‘peace in our time’ while Hitler’s war machine was even then poised on the borders of Poland. Dennis Kucinich is a sellout to his country and to his stated principles… difficult though they may be to find.
Dennis Kucinich Leaves Air Force One
Several other Democrat Representatives have responded to the intense pressure being applied by the White House and the party leadership, including Anne Kirkpatrick (Ariz) and Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz). Wonder what the bribe was there? Also, Dan Maffei (N.Y.), Dan Kildee (Mich.), Jim Oberstar (Mich), Raul Grijalva (Ariz.). These folks are going to have to account not only to their consciences but their constituents as well.
Call the Representatives on the list below… call the ones listed above… they can be influenced right up to the last moment. E-mail, fax, write, or best of all for those of you who can’t get to Washington D.C., visits to your local Representatives’ and Senators’ offices are very effective. These Congress critters are going to be heading home for the Easter break very soon. I have the distinct impression from everything I’m hearing that it’s going to be a very hot time when these people try to justify themselves to the citizens of this country.
The house Madame called all of the Democrat women Representatives to her office for a private tete a tete. One wonders if she wore her dominatrix outfit for the occasion.
The Democrat leadership is saying that they can’t look for a vote before Saturday and most likely Sunday.
Rush Limbaugh’s call for patriots to call the Capitol and the Congress resulted in far more than a half a million calls in virtually one day.
Keep the heat on. Don’t let up. We are Americans… we don’t give up… we don’t quit.
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their local offices, or their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
Bill O’Reilly: “President Obama, if you try to pass this bill through the backdoor, all hell will break loose in this country“. Obama is desperate. He is desperate as only a despot can be when his great and grandiose schemes begin to unwind… when his betrayals become so blatant and so numerous as to be impossible to hide… when his lies, to cover lies, to cover more lies, become obvious to even the most gullible… when the treachery becomes so unsavory that erstwhile colleagues head for the exits.
Just ask Israel. Obama, in spirit if not in fact, is responsible for the uprising on the West Bank by his unwarranted interference in internal Israeli affairs, taking sides with Hamas as rioting breaks out in and around Jerusalem. Former (deposed) Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haneya had called for a new intifada back on February 20, 2010. The Obama White House has been attacking Israel over the decision to go ahead with the construction of some 1600 townhouses at Ramat Shlomo. I don’t see Obama telling Syria, Lebanon or Iran what, how, or whether or not to build on their own sovereign land… unless of course you would wish to count his tacit support for Iran’s nuclear aspirations. Remember, this man has no scruples whatsoever!
Israeli police officers arrest a Palestinian rioter in Jerusalem.
Israel is in a very precarious position, with Hamas looking to ratchet up tensions on the West Bank, Hizballah in Lebanon with a reported arsenal of 45,000 missiles or rockets and special assault troops in training, and Syria threatening to target all Israeli cities supported by Iran, and an American President more than willing to betray an historic alliance, even threatening not to resupply Israel in the event that hostilities break out… the occurrence of which is becoming more likely than not.
This is the face of betrayal. This is the face of Barack Hussein Obama. This is the same betrayal which is being played out against the American people, the radical face of this government. This nascent tyranny cannot be hidden any longer.
This is an administration and Democrat Congress willing to forego the oaths they swore to the Constitution and the people of this country before God. We have shut down the White House and Capitol switchboards with our protests. The ever-delusional House Madam claims that these were all due to “pro” health care calls. One Representative said his office received over 400 phone calls… of this number, nine were “Pro” Obama care calls.
Obama, you’d best listen to O’Reilly.
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their local offices, or their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
The Democrat-controlled statist press trumpets that ‘more’ anti-abortion votes have been peeled off (they haven’t, they’re talking about the same two from last week and they may not stick), and changes have been made to get the pro-life Democrat holdouts back on board (that’s a lie too, nothing has been changed, they are talking about a ‘promise’ to change the language in ’sidecar’ legislation).
Rent-a-crowd inside.....
