The strength of the so-called Tea Party groups has been that they are entirely the expression of the American people. They are a direct result of the danger that the country is in. It is a popular movement, driven by the will of a people who have been pushed to their limits by an oppressive regime dedicated to an alien way of life which imposes their doctrine of tyranny over every aspect of our lives.
The Patriot Movement has emerged as the heart of the Republican Party, with 60% of Republicans stating that they are Conservative. A not surprising additional 20% of Independents identify themselves as Tea Party members… bad news for the De Marxists who virtually had the independent vote to themselves in the 2008 election cycle.
This oft buried factoid has Democrat planners really concerned over the 2012 Presidential elections… it’s the independent voters who most often determine the course of any tight race in America. As if that wasn’t enough, they’re saddled with what looks like the least saleable second-term President in US history.
I predicted, even before Barack Hussein Obama was elected, that the burnish would soon fade off his shiny armor and his charger would turn to a jackass. Being right has little satisfaction when in the last two and a half years this neophyte emperor has overseen the loss of over two million American jobs and the deliberate assault on the American economy on a multitude of fronts. We all see it, we all feel it. The American mind is focused like a laser.
The Tea Party and the Independents have one more decidedly unpleasant missive for the DeMarxists that they’d just as soon you don’t know… and you won’t see in the slavish leftist media. There’s another block of Patriot Tea Party members comprising another 20%. These are Democrat votes, caught up in the Constitutional Patriot wave which is sweeping the nation. These are disillusioned Patriotic Democrats who cannot abide what has become of their party and others for whom the name Obama has become anathema.
It’s the so-called Reagan coalition, born again out of the heart of America.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2011
Don't Be a Dried Up Worm
Some of my earliest memories are fishing with my grandfather. I could not
swim, so he strapped me into an ancient, ill-fitting lifejacket that reeked
of ol...
2 years ago
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