‘If wishes were fishes’ seems to be the thrust of the House Madam’s entire strategy. To show you how popular this whole thing is… Sarah Palin isn’t running for anything… she draws 20,000 people in appearance after appearance, she draws more than 4,000 people to a book signing. Barack Hussein Obama has trouble drawing 200 hand-picked union goons in a senior center in Ohio, while outside thousands of patriots protested the government takeover of health care and the unethical actions of the Democrat Congress. Obama trotted out and cited the obligatory medical sob-stories and cited the same sad case histories he’s been dragging out all year. He’s getting to sound a lot like the proverbial broken record.
....and the real crowd outside.
After a ‘rip and tear’ head count, John Batchelor and some of his associates came out with some advice on his nationally-syndicated radio show for Madame Pelosi… “get a plan B”. John echoed what most of the rest of the close observers of all things Washington have said, that despite Obama’s and Pelosi’s continuing proclamations of imminent victory, they don’t have the votes. Pelosi’s romancing the so called “deem and pass” tactic could well prove disastrous for Democrat hopes in 2010 and 2012 and may be resisted by many who are not willing to go down in flames with the leadership.
Resorting to such a tactic, which is patently unconstitutional, will throw the nation into a constitutional crisis and inflame the American people to levels never before seen.
Don’t forget to contact the Representatives on the list below by any means possible. Don’t just give up if you can’t get through on the Capitol phones. It’s a safe bet most will be shut down, on purpose if not by the sheer volume of calls. Email, fax, use snail mail, visit your local Senators’ and Representatives’ offices. Be persistent. Tell them we say NO!!
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
I feel like I’m living a mystery spy thriller. The more I learn the harder it is to wrap my brain around the fact that it is real and it is happening here in this country right now. There is a real sense of what I’m talking about around the country, as American Patriots band together in angry protest to what is now obviously not just the usual political high jinks from Washington that we have all become accustomed to. It has manifested itself in myriad alarming ways that have not gone unnoticed or unmarked, thanks to the new media allowing the American people to bypass the statist-controlled leftist press.
With his much haggled, much bribed, many times offered health care fiasco in dire straits, and all of Obama’s, Reid’s and Pelosi’s machinations notwithstanding, looking very anemic and close to being on life support, it’s time to start asking some questions about some other things that have been flying under the radar.
Balkanization. While we slept… Ka Lahui is the Hawaiian native separatist movement with sinister implications far beyond its mild-seeming kumbaya framework.
Neil Abercrombie
The House passed HR 2314 on Feb 23, 2010. The chief proponent of this bill was Democrat Representative Neil Abercrombie, and supported strongly by… who else? Barack Hussein Obama. This man favors any legislation which weakens this country, its Constitution or its people. The most obvious implication of this legislation, should it pass, opens the door for any disaffected group of people to set up what would be an independent and sovereign ‘group’, basically outside the laws of the country. Anyone for sharia? No wonder Obama favors it.
On Sunday the murders of three people associated with the US Consulate in Ciudad Juarez were announced, prompting the US Government to order the evacuation of Embassy personnel and families from Consulates in Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Matamoros, Tamaulipas and Monterrey. Further, the State Department has issued a travel warning for all citizens in Northern Mexico. Such actions have not been taken since the raids by Pancho Villa during 1916-17 along the borders of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, which resulted in the punitive expeditionary forces of General John Joseph “Blackjack” Pershing pursuing Villa into Mexico.
A Mexican Naval helicopter was recorded flying over a residential community in Brownsville, Texas. Barack Hussein Obama has cut another 100 border agents, in addition to some 400 he cut from the southern border last year. The Mexican military has been reported in scores of incursions into US territory, some in support of drug runners.
Obama is ratcheting up the illegal amnesty issue again, in support of radical pro-amnesty groups planning a mass march on Washington. The southern border is all but unprotected and a significant access corridor for infiltration by middle east terrorist operatives trying to enter the country. Who are you serving Obama? Certainly not the American people.
Don’t forget: We have to stop health care this week!!!
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
It’s the only game in town… and it smells pretty damned gamey. Obama: “We’re going to provide you with choices”. Then he claims to ‘aid’ education by confiscating another chunk of the private sector by the government takeover of student loan programs. Who the heck said the government had any business in loaning money for schooling to start with? He wants to strip requirements that children need to understand, and have mastery of, subject matter to some one-size-fits-all vocational social indoctrination. More community organizers for ACORN and Union goons for SEIU presumably.
His headlong rush to illegally and unconstitutionally force passage of the Democrats’ long desired universal single payer health care, against the almost uniform opposition of the American people, is an indication of the desperation that pervades his administration and party. Nothing is working for him, despite loaded audiences and a huge majority in the House and Senate.
The opposition, the American people as much or more than the Republican Party, have stopped Obama’s agenda dead in its tracks, resulting in the scorched earth schemes the Democrat House is cobbling together. With total disregard, or self imposed blindness, the leadership is ignoring the absolute outrage out in the electorate.
As word has spread about the possible attempt to utilize the so-called Slaughter solution, to move the health care bill forward without a House vote ‘deeming‘ it to have passed, has spread across the country and it has ignited a raging conflagration among the American people. Americans have an innate sense of fair play. We also have a stubborn love for our freedom and independence. The Democrats seem unable to grasp that as a people we have been pushed too far. Thus far, the Patriotic Revolution has been one based on our political traditions and the rule of law. If the Democrats continue on this path of illegality, suborning our Constitutional freedoms, they may just find themselves on the receiving end of a real political revolution that will destroy their party for the conceivable future.
According to reports, the Anointed One’s delaying of his Asia trip has had no effect on the status of the vote count at all. Despite all of Nancy Pelosi’s grand pronouncements she still doesn’t have the votes for passage, as the American People continue to hammer away at Representatives, voicing their anger at Congress’s continued rogue behavior.
Keep up the good work!! Keep at them and don’t let them up for air.
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
Now is the time, wherever you are is the place. This is the quintessential battle to save representative democracy for ourselves and our posterity. It boils down to a fundamental struggle between right and wrong, good and evil, darkness and light.
In this war between statist ideology and the rule of law as represented by the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the principles of the founders, there can be only one outcome. Freedom loving American Patriots must prevail against the forces of the extra-legal, extra-Constitutional, Marxist-style tyranny now attempting to gain absolute control of this country OUTSIDE THE LAWS OF OUR LAND AND THE FRAMEWORK OF OUR CONSTITUTION.
Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the Democrat leadership are in a criminal conspiracy to steal the freedom of three hundred and seven million Americans. They are breaking parliamentary rules and Constitutional law left and right, without regard to, and directly in opposition to, the will of over three quarters of the people of the United States of America, to force the so-called ‘Obama Care’ bill through on a vote they expect to take early next week.
This massive attempt at the government theft and control of seventeen per cent of our Gross National Product, with the end result of the absolute control of the American people in mind, has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with statist tyranny. Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi care not one wit for the American people or this country. They only know the thirst for raw power that is the hallmark of the Marxist/Leninist ideologue.
Many times through this battle for the survival of this wondrous land, I and others like me have repeatedly called for our fellow Americans and Patriots to stand forth and be counted. Let your voices be heard for truth and freedom. Now is perhaps the time when our need is the greatest. We must make these ‘lawmakers’ know that we know what they are about, and far more than that, we know who they are!
We must call, write, fax, email and bombard their offices in Washington D.C. and in their individual districts in the various states. Demand answers! Be respectful but tell them exactly what you think and that you know exactly what they are up to. Once again, it’s OK to be angry but don’t be out of hand. You have every right to be angry when these supposed ‘representatives’ of the people have been anything but. Don’t take no for an answer. It’s our country and our lives and the lives of your children that are at stake. Call and keep calling…visit offices and keep visiting… email and keep emailing.
God love you for your efforts and God save this great nation.
Tell key Congressmen listed below to vote no. Fax, call and even personally visit each in their offices in Washington DC:
PLEASE CALL! DC Office Local Office State District
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3868 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
Obama: “We just want an up or down vote”. He lies. Despite a multi-state blitz resembling his 2008 campaign tour the President’s message has fallen flat, despite picked audiences of SEIU goons, medical pity cases, little kids, and a security guard service to ensure that no real American Patriots would be able to infiltrate Obama’s fifth column performance. Judging by polling results, the general perception of the public to the demands put forth by Obama have shown them to be decidedly underwhelmed, leaving our transformational Marxist looking like the blush is off of his rose.
Meanwhile, back at the farm, Madame Pelosi’s parade isn’t looking that much better either. We keep hearing her say ‘we have the votes, we have the votes’, reminiscent of Chicken Little and “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”, even as the Democrats descend farther and farther into more desperate schemes for passage of one of the most thoroughly hated pieces of legislation in US history.
Louise Slaughter
The House Madame may be courting what’s called the Slaughter solution, an extra-constitutional scheme to actually try to cram the Senate version of Obama-care through the House, without actually having a recorded vote on the bill. The Slaughter solution is named after Louise Slaughter (D) NY, the House Rules Chairwoman. In this scheme the House ‘deems’ the Senate version of Obama care to have been passed by the House. House members would still have to vote on whether to pass the rule but would then be able to say that they only voted for the rule, not the bill itself.
What??!! This is so far out there, it’s difficult to fathom. This move would be sure to further inflame an already angry electorate and generate immediate constitutional challenges. Using every trick in the book… bribes, blandishments, threats, promises of federal jobs if constituents seek revenge against what they see as abandonment and malfeasance by their elected representatives. The leadership is trying desperately to rope in the required votes, which as we stated yesterday, they just don’t have at this point.
It’s obvious how desperate they are. This desperation is what makes them so very dangerous. They have staked everything on this very bad piece of legislation. Being ideologically driven, they have deluded themselves into thinking that it’s somehow something the American people want, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Vice Emperor Biden’s sidewalk act isn’t playing well in places like Tel Aviv, Beersheba, Haifa, or Jerusalem. The administration’s choice for ‘putting those Jews in their place’ is no intellectual giant in the first place, as he has proven on innumerable occasions both at home and abroad. In this he’s much like his boss, the would-be once and future king. Too bad the President hasn’t figured out that the American people don’t cotton much to kings, dictators or wannabes. Much to ‘Jumpin’ Joe Biden’s discomfiture, the Israelis have this one down pat also.
Joe Biden and President Shimon Peres
Joe is so dense that he went to Israel planning on tapping in to the autumn of Israeli discontent, in the form of the completely discredited and now powerless liberals, who have been the loudest proponents of an appeasement policy towards the very ‘Palestinian’ terrorists who would gleefully see to the annihilation of every man, woman and child in the State of Israel.
These same ‘appeaseniks’ are the ones who would trade away much of Israel’s strategic security in fanciful ‘land-for-peace’ deals. Shamefully, many of these bogus ’security’ deals have been fostered by a United States desperate to show some sort of moral high ground at the expense of the Israeli people through several administrations. This points to a sadly deficient State Department which has been proven to be not only anti-American, but anti-semitic as well.
Speaking of anti-semitic, we have ‘good old Joe’ scolding the Israelis for not buying into Barack Hussein Obama’s latest attempt to collar Israel and have them cower in front of His Magnificence. The Israelis announced no intention to reverse the decision to build 1600 settlers’ homes on the occupied West Bank, on land annexed to the holy city. Ramat Shlomo is part of the area that Israel considers to be part of the holy city and capital of the State.
Biden was depending on selling the Israelis the idea that his boss, Barack Obama, was committed to defending Israel from the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran. A claim which recent cowardly reversals by the administration have proven to be patently untrue.
Sorry, Joe. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I mentioned growing up on a small ranch. As a child I was able to observe the habits of our animals at length. One of the things that fascinated me was watching the sitting hens (a sitting hen was one who was broody and was allowed to hatch chicks) parade their chicks out into the chicken yard for the first time. The chicks would respond to the mother hen’s incessant clucking, keeping in tight order behind her and ready to flee to safety under her at the first hint of danger.
Nancy Pelosi has been having her own problems keeping her chicks in line as a fractious membership repeatedly attempts to bolt from the nest. Any reference to the Speaker as an old hen is coincidental.
There is a story out there saying Pelosi is losing her grip, with a picture of a frantic looking Nancy holding up a claw-like hand a la The Wicked Witch Of The West, sans purple skin color. That’s sort of how the whole thing is playing out for the House Madame and the Democrat House right now.
House members are bolting for good reason. With unremitting pressure from their leadership and the White House on one hand and the growing anger of the country on the other, it’s a thankless position to start with. What is becoming apparent is that despite the calls from the leadership and the proclamations from the White House to sacrifice careers, at this point the votes just aren’t there.
With pro-life members threatening to vote no and the hard left saying they’ll vote no on any bill that does not have the single payer clause, there is plenty to worry about. But there are probably others who are ready to jump ship as well, but won’t say so for fear of retribution by the White House and the leadership.
The other nasty little not-so-secret issue is that if the Democrats should win by passing the bill against the will of the people… they lose. If they lose, they still lose.
The perception of the electorate will have been that they attempted to suborn the will of the people through using the reconciliation process.
I wish someone would tell me why this character should have a single Republican member of Congress listen to him, much less be influenced by a single word emanating from his smarmy mouth. In his latest essay in treacherous gum beating he’s let it be known that he’ll play deal maker on Guantanamo Bay.
Lindsey Graham
On Sunday, this cretin actually had the chutzpah to tell the White House that he would work to convince Republicans to ‘go along with closing Guantanamo Bay’, if the President reverses his intention of trying high-profile terrorists on continental U.S. soil.
Graham, ever anxious to ingratiate himself with the administration and bolster his RINO credentials, came in a little late on this one though, since public rage over the proposed trials has all but forced Obama to go back to Guantanamo and military tribunals… aside from the fact that in all likelihood he would be unable to garner support from the Republican membership, other than perhaps a few like-minded RINOs.
Lindsey Graham is the poster child for everything that is anathema to Conservative Republicans and most Independents as well. With an oily, slithering ‘let’s make a deal’ attitude with very little principled moral compass behind him, Graham has made a career thumbing his nose at his Conservative brethren. Time after time ingratiating himself with liberals and advancing their agenda in the face of opposition from his ‘own’ party, continually aligning himself with other liberal (moderate) elements in the Republican party and using the ‘mantle’ of Republican for political cover. So much so that he has been censured by the Conservative-loyal Republican party in his own home state, “for many of the positions he has taken that do not represent the people of South Carolina”.
Among the more spectacular buffoonery Graham has pulled was to align himself with the treasonous John (Swiftboat) Kerry, to push for the economy and back-breaking Cap and Trade legislation so sought after by the leftist Obama administration. Graham is another one who has bought into the fakery and faux secular religion of global warming / climate change.
Graham is also remembered for memberships in both the gang of ten and the gang of fourteen with that great thumb-in-the-eye RINO John McCain, thwarting the aims of their own party leadership time after time and giving victory to opponents. Does anybody remember Graham supporting TARP? I do. His pro illegal alien stance is also another in his long list of perfidy. The party can do nothing finer than to isolate this snake oil vendor, and all like him, until they can be voted out of office.
The vote on health care in the House is just around the corner. It’s time to make our displeasure with the authoritarian aims of the White House and the Democrat House felt in no uncertain terms again. It seems like this last year has been a progression from one desperate struggle to another and it isn’t over yet. Not by a long shot. Stand up and be heard.
